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company loyalty

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  • company loyalty

    I got this idea from a thread HERE and our one going about "team players"

    I will laugh if my company is expecting any kind of loyalty from the people they treat like cattle. I work with a girl who last year I found out she made .35 cents more an hour than I did but had been working at the store for 3 years, basically, when minimum wage went up she got screwed, and all her raises disappeared. This seems to happen pretty often when min wage goes up. SO, how can they expect loyal people when they pay the bare mimimum, make you bust you ass for a year to get a wage increase that is negated by any federal/state increases. I mean really, if I can quit and make the exact same if not more, what reason do I have to give myself to the company. For at 5 years I can get a cheap foam lunchbox??? Even worse is for me hoping to work my way into the corporate office makes me rethink it when they make it difficult along with how crappy people get treated. I mean with upper management so concerned about their bonus they don't give real reasons to the cattle like myself to why we need to do good other than just do it. Or you know what, actually following through on the pizza party we were promised months ago if we made a quota would be a great start. Since really, if your bonus is going to be SEVERAL THOUSAND, spend a hundred and feed us. Otherwise, I just learned the phrase, mimimum wage mimimum effort, if as my manager stated I have no hopes of being promoted, why work my ass off?

  • #2
    You get what you pay for and these companies need to understand that. If you want to pay more for duracell batteries, you'll get a good battery. if you buy the cheap knockoff brand for 50 cents, you get shitty batteries. Same as with people. I get a minimum wage job and I do just exactly that - the minimum. You want me to bust ass and really put in the extra effort - that costs money.


    • #3
      But DrFaroohk, the company is so kind to employ you during these economic times, you really should be more thankful to them I mean there are tons of people without a job! (That is what someone told me and it was hard not to laugh at them).

      I mean seriously times sucks but that doesn't mean treat your employees like shit because when it gets better, your company is fucked!


      • #4
        I've posted in the CS threads about this topic

        My boss just *loves* screwing over his employees. I've been with him, 12 years now. Excuse me while I go Over those 12 years, I've had my pay frozen, my taxes fucked up (thank you Guildford, you 1099 assholes!), my health benefits cut back, and the company contributions to my 401(k) cut back. Oh, and I've been screamed at, threatened with termination, and other bullshit. As all of the previously-mentioned events were going on, my boss did OK for himself--several new watercraft, a sports car, a 3rd rental home etc. All of that, and I'm supposed to be "loyal?" Pardon my French, but fuck that.

        I'll be "loyal," when there's a Ferrari in my garage, and I get the respect I deserve. I mean, I've literally outlasted *everyone* that my boss has hired over the years. Think of my job as Survivor, Office Edition. Yet, I get shit on.

        So, after his temper-tantrum over UPS shipping recently, I've only been doing the bare minimum. He's going to bitch no matter what I why bother to put in the effort?

        But, what's funny about all this crap, is that when people have quit...we get to hear about how there's "no company loyalty" any more. Um, are you fucking kidding me? The company has done *nothing* but screw people over! Of course there's no fucking loyalty! Eventually, people get tired of it and move on to greener pastures.


        • #5
          Hmm, I don't think I could be a manager in the civilian world. I'd fire too many people.


          • #6
            I'm glad this thread was made. I didn't want to steal the similar thread at CS and I fear this would have gotten feisty anyway.

            Anyone who isn't aware, at my work, we are being full blown spied on by the suits. Supposedly, they have even snuck in late at night and on the weekend nights to spy on employees, to make sure everyone is working and every machine is running every second of every minute of every hour of every day, and monitoring breaks to make sure no one goes over, and watching payroll to be sure that everyone is doing their required overtime. In their ignorant, absent minds, the reason our quality and our delivery times are so awful is because we have to be screwing around and people are sneaking out of overtime. Uh huh. No, it's because now we are to the point of enough people, too much product, not enough machines. You idiots keep raising and raising the goal and take every sale you can get, we had record sales one week and you wonder why the factory is swamped in work??

            My area is especially being spied on because we are the end of it all. Stuff is late before it even gets to us, and we are pushed, bullied, yelled at, hollered at, and harrassed until it gets done, even if it's not anyone in the area's fault (as usually, it's a quality issue) and then some. It's gotten to the point where everyone in charge is running around like chickens without heads clucking and shrieking and screaming and panicking. I'm wondering how many people are going to have heart attacks soon or start getting really sick from acting this way, it's flat out HYSTERIA.

            We are being spied on, like paparazzi stalking celebrities. Benefits and perks disappear every year. Overtime gets to be more and more and more required, they demand volunteers on certain weekends and threaten and bully that it WILL be made mandatory if X many people don't volunteer.

