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Online Job Applications (long)

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  • Online Job Applications (long)

    Since when did filling out job applications become such a tedious process? I'm talking about the online ones where they have like 100 pages of crap to fill out. Aside from the basic contact info, and personal info, this crap includes,

    -Being asked the same crap over and over again, but worded differently. Some of this is intentional because of the questionair crap (which I'll get to later), but sometimes it's just bad programming because there's like 7 different parts which all requires the same info.

    -Many long E-contracts to read. Lucky for me, I already applied at those places so I know it's just the same old "We're not obligated to hire you, will you submit to a drug test, we will own your soul" kind of stuff. So I just skim through it.

    -Some require setting up your own account. Seriously? I'm only applying here once, why do I need to make an account and password?

    -And because sometimes the system fucks up and crashes in the middle, you need a restart code. This is a handy little thing to have, but in addition to the restart code, you need a restart password as well. WTF? Isn't the code enough? And of course, the password has to be numbers and letters, atleast 6 characters, and can't be the same as your code. A minor annoyance, but an unnecessary one, and hey, it piles up.

    -WAY too much information. Look, I can remember the volunteer work I did, where I did it, what I did, who I did it for, but I can't remember the exact date I started, and the exact date I quit. I can give a rough estimate, but the system doesn't allow it!

    -Which brings up another thing, some fields are manditory, but in some cases don't apply. Like, with volunteer work, how much I made shouldn't apply since it's, you know, volunteer, but it's a mandatory field, so I have to put something! In one other instance, prior work experience (WORK experience, not volunteer) was manditory, even if you didn't have any! You could put none, but all the other fields for that were manditory.

    -Overall, just too much information needed that shouldn't even matter. They make what should be a simple application way too complicated. I didn't even have that much experience, and it takes me atleast a half an hour for each one!

    And if all that wasn't bad enough, they usually end the application with a survery consisting of 100 of the dumbest, touchy feely, will you bend over backwards for us, multiple choice survey questions ever! Not only do they want perfect slave material, but they want people who enjoy being a slave.

    "You hate following rules" (why not just say you don't mind following rules?)

    "You enjoy working under preasure" (pretty sure that was one of the questions).

    And then there are others like,

    "Your friends always come to you first" (Oh I hate these ones)

    "You like to talk a lot" (So sue me, I'm an introvert)

    "People do a lot of annoying things" (You really want me to answer that one honestly?)

    And hundreds of others that if answered honestly, at least 99.9999999% of the human race would fail epically on it. I know you're supposed to BS on them, but I think part of them actually expects this in their workers. They either want liars, or people who are inhuman cartoon characters. And just saying agree or disagree isn't enough, you have to STRONGLY agree or STRONGLY disagree. You have to be religiously devoted to the company or they don't want you. Well on planet earth, not everything is in black and white, okay?

    Gah! Why must applications be such a daunting task?

    DAMN IT!!!!!

  • #2
    Oh good lord I hate these. I hate regular applications as well. I get that they want a form thing or whatever, but dammit, that's why I make resumes! I especially hate it when they want both the application and the resume and they both have the exact same info on it.


    • #3
      I agree.

      Though we don't have long questionnaires over here, it can still be a tedious process when one has to type in the entire resume, instead of just uploading one you've written yourself.

      I prefer the online applications that just go: Enter name and address, upload resume, upload cover letter, press "Send".

      Hopefully things will change soon - several trade unions have pointed out that it may be discriminatory to have applicants fill out fields concerning age, gender and marital status. (Laws over here state clearly that a company is not allowed to "weed out" applicants based on age/gender/marital status etc.)


      • #4
        I hate having to feel those out. They are like you mentioned, 100 pages. I want to just upload a resume or just hand them in. If they want a reference page, I can give them that also


        • #5
          I prefer applications over handing in a resume, because at least with an application you know exactly what information they're looking for and won't get penalized for something stupid like font choice (I've seen advice that you should choose something unobtrusive but *not* one of the defaults, but then I also know someone who will throw out anything not in Times New Roman 12 point.)

