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Your job means your stupid

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  • #16
    Originally posted by jackfaire View Post
    Customer service rep is a great way to get your foot in the door at companies. Most of the higher ups in any call center were once on the phones just like me
    That's one of the perks of working in a call center, you can make a decent amount of money sitting on your ass all day taking calls, even though you deal with a crap ton of stress from customers and management.Even somebody who is starting out can get a good shot at climbing higher on the ladder for a higher position.

    Originally posted by Racket_Man View Post
    that is my job to a T

    Look we have all heard the stereotype of the pizza/chinnese/sandwich/whatever delivery driver ie.
    1. HS dropout
    2. heavy stoner (or worse) and to boot whilst driving
    3. loser (whatever defination you want to use)
    4. uninltelligent moron
    5. no education above dropping out of HS
    6. no ambition in life in general
    7. makes lots and lots of money
    8. total interovert geektype
    9. bad almost criminal driving habits
    I HATE HATE HATE stereotypes. I've been working in call centers for over 5 years and what I HATE is when an SC thinks you're reading from a script when you tell them no (and have to repeat yourself ad nauseum because they're too hard-headed to accept no). Then on top of that the SC's that think that when they call tech support that they know better than you and that you're just another phone monkey in the cubicle zoo and brag about how they're so big and bad with computers and they refuse to take your advice and argue with you. Look asshole, don't waste my time with your over-inflated ego trying to make me feel like shit because it's not working. Second, if you don't like what I have to say and think you know more than me when I know you're full of shit then you can save your breath and get off my damn phone! GAAAAAH!!!! </rant>
    There are no stupid questions, just stupid people...


    • #17
      I've also had that from people.

      I like working retail and I like working in a petrol station. I get to talk to people, be part of a close knit team, and I get to do different things every day. I'd hate to be trapped in an office.

      But, get this, I am clever. I have GCSEs, A-Levels and an NVQ. I'm well read. So please refrain from talking down to me.
      "Oh wow, I can't believe how stupid I used to be and you still are."


      • #18
        I don't get the "You're stupid" from people as much as I get the "You're uneducated" or "You're worthless" from working in a factory.

        There are the typical stereotypes of factory workers, I won't even bother to list them.

        My own mother, after patting me on the back for being so independent and hard working and keeping a steady full time job for years and not needing any help then tore into me for not going to college yet and then pretty much said that the reason my little brother has so many more privileges than I did at his age is because he has gone to college and is friends with all college kids, so that means he is educated and they are educated, meaning that none of them can be bad or shady or characters.

        Yeah, thanks mom. Looks like I'm a shady seed and so are all of my friends.

        Which one of your kids is still living at home with you not paying a cent of rent or buying his own groceries or even paying his own insurance?

        Yeah. That's what I thought.


        • #19
          Originally posted by blas87 View Post
          Yeah, thanks mom. Looks like I'm a shady seed and so are all of my friends.

          Which one of your kids is still living at home with you not paying a cent of rent or buying his own groceries or even paying his own insurance?

          Yeah. That's what I thought.
          Gasp you mean it was the Factory workers running Enron??!!??
          Jack Faire


          • #20
            According to my mom, we are all shady, uneducated morons who only know how to push buttons and make and test stuff.

            So yes, I guess so.

            She didn't word it exactly like that, but she insinuated it.


            • #21
              I've never really understood why working in an office automatically makes a person clever anyway. *shrugs* Especially seeing as I get office type suity people at the petrol station who seemingly are unable to either pump petrol properly or use the air machine.
              "Oh wow, I can't believe how stupid I used to be and you still are."


              • #22
                There's an office nearby where my mom works, and the Subway next door.

                They may be computer and paper smart, but they sure as hell don't know how to use a sidewalk or order a sandwich.


                • #23
                  Originally posted by blas87 View Post
                  There's an office nearby where my mom works, and the Subway next door.

                  They may be computer and paper smart, but they sure as hell don't know how to use a sidewalk or order a sandwich.
                  that's just it...the big professional types (doctors, lawyers etc) may have gone to school for a long ass time and all that shit....but when it comes to common sense stuff they have no clue and are DUMB.
                  Great YouTube channel check it out!


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by telecom_goddess View Post
                    that's just it...the big professional types (doctors, lawyers etc) may have gone to school for a long ass time and all that shit....but when it comes to common sense stuff they have no clue and are DUMB.
                    As my grandma used to say, "never overestimate someone's education, nor underestimate their intelligince"
                    "I'm Gar and I'm proud" -slytovhand


                    • #25
                      Amusingly it occured to me that anyone who judges intelligence by job must do the reverse. I was at the library checking out a book on Renissance art for a little light reading, and it occured to me do they assume I have some big job like doctor or lawyer? Because god forbid a college drop out could be interested in culture.

                      Sadly it seems most people in my demographic seem to embrace the "I must be stupid" thought process.
                      Jack Faire