            And they wonder why no one gives a shit anymore and why people are so mad and why no one gets along anymore. And they wonder why people go on break and bitch and whine and complain and no one has any loyalty for the company, except the Team Players who are always harrassing for others to volunteer with them.

            We are biding our time. It's going slow, but soon, there will be more factory jobs. There will be a mass exodus, I can just foresee it. And I bet those idiots will be scratching their heads in complete confusion.
            Last edited by blas87; 07-04-2010, 08:58 AM.


            • #7
              Originally posted by Hobbs View Post
              Hmm, I don't think I could be a manager in the civilian world. I'd fire too many people.
              In many cases I was treated better in the service than I have been in some jobs. In the service respect is believed in and your treated accordingly.

              In civilian life your just a tool a manager has to work with and he values the shit on his shoe more than you.
              Jack Faire


              • #8
                Originally posted by Hobbs View Post
                Hmm, I don't think I could be a manager in the civilian world. I'd fire too many people.
                Why's that? Because in the civilian world one would be able to shout back at someone like yourself?


                • #9
                  I had a guy offer me a job today because he feels I'm a hard worker especially considering how my boss makes my job hard by not ordering basic supplies. Although, I'm generally not one to jump on job on a job that pays under the table for an extended period of time because well I need my work history and two it in an area of town I really wouldn't feel safe in without having my handguns with me, and yes that was meant to mean several. But, I'm actually giving it some serious thought because I would make 25% more, and still deal with same bullshit essentially.

                  However, on the flip side, I have decided I have loyalty to my new co-manager because well shit anyone who runs down the road to pick us up fast food on him because we are stuck working the 4th (major holiday in states) when he got off deserves a better work ethic. and actually I saw myself being more productive today despite being hungover from partying the night before and loathing my job less. and seriously, it was like $3 worth of stuff to get my cooperation.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by insertNameHere View Post
                    However, on the flip side, I have decided I have loyalty to my new co-manager because well shit anyone who runs down the road to pick us up fast food on him because we are stuck working the 4th (major holiday in states) when he got off deserves a better work ethic. and actually I saw myself being more productive today despite being hungover from partying the night before and loathing my job less. and seriously, it was like $3 worth of stuff to get my cooperation.

                    With me, it doesn't even take much. A simple 'thank you' or a 'good job' or showing me that you actually GIVE A SHIT that I work my ass off...

                    That's all it would take.

                    I posted something similar on CS earlier. My old supervisor moved to a new department. When I say that I would move heaven-and-earth for this man, I mean it. I miss him so much. And it was just the little things he did, like listening when I needed to vent about assholes, thanking me for going above-and-beyond, trusting me to do my job (and well) without hovering...stuff like that.

                    This man actually came in yesterday and worked in our department for 5 hours, because our idiot managers decided to let TWO people off (when the rule is one) on the third day after we took on a HUGE account that will double our business. He left at noon, and texted me and said to call him if I needed him to come back. THEN my co-worker told me that he (the supv) apparently had relatives in from out of town! I texted him back in NO uncertain terms that he was NOT coming back in. That I didn't care if the calls held for 20 fucking minutes to get served....and demanded that he enjoy his time off. Do i have the authority to do this? No - but he listened, because he knows how I am and was scared.

                    Anyway - My new supv isn't awful, but she's not great either. And I find myself just not giving a shit anymore. Sure, i still do my job, but I don't bust my ass like I used to.

                    Sorry for the threadjack - it's a really sore subject right now, and I feel for all of you that are going through this bullshit.
                    Last edited by Peppergirl; 07-05-2010, 06:54 AM.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Hobbs View Post
                      Hmm, I don't think I could be a manager in the civilian world. I'd fire too many people.
                      If you gave your employees half the benefits that the military gives service personell, you wouldn't have a single problem with employees. Hell, give your civilian employees the healthcare that the military offers and you will have undying loyalty.
                      The military is most definitely not an easy gig, but they do reward those who make it accordingly.
                      After my first review at the hotel, having had been there for over a year, I was given a raise from $9 an hour to $9.25... this was despite having a perfect attendance record, despite having implemented several cost saving ideas on my shift, despite being the only employee who was willing to work overtime almost whenever needed... oh and in addition to that massive pay raise, I was informed that I was getting my hours cut and that someone at a lower hourly rate would be taking them.. net gain in weekly income... -$64... yup, I ended up getting paid $64 less a week. Gee thanks boss.
                      And they were surprised when I left them for a call center that is paying over a dollar an hour more, give me a guaranteed schedule, and are willing to give me time off when needed rather than dicking me around with vacation requests... oh they also provide me all the tools I need to do my job...
                      "I'm Gar and I'm proud" -slytovhand


                      • #12
                        I just have to shake my head and laugh at managers who are so shocked when an employee has had enough and quits. They think they can continue to abuse people indefinitely! I can imagine how bad it must be out there right now, because people have fewer choices. I can't wait until it gets better, just to watch the mistreated employees leave their abusive employers by the thousands!