          As for the personality test things, I always wonder how those are really scored. Do they want people who give all the obviously-right answers (and it's not always obvious which would be right anyway) or do they want to weed out both those who are too stupid to lie about being a thief *and* those who will say anything to get hired?
          "My in-laws are country people and at night you can hear their distinctive howl."


          • #6
            Quick question bro, and its not meant for an attack.

            But uh, is there anything you do like?
            Toilet Paper has been "bath tissue" for the longest time, and it really chaps my ass - Blas
            I AM THE MAN of the house! I wear the pants!!! But wife buys the pants so....yeah.


            • #7
              Originally posted by muses_nightmare View Post
              Oh good lord I hate these. I hate regular applications as well. I get that they want a form thing or whatever, but dammit, that's why I make resumes! I especially hate it when they want both the application and the resume and they both have the exact same info on it.
              That's another one! I have my own little resume, but a lot of the time, it's useless. Then when it is usefull, I have to type the same fucking information again, even though it's all on the resume. What's the point?

              Originally posted by Plaidman View Post
              Quick question bro, and its not meant for an attack.

              But uh, is there anything you do like?
              Well, this forum for one, and a lot of other things, but this probably wouldn't be the best place to post about them.

              Hey, that might be a good idea for a subforum.


              • #8
                I couldn't agree more with you, online applications is partly why I slacked off on my job search because you have to know exactly when a company is hiring and apply only for that one position. Sure you can detail your response so your more likely to be picked but sometimes a general this is who I am that you can blanket I think would be better.
                I went to my colleges fall "job" (note sarcasim) expo. Most companies that attended were doing some shady things, either not accepting paper resumes, please go online and apply. doing all the annoying stuff you mentioned. OR were on a hiring freeze and not accepting an applications, which really WTF are you doing at job fair. At least the one HR woman who had no positions of my type was kind enough to give my resume a quick look and offer some suggestions of what could improve it.

                What sucks, is I'm to honest sometimes. Lol back looking for summer jobs I couldn't be hired at taco bell because I think for myself. I'm sorry that if I noticed a spill on the floor I would clean it up instead of asking the manager what to do.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by insertNameHere View Post
                  What sucks, is I'm to honest sometimes. Lol back looking for summer jobs I couldn't be hired at taco bell because I think for myself. I'm sorry that if I noticed a spill on the floor I would clean it up instead of asking the manager what to do.
                  Yes, I was honest at first when asked those too. My train of thought was "Maybe they want to seek out the BSers". Boy was I wrong.


                  Read some of the answers they want and see how much bullshit this test really is!

                  Asking for a manager first? Why do they even want employees if they need the manager for every little thing? I would not only hate that if I were the employee, but the manager as well.

                  Originally posted by HYHYBT View Post
                  I prefer applications over handing in a resume, because at least with an application you know exactly what information they're looking for and won't get penalized for something stupid like font choice (I've seen advice that you should choose something unobtrusive but *not* one of the defaults, but then I also know someone who will throw out anything not in Times New Roman 12 point.)
                  You can get penalized over font choice?! Jesus H Christ, how fucking picky do employers have to be? It's this psuedo psychology bullshit that can be found on yahoo articles. Probably something along the lines of "Font choice can open your eyes about a persons personality".

                  What a shit load of fuck!


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Rageaholic View Post
                    -Some require setting up your own account. Seriously? I'm only applying here once, why do I need to make an account and password?
                    I can kind of see this. Some jobs are a temp contract, or you don't quite fit job a, but job b comes along later that you want to apply for. It does make things a little bit easier.

                    What drives me nuts is that while some companies do have a "career account" which is only for job seekers, others you have to sign up as a client to apply there.

                    Wait, what?

                    One site I went to was for an auto rental place, and it required you to sign up with them to work for them apparently. I myself don't have a drivers license. Are they going to hold the fact that I'm unable to use their service against me?


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Rageaholic View Post
                      Yes, I was honest at first when asked those too. My train of thought was "Maybe they want to seek out the BSers". Boy was I wrong.


                      Read some of the answers they want and see how much bullshit this test really is!
                      first off Rageaholic thanks for that link I'm definitely going to have to take tips from that next time I have to take a test like that online.

