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People outside Utah dismissing experiences of those in Utah

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  • #31
    oh yes

    Want to see what I deal with on a daily basis
    comments on todays parade

    Oh, and that is the LIBERAL paper!
    There are such wonderful quotes as
    "Diversity" IS great... Moral depravity? That's another story... The Pope calls homosexuality a disgrace before God.
    No matter how much you try to scream "we're normal" the other 95% of the world is saying, "No, you're perverted, unhappy and gross!!"
    Look at me, I'm different, I need attention.
    Freak Day
    it is already a mockery to your creator to live such a lifestyle. but to parade it about, put it out there as normal and acceptable before our children, and then to punctuate it by doing it on the sabbath? you will meet your maker. we all will. i hope for your happiness, yet testify before the world that you won't find it long term with choices and lifestyles like these.
    So why is this necessary? The LGBT community says they want to be treated as equals, then they do this crap? Why draw attention to yourselves like this. I agree that most - maybe not 95 but 90% of the population think these people are freaks.
    The lemmings were out in force this weekend. They are not too far from heading over the cliff. Don't worry little lemmings, Rev. Jim Jones did it back in 1978.
    Bigotry?....Hate?....Racists? You FREAKS are not a race! It's amazing that there is even a trace of humanity in your reflections!...If there were not laws to keep your kind in check, we would see the reality of your so-called GAY-PRIDE! Acts of unrepenting lewdness and vile filth!...But then, your playing your part in what was prophesied. So let it be! I argue with you, you argue with me, and in the END only one is right!

    Want to know who defended us... if you didn't guess atheists you're wrong.

    So, either stand the fuck up and speak out against these people PUBLICLY and be willing to put your money where your mouth is (do what my mother did, tell her minister she would come back when the church stopped teaching that homosexuals are inferior) or accept being grouped with those people.

    Yes, I am a bigot and I'm damned proud of, because when I meet my God, I can say, I lived with honor and integrity and did NOT associate with those who would sell their integrity to not make waves and go along with the crowd. Don't like it, fucking flame away, ban me for all I care, all you'll have proved is that you are exactly what I accuse Christians of being.
    "I'm Gar and I'm proud" -slytovhand


    • #32
      oh, and this

      I even have pictures of what I see of Christianity, as they say, a picture is worth a thousand words

      I can see just how much Christians love me.
      "I'm Gar and I'm proud" -slytovhand


      • #33
        Originally posted by smileyeagle1021 View Post

        So, following up on Admin's post, you don't want to be labeled as a bigot and clumped in with the homophobic members of Christianity, how bout rather than bitching about how it's so unfair that you are being lumped with them to actually do something like stand up and start demanding change, demand that your voice be counted as well and stop just going along with the crowd mumbling about how you disagree.
        How, exactly, do you know what I have or have not done? Short answer? You don't. I guarantee you I've done more than your mother did. Hell, I've probably done more than you have. Do you follow your own advice, or is that just something you spew to try to make people fell like they aren't doing enough for you? Just like I don't know first hand what you've been through, you don't know what I've done to keep others from going through what you've been through. No. You're so insistent on holding on to your hate, you disregard everything that might prove otherwise.

        I've often wondered if there were really no Christians in Utah who don't hate. Who want equality for everyone. I'm thinking, you're so focused on looking for the ones that hate you, you completely look over the ones who don't. Good job proving me right.

        You know why people have issues with a lot of pro-minority groups? Because they do nothing but bitch about how the world is mistreating them. Nothing. And people get tired of hearing it. So, I'm done. You can insist I hate you all you want. Apparently, it makes you sleep better at night. I know that any issues I may have with you have not a damned thing to do with you being gay, but if you want to believe it does, go right ahead.

        Oh, by the way: I myself am bisexual. Or does that not count, because I'm Christian and Republican?
        Last edited by Ree; 06-07-2010, 09:56 AM. Reason: Fixed quote tag
        Do not lead, for I may not follow. Do not follow, for I may not lead. Just go over there somewhere.


        • #34
          Yes, I am a bigot and I'm damned proud of, because when I meet my God, I can say, I lived with honor and integrity and did NOT associate with those who would sell their integrity to not make waves and go along with the crowd. Don't like it, fucking flame away, ban me for all I care, all you'll have proved is that you are exactly what I accuse Christians of being.
          Seriously dude come down off the cross. You are no better then the Christians that you seem to hate so much or the any of the hate mongers that you so detest. You preach hate just as well as they do. 2 wrongs do not make a right.

