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Proxy sites / software

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  • Proxy sites / software

    First, I really don't care if you're using them at your own home. Let them do whatever they want to your home PC (unless you're my wife but I don't even think she knows how to use them). Go ahead, use them at home. I really don't care.

    But - when you're at work, don't use them and don't even think about them.

    These are usually written by hacker groups and don't think they're just doing them to be the benevolent programmer group for people in countries that block internet sites (like China, Iran etc..).

    Yes, they have agendas, too.

    These programs and sites are made to circumvent firewalls and other security protocols. Now, they're allowing you to see the whole internet (or what they want you to so), what the hell do you think you're allowing them to see on our network?

    You're using them at work. Our customer base is chock full of things like social security numbers, business tax IDs, addresses, date of births, names, and so on. My company currently has roughly 20 million active customers and only god knows how many deactivated customers are in the database also.

    Yes, you are pissy because you can't go to your forums while at work, can't go to your favorite websites, browse your eBay listings, watch YouTube videos, or even chat on Facebook all day. Is that really worth YOUR customer's security? Is it really worth your work environment's efficiency? IS IT WORTH YOUR F-ING JOB???

  • #2
    All true...

    But then, if companies weren't so absurdly picky about what you're allowed to do on their computers even when you're on break or just have an idle moment to check something (and yes, I do see the difference) then there wouldn't be a temptation to try to work around the restrictions.
    "My in-laws are country people and at night you can hear their distinctive howl."


    • #3
      Now that I've been in my company's IT department a few years I've seen first hand what "innocent" sites can do. I've also seen the level of abuse people can do (putting off job responsibilities so they can go on the internet, posting on (company) sucks related forums, etc.

      Yes, I used to think it was a lot safer than it actually is and not as much of a distraction than it actually is to most people. We never abused it (looking for work-related sites, "smokeless smoke breaks" etc..) and those who did usually had it revoked but next thing you know, you step out to use the bathroom and they're on your computer browsing sites they shouldn't. The abuse got so widespread that they cut it company wide in the retail part of the company.

      Plus, now that everyone has laptops they bring into work (despite it being against policy), smart phones with web access they don't need the company's computers for access and installing proxy software is one of the largest risks they can do, let alone what else is allowed onto the PC while browsing.


      • #4
        Well, of course, if the phones and laptops can get through, that's different
        "My in-laws are country people and at night you can hear their distinctive howl."