                      I pulled this from Strongly Agree
                      "You are always cheerful", "You do not fake being polite"
                      um, yeah right nobody is like that.

                      I mean i always thought of how they might want me to answer the questions but some of them ask same questions in different way to make sure your true feelings come through. And I see how being honest has screwed me on job apps now. Because I don't know about you guys but I only used strongly agree for shit I actually agreed with.

                      Also took test for military where they gave you same style questions. But you had to pick the one that was more likely to be you, even it wasn't true. Then they had shit that came down to things lke

                      "Would you rather miss work, or drown a litter of puppies?" UM WTF am I supposed to pick, I know i would rather miss work than drown a litter of puppies. But I would look like a shit employee for saying I want to miss work. Of course if I drown puppies, I'm an unstable maniac so what are you supposed to pick.


                      • #12
                        OMG I love you!
                        I'm so frustrated with the whole application process anyway, but these online apps are a BITCH! I hate the idea that a computer is making decisions on who should be hired without a real person ever seeing the applicant!

                        Originally posted by insertNameHere View Post
                        I couldn't agree more with you, online applications is partly why I slacked off on my job search because you have to know exactly when a company is hiring and apply only for that one position.
                        Same here. I've been unemployed for almost a year and a half, and I'm running out of money and credit to live on, but I can't deal with all this job-hunting bullshit!

                        Originally posted by insertNameHere View Post
                        I went to my colleges fall "job" (note sarcasim) expo. Most companies that attended were doing some shady things, either not accepting paper resumes, please go online and apply. doing all the annoying stuff you mentioned. OR were on a hiring freeze and not accepting an applications, which really WTF are you doing at job fair.
                        The hell?!

                        Originally posted by insertNameHere View Post
                        What sucks, is I'm to honest sometimes. Lol back looking for summer jobs I couldn't be hired at taco bell because I think for myself. I'm sorry that if I noticed a spill on the floor I would clean it up instead of asking the manager what to do.
                        That's my problem too. If I thought I could own my own business, I would, because I am not cut out to be a bootlicking slave!

                        Originally posted by Rageaholic View Post

                        Asking for a manager first? Why do they even want employees if they need the manager for every little thing? I would not only hate that if I were the employee, but the manager as well.

                        Originally posted by Rageaholic View Post

                        You can get penalized over font choice?! Jesus H Christ, how fucking picky do employers have to be? It's this psuedo psychology bullshit that can be found on yahoo articles. Probably something along the lines of "Font choice can open your eyes about a persons personality".

                        What a shit load of fuck!
                        Right on!

                        Originally posted by lordlundar View Post

                        What drives me nuts is that while some companies do have a "career account" which is only for job seekers, others you have to sign up as a client to apply there.

                        Wait, what?

                        One site I went to was for an auto rental place, and it required you to sign up with them to work for them apparently. I myself don't have a drivers license. Are they going to hold the fact that I'm unable to use their service against me?
                        THE HELL???!!!


                        • #13
                          Oh gods, I hate this as well. I'm unemployed since two weeks, and I'm sending in applications for pretty much everything. Most of it goes well, but there are some places that just pisses me off. Tried to register with a temp staffing agency, unfortunatly they had a needlessly complicated web page, which meant that my fucked up computer wouldn't let me open up the Java scripted form that they wanted me to fill out. Fuck them asses.


                          • #14
                            Asking for a manager first? Why do they even want employees if they need the manager for every little thing? I would not only hate that if I were the employee, but the manager as well.
                            For some jobs this makes sense, at least at my last job which was dealing at a casino. We weren't allowed to fix any of our mistakes on our own for security reasons (gotta watch the money!). Given we called a supe over, rather than the floor manager usually. But for things like fast food and department store stuff, retail work, why on earth would you get a manager before doing your job? no one would get any work done if they had to do that!


                            • #15
                              "Any trouble you have is your own fault" You're supposed to answer "Strongly Agree" to that. But other questions seem to imply that other peoples trouble are your problem as well. WTF? I hate this "everything is your fault" mentality.

                              I don't know about anyone else, but I wouldn't want a job where they'd expect me to hurt cute innocent puppies. I love animals too much to do so.

