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Co-workers that cant do their own work

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  • Co-workers that cant do their own work

    We have someone where I work that pretty much only does work until the bosses go home, then just sits on his ass from 5pm until I get in at 9PM. I am posting this here cus I kinda need to vent a bit, this jack ass complains he has too much work to do but all I see him do is browsing face book, playing poker, and watching youtube... pisses me off that I have to cover and fix his shit, under the guise of "we are all a team" so you have to make sure his work gets done... grrrr. pisses me off.

  • #2
    The hell with that, let him go and do your own work. The way I see it he either gets his shit together or he gets fired, there is no reason that you need to pick up the slack for his lazy ass.
    "I like him aunt Sarah, he's got a pretty shield. It's got a star on it!"

    - my niece Lauren talking about Captain America


    • #3
      Simple solution. Get "too busy" with your own work to do his, too.

      I've done this, myself, with one of my particularly bad co-workers.

      Sure, I could have taken care of it, and I knew it was a problem, but I also knew that if it didn't stay a problem, nothing would change.

      Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden


      • #4
        Tonight said co-irker called out sick and I got treated to some interesting news: the other people in the noc from the other company (they bought us out but we are separate for now) are sending daily emails to their boss about this guy taking paid smoke breaks every hour on the hour for 15 min at a time (here you have to clock out to leave the secure building to go smoke.. i may not agree with it even tho im not a smoker, but its still the rules.) So it seems hes digging his own grave even faster now.


        • #5
          Ugh I know what you mean.....I have co workers in the main office who just do not do their jobs.....granted, we all goof off on the internet, but my office works!! Do not leave your work to us to do last minute.

          I now ignore my phone and delete "help me help me" emails. When I am buried in work (and not from goofing off) they don't help me.

          If he is slacking off, and you can get get away with not help him. Can you speak to your boss about this?


          • #6
            I know back from the grave of the forums: I have an update, the CW that I complained about it quitting because, he wrote a demands letter to our boss stating that he is worth X and if he cant get paid that hes done, our boss looked at it, and told him that it was nice working with him then and good luck in the future. mwa ha ha ha ha