          I have seen dicks on both sides... Bash Back is a good example of what not to do just as Westboro or how ever the nut job christian group is spelled is a good example of what christian shouldn't be. But you spouting off hate just justifies the other side... if it is not ok for them then it shouldn't be ok for you.

          I am a republocrat... some of the things Rep do I am in favor of... some of the things Dems do I am in favor of... and they both piss me off.

          I was raised that same sex relations were against God.. but as I grew something dawned on me... that the phrase let he who is without sin cast the first stone.. really stood for something. My MiL is gay, as is my BiL, my best friend that is like a brother, friends that I work with,... and to me.. be it a sin or not.. be it right or not.. it isnt my place to judge.. It is my place to treat everyone with love.. or at least try to.. I am not perfect... I believe everyone deserves the same rights... Because at the end of it all it is the person who stands before what ever comes next..

          In the end I want to say.. though I may not agree with things.. that I tried to follow the rule of let he who is without sin cast the first stone and the rule of loving others as I wish to be loved.

          I am sorry that the small percentage of people that you deal with are dicks... there is dicks in every group and they are always the loudest and most visible. I have been insulted by people who are gay, called a breeder and other names... I have had my own father get pissed cause I refuse to say someone is going to hell. No one is going to accept everyone.

          But when it comes down to it in the end... an eye for an eye makes the whole world blind. And as my grandmother would say... nothing pisses off your enemy more then you loving them with all their flaws.


          • #35
            Originally posted by smileyeagle1021 View Post
            I even have pictures of what I see of Christianity, as they say, a picture is worth a thousand words
            You see the splinter in your neighbors eye, but not the beam in your own...

            Headline: Crisis in Haiti: Two Trusted Catholic Chairties worth supporting include the "Catholic Relief Society" and "Fonkoze"

            See? You're not the only one who can use Google images for your own means.


            • #36
              Originally posted by Hobbs View Post

              See? You're not the only one who can use Google images for your own means.
              Google images?
              No, those are my own photos... I didn't have to go out looking for them, they came to me. The LGBT community in Utah asks for ONE day a year when we can celebrate who we are... that is apparently too much for these folk, they can't even give us that much. It's not good enough that the extremists control all 3 branches of the Utah government, they can't settle for fighting to keep discrimination legal, can't settle for the knowledge that short of the US Supreme Court changing marriage laws there is no way that gays and lesbians will ever have legally recognized relationships in the state is not good enough for them, they have a "god given duty" to disrupt that one day (actually, they have a God given duty to kill us if you believe the Bible, Leviticus doesn't leave ANY room for interpretation on that count).

              You know, I would love to know what it is like to not have a mistrust and hatred... having nothing to go off of other than the good word of people online that trust us, it's different other places and my few friends who aren't homophobic douches who say they wish more people were like them, and then on a weekly basis being told to "burn in hell fag" or "god hates fags" or some variation thereof, or hearing our state representatives and church representatives going on about how "homosexuals are the greatest threat this nation is facing", once again, the only rebuttal being from the good word of people online and a few friends while this supposed majority who doesn't share these views stays deafingly silent.

              When the Klu Klux Klan attacks a black person in some podunk town in Alabama (or wherever) there is a nationwide response of outrage against those who would commit such a horrific act... the Salt Lake Tribune didn't even bother to report the last attack on a gay couple in Salt Lake outside of the police blotter because they knew it wouldn't sell papers (the story was instead picked up by the QSaltlake).
              "I'm Gar and I'm proud" -slytovhand


              • #37
                Originally posted by smileyeagle1021 View Post

                You know, I would love to know what it is like to not have a mistrust and hatred... having nothing to go off of other than the good word of people online that trust us, it's different other places and my few friends who aren't homophobic douches who say they wish more people were like them, and then on a weekly basis being told to "burn in hell fag" or "god hates fags" or some variation thereof, or hearing our state representatives and church representatives going on about how "homosexuals are the greatest threat this nation is facing", once again, the only rebuttal being from the good word of people online and a few friends while this supposed majority who doesn't share these views stays deafingly silent.
                I for one, am disgusted that you lump me and others (the "people online") as staying, "deafingly silent." How the Hell do you know what myself and others do for equality? You don't.