                        Another thing I don't get: When interviewing for a job, the manager likes to hear you take a personal interest in the company, and that you're looking for a long-term career with them. Yet, as soon as you make "too much money", like more than minimum wage, they do everything they can to drive you out! If they can't bully you into quitting, they'll find a way to fire you.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by smileyeagle1021 View Post
                          If you gave your employees half the benefits that the military gives service personell, you wouldn't have a single problem with employees. Hell, give your civilian employees the healthcare that the military offers and you will have undying loyalty.
                          The military is most definitely not an easy gig, but they do reward those who make it accordingly.
                          After my first review at the hotel, having had been there for over a year, I was given a raise from $9 an hour to $9.25... this was despite having a perfect attendance record, despite having implemented several cost saving ideas on my shift, despite being the only employee who was willing to work overtime almost whenever needed... oh and in addition to that massive pay raise, I was informed that I was getting my hours cut and that someone at a lower hourly rate would be taking them.. net gain in weekly income... -$64... yup, I ended up getting paid $64 less a week. Gee thanks boss.
                          And they were surprised when I left them for a call center that is paying over a dollar an hour more, give me a guaranteed schedule, and are willing to give me time off when needed rather than dicking me around with vacation requests... oh they also provide me all the tools I need to do my job...
                          Actually, it's not all the bells and whistles you think. I know of a friend whose husband was called up for Desert Storm. His company (USAA) promised to pay him the difference in his pay to keep their quality of life (ie. if he makes $500 a week and the military only pays $300, USAA would pay $200 while he's gone). However, the military, for whatever reason, refused to pay him, and without a pay stub, he couldn't show proof to USAA and the company couldn't pay him accordingly.

                          There's lots of other reasons. And I've urged people not to join if they're joining for the job security or the pay. We're not in the business of signing up mercenaries.


                          • #14
                            I have seen way to many of my friends, family and co-workers screwed over because they put their "heart and soul" into a job only to a kick in the butt in return.

                            I look at employment as a simple contract, you pay me for my labor and that is it. I do what I am required, I am polite and hard working but I go into my job knowing that if I put in any extra effort, I do it knowing that my only reward will be pride in a job well done. I don't expect my job to be there next week anymore, I don't expect anyone to appreciate my extra work (or my actual duties), I don't expect thanks or praise or anything in return except my pay.

                            If I get any thanks, it does raise my morale but I never expect it. I try to care as little about my job as possible. Don't misunderstand, I am a hard worker, I try to do the best job I can, but I also balance that with viewing it as a necessary evil. It is something I have to do to pay my bills. My life is NOT my work, I switch off during work, I mentally detach my feelings and go through the motions. I see my co-workers, friends and family stay late without pay, coming early, come in on weekends, get caught up in the politics of the work place, skip lunches and be devastated when no one notices or it becomes expected. I turn up on time, I leave on time, I take my lunch on time and when I walk out that door, I leave my work behind. I have to. Everyone at work puzzles over how I don't get upset anymore over clients who are rude, staff who are demanding, a boss who barely notices we are there. How I don't care about who is playing favorites, who is not speaking to whom. The truth is, I think Peter got it right. I just don't care.
                            I like your Christ. I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ - Gandhi


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Hobbs View Post
                              Actually, it's not all the bells and whistles you think. I know of a friend whose husband was called up for Desert Storm. His company (USAA) promised to pay him the difference in his pay to keep their quality of life (ie. if he makes $500 a week and the military only pays $300, USAA would pay $200 while he's gone). However, the military, for whatever reason, refused to pay him, and without a pay stub, he couldn't show proof to USAA and the company couldn't pay him accordingly.

                              There's lots of other reasons. And I've urged people not to join if they're joining for the job security or the pay. We're not in the business of signing up mercenaries.
                              On the subject of shitty things happening in the military - reminds me of when my brother was in the navy. A few years in he developed health problems and was getting a medical discharge. But the medical discharge took a really long time for some reason, and when his normal release date came up he was like "Sweet, I'm out", and they said "Uh uh, you're not on that date anymore, you get out when your medical discharge goes through." He wound being in LONGER because of it.

