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Pet Rent

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  • #16
    Hmmmmm... I wonder if, in my building, they average the entire bill evenly over all 26 units, (20-1BR, 6-2BR), or if they try to calculate estimated average use for 1BR, and that adds, say $50.00 to the base rent figure, and maybe $75.00 to the base rent figure of a 2BR.

    Never really thought about it until now, and at 10.5+ years here.

    Just kinda one of those "If I don't see it, it ain't there", thingies!

    If I Were a Master Debater, You'd Likely Catch Me Fratching on a Daily Basis!


    • #17
      I used to live in an apartment building where I would have been charged extra in my 1BR apartment if I had someone living there with me. My boyfriend (now husband) had a hell of a time one month because I was sick with the flu and had him bring my rent check to the landlord. I guess he got slightly interrogated by the landlord asking him if he was living there with me.

      As others have said, I can understand the pet deposit (although it really should not be called a deposit if it's non-refundable as has been mentioned), but the pet rent is just stupid and greedy. I'm not surprised that this goes on, but I don't think it should be allowed.


      • #18
        I'm actually kind of jealous of some of you that have posted what you pay for pet rent. My complex charges $300 deposit per pet then $25 per pet per month. I have two cats. They only know about the one. They also place a weight limit on animals, I think 20-30 pounds, which I can understand given the size of the place. But I find it ridiculous that I have to pay them rent to have my cats live with me. If they charged rent per person, then yeah, I could understand, but they don't. It's the same every month regardless of how many people live in the apartment.


        • #19
          I don't understand charging higher rent for more people should be based on size alone.....

          Great YouTube channel check it out!


          • #20
            yeah my apt in virginia beach charged $30 per pet. and a non-refundable pet fee.

            my last apartment did too - but i couldn't afford it so i didn't collect my cat. my bf doesn't want to pay the fee here either so no pets. though i wouldn't mind something small. even if not a cat or dog. ... but we'll see

            Lewis, are you talking about the actual utility bill being divided amongst the the individual units, in addition to the monthly rent?
            that's what my apt in VA beach did for water. and i think the water bill included the washer too. though it's possible they adjusted it for the number of people in each apartment as well.

            my last one didn't charge for water - it was included in the rent.

            here tho... where i am now, the utilities are all separate and paid for directly to the utility instead of through the apartment complex
            Last edited by PepperElf; 01-10-2011, 05:01 PM.


            • #21
              The way I see it, kids can cause a hell of a lot of damage, sometimes probably worse than pets.

              But oh yes, kids are humans, we can't discriminate. But I'm sure not a single landlord in the world looks forward to cleaning up after tenants with kids the same as they'd be a little afraid of a tenant who had a kitty.

              Urine odor, I agree, is almost impossible to be rid of altogether, but usually, cats and dogs don't put holes in the wall, don't color on the wall, don't melt crayons into the carpet, don't rub food into the carpet or onto the walls. Sure, cats in particular can scratch (my cat has nearly destroyed a China hutch at my parents' house, but it is nothing in comparison to what my little brother and I were capable of wrecking as kids), but chewed up trimming or claw marks don't really compare to the sheer destruction that kids are capable of.

              I know it'll never be fair, but it burns my ass that I'd have to pay nearly $800 a month to have a single cat (or small dog, and yes I included regular rent in there too along with the deposits and extra fees), when people with kids rent all the time and sometimes leave their places in shambles and they are only charged for the damages, but kids are always allowed to live anywhere, whereas pets are banned almost all over where I live. The larger property management companies practially refuse to allow pets in any of their properties. Smaller and private companies, they are a little more lenient.

              I know, I am a child hater and I'm not ashamed to admit it. It's just not fair at all, that until the day comes I can own a home or afford the ridiculous fees, I am without pets.


              • #22
                We can't have pets at all at the house we rent because the last people to rent it, their cat tore up the place. It isn't a big deal at the beginning because we worked all the time and weren't home, but now I want a cat badly. It is one the reasons we are going to try and by a house this year. That and I hate off white walls.

                I can sort of understand the deposit but the pet rent is just stupid. Bet it won't be long before some of the places start charging pet rent for fish.


                • #23
                  Originally posted by Elspeth View Post
                  That and I hate off white walls.
                  OT, but at the place I live, we're allowed to paint, if we want. We just would have to paint it back before we left.

                  Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by Andara Bledin View Post
                    OT, but at the place I live, we're allowed to paint, if we want. We just would have to paint it back before we left.

                    You are very lucky! we probably could also but I don't think we can find this white again. Plus a jewel tone (maroonish) is hard to cover up. Going to have to find it anyway when we move out, sword holders tend to make large holes.


                    • #25
                      My apartment complex just started charging pet rent about a year or so ago - it's something like $25 per pet, and this is in addition to other fees/deposits which are charged. And this seems to have become the norm with other complexes in my area........most seem to be charging pet rent now. (which would be one reason I'm moving back in with my mom - I don't have the extra money to pay pet rent, and getting rid of my cats isn't an option)
                      Last edited by KellyHabersham; 01-14-2011, 06:29 AM.


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by Elspeth View Post
                        You are very lucky! we probably could also but I don't think we can find this white again. Plus a jewel tone (maroonish) is hard to cover up. Going to have to find it anyway when we move out, sword holders tend to make large holes.
                        If you can get a large enough piece of paint the scanner should be able to match it so that you can get the paint.