                I also don't think you'd truly want to live in a world without your mistrust and hatred. Like others have stated, it seems to be the only driving force of your life. I've been openly discriminated against, but you don't see me calling out, "Kill Whitey!" or advocating hatred towards a certain group of people.


                • #38
                  Originally posted by Hobbs View Post
                  I for one, am disgusted that you lump me and others (the "people online") as staying, "deafingly silent." How the Hell do you know what myself and others do for equality? You don't.
                  I'm wondering if both of us aren't going in with preconceived notions about what the other is saying?
                  I said all I have to go by was the good word of a few people online and a few close friends.
                  For all I know, you may very well be out there somewhere shouting your lungs out... but somewhere between there and here (with the exception of on this site) that shouting gets lost and blends into the ambient noise and none of it gets heard here. Right now, there is a hell of a lot more people shouting against than for.
                  "I'm Gar and I'm proud" -slytovhand


                  • #39
                    Am I the only one who read all the signs (there's one on the right of interest) in Smiley's first photo?

                    Looks like not everyone's silent.

                    Proud to be a W.A.N.K.E.R. - Womanless And No Kids - Exciting Rubbing!
                    Reclaiming words is fun!


                    • #40
                      Originally posted by Rapscallion View Post
                      Am I the only one who read all the signs (there's one on the right of interest) in Smiley's first photo?

                      Looks like not everyone's silent.

                      LOL Sweetness.
                      Violence has resolved more conflicts than anything else. The contrary opinion that violence doesn't solve anything is merely wishful thinking at its worst. - Starship Troopers


                      • #41
                        Originally posted by Rapscallion View Post
                        Looks like not everyone's silent.

                        No, not everyone, the homosexuals in the community aren't being silent
                        And as I said, right now, it is hard to hear those few who are actually speaking out because they are so few (at least the vocal ones).

                        I don't know the current numbers, but I found the statistics for year end that back up my claim about how there are a lot more people shouting against than for, the HRC, the largest (and for many purposes ONLY) pro-equality group on the national level (there is also Equality America, but that isn't really a cohesive national group, it is a coalition of the different state groups) is in third place behind the Focus on the Family and Family Research Council... and that's just if you look at the groups who do nothing but anti-equality campaigns, that doesn't include groups like the Eagle Forum and the Cato Institute that only touch on GLBT issues in the larger context of "traditional conservative values".
                        I can not find a copy of the financials for HRC, but looking at Focus on the Family is quite interesting reading, donated to FOF was $119Million (give or take a couple hundred thousand... more give than take). Of which $114Million was spent on their Ministry (of course they have other sources of income and expenses, but those are the two largest)... I'm no mathematician... but that is a LOT.
                        Last edited by smileyeagle1021; 06-08-2010, 12:34 AM.
                        "I'm Gar and I'm proud" -slytovhand


                        • #42
                          Originally posted by smileyeagle1021 View Post
                          No, not everyone, the homosexuals in the community aren't being silent
                          Can you state with certainty that the person carrying that sign is not a heterosexual?
                          Do you know for a fact that the sign was being carried by a homosexual?

                          Just curious.
                          Point to Ponder:

                          Is it considered irony when someone on an internet forum makes a post that can be considered to look like it was written by a 3rd grade dropout, and they are poking fun of the fact that another person couldn't spell?


                          • #43
                            Originally posted by Ree View Post
                            Can you state with certainty that the person carrying that sign is not a heterosexual?
                            You can't see it in the picture, but the guy holding the sign was wearing a t-shirt saying "gay and proud"
                            There is a possibility that he is straight and just wearing the shirt... most likely though he is in fact gay
                            "I'm Gar and I'm proud" -slytovhand


                            • #44
                              Originally posted by smileyeagle1021 View Post
                              You can't see it in the picture
                              That's why I asked...
                              Point to Ponder:

                              Is it considered irony when someone on an internet forum makes a post that can be considered to look like it was written by a 3rd grade dropout, and they are poking fun of the fact that another person couldn't spell?


                              • #45
                                Originally posted by Rapscallion View Post
                                Am I the only one who read all the signs (there's one on the right of interest) in Smiley's first photo?

                                Looks like not everyone's silent.

                                I'd have to say, I think the sign saying, "I'm definitely NOT..." is the best sign there.

