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People who ring me after 10pm

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  • People who ring me after 10pm

    OK, let me clarify. I don't mind this on certain days; ie, days that I'm either off, or working a late shift cuz this means that I have had enough sleep not to be cranky. But calling me up after 10pm on a day that I've had to get up at the arsecrack of dawn, especially if I've got another early start the next day, just pisses me off. More so if said person acts surprised and hurt that I'm being snappish and cranky. Yeah, cuz when you're exhausted and want to go to bed, only for the fucking phone to keep on ringing (here's a clue, doofus; if the phone is ignored once, THEN I DON'T FUCKING WANT TO TALK TO YOU!!!) and ringing til I'm forced to pick it up to tell the person to leave me alone.

    I can't switch my phone off, cuz I'm forgetful and if I do that, then I never remember to switch it on til I get a wall post on Facebook saying, "Lace, turn your damn phone on." The people who do this are friends and family who I send my rota to, so they know damn well when I'm working. I know that people forget, or they don't check, or they mistake one day for another; I just wanted to vent here, rather than at the people I'm referring to, so that I can keep them as close friends and family.
    "Oh wow, I can't believe how stupid I used to be and you still are."

  • #2
    I try to make a habit not to call anyone between 9pm-9am unless I know they're a night/early morning person. I think we actually learned that in school, and also those were the hours we were allowed to call customers at my old job if there was a problem/question about their order that we needed to talk to them about, so it's been drilled into my head a lot...


    • #3
      I have or atleast had a similar problem with "captain Dickhead" an aquaintance of mine, but mine was a no calls befor 5pm as I was working and would leave my phone off and in my locker, we arn't allowed phones in the unit and I did't have the time for his stupidity whilst at work.

      At the time I was working 6am - 4/5pm hence the no calls befor 5 rule, I would still be working or on my way home, yet on countless times my phone would be ringing constantly in my pocket as I cycled home.
      Well I say 'constantly' it was more of "ring ring, ring ring, ring ring - hang up" repeated
      I also took an evening class so that day was out also, my phone set to silent would show countless missed calls when I used it as my watch.

