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Hating On Professions

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  • #16
    Yes there are corrupt officers, there are lazy officers and there are those who I wouldn't want to investigate any offence commited against me - however this shouldn't detract from the thousands of officers who day in, day out risk their lives to make sure that when you go about your daily activities that you are safe.

    So you were prosecuted for breaking the speed limit? Well, you know what? I don't care. If you weren't breaking the law then you wouldn't have been prosecuted. Ignorance of traffic law is no excuse, which is why you passed your damn test, maintaining your skills and knowlege is your responsibility, not that of the police.

    You keep being arrested for possesion of drugs "but it was only..." you whine - well guess what genius - it is illegal, stop possesing and you'll stop being arrested!

    From what I've worked out people who hate an entire profession tend to hate them for doing their jobs, especially when a punishment is handed out; it's time for some people to pull up their big boy pants and deal with life.
    The test of police efficiency is the absence of crime and disorder, not the visible evidence of police action in dealing with it. Robert Peel


    • #17
      Originally posted by crazylegs View Post
      You keep being arrested for possesion of drugs "but it was only..." you whine - well guess what genius - it is illegal, stop possesing and you'll stop being arrested!

      From what I've worked out people who hate an entire profession tend to hate them for doing their jobs, especially when a punishment is handed out; it's time for some people to pull up their big boy pants and deal with life.
      This this this this. Times a million.

      Most of the people I know who hate on cops really hate that they can't do all the stupid shit they want (booze and pot) without the risk of getting caught. There's a definite "good ol' boy" system back home (annoying), but the police are pretty good here. Doesn't stop people from bitching constantly about how "the fucking pig pulled me over again" because they won't spend the money to get their tail lights fixed.

      I hear a lot of students bitch about teaching assistants. They bitch about professors, as well...mostly that the professor doesn't know them personally. Well, of course not, there are 150 of you in the class. That's what I'm here know every student in my section. Then I get hated on for not being a professor. That means, obviously, that I don't know anything about the class I'm TA'ing. Despite my 8 years of coursework in the subject. But, nope, not a professor. I'm not a real teacher. Too bad I do really grade your shit and I can really fail your ass.

      Oh, and of course it's so unfaiiirrrr that we require them to go to productions, even if those productions happen during Rush Week or Homecoming. If I had a dollar for every time I've heard, "But my sorority..." *headdesk* My reply, "Since this is a class requirement, I will be happy to speak to your chapter president and have them excuse you from the kegger "Panhellenic Event". *sigh* New semester, same ol' bullshit.
      Last edited by AdminAssistant; 08-26-2010, 02:05 PM.


      • #18
        People who complain about cops nearly always fall into two catogires.

        1. They hate the cops because they got a ticket, or arrested, for doing something they are most definitly guilty of.

        Double points if they complain about the cop having no reason to stop them and only did it because he stereotypes againts *insert race, job, personality type* and it just happened they had something illegal on them

        2. People who like rap music and hate cops because rappers rap about hating cops.


        • #19
          Originally posted by crazylegs View Post
          Yes there are corrupt officers, there are lazy officers and there are those who I wouldn't want to investigate any offence commited against me - however this shouldn't detract from the thousands of officers who day in, day out risk their lives to make sure that when you go about your daily activities that you are safe.
          I agree, but only to a point.

          It's not that I think bad LEO's detract from the good LEO's. It's just that I don't think LEO's are a special group of angels that deserve any kind of overly special recognition. They're humans, like you and me, and that means that they will mess up, like you and me. One difference is that they wear a different shirt. The other difference is that if I mess up at my job, I might enter a number wrong. If LEO's mess up at their job, someone's life or livelihood may be wrongly tarnished, ruined or ended.

          To that end, I think that a healthy dose of Trust, but Verify(tm) is not only appropriate for anyone who's job wields them such power, but a necessity. In that regard, I view those on the opposite extreme, who give absolute blind faith to someone simply for the piece of cheap metal pinned to his or her jacket, as foolishly dangerous to society for supporting the bad apples as the foolishly dangerous individuals who demonize anyone with a badge.

          There's this odd belief floating around that police are above human frailty and error. They are not. Because of that, I see people who take a Trust, but Verify(tm) approach clumped into the same group as those who foolishly vilify these same professions for reasons listed above. I just want to make that distinction.


          • #20
            Originally posted by Bronzebow View Post
            I agree, but only to a point.

            It's not that I think bad LEO's detract from the good LEO's. It's just that I don't think LEO's are a special group of angels that deserve any kind of overly special recognition. They're humans, like you and me, and that means that they will mess up, like you and me. One difference is that they wear a different shirt.
            And they do a different job - it's dangerous, lonely and (at times) damn frightening.

            ANYONE who does a job like that gets my respect, not just the police.
            The test of police efficiency is the absence of crime and disorder, not the visible evidence of police action in dealing with it. Robert Peel

