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  • Worrying

    It's a trait I inherited from my paternal grandma, who has a tendency to worry about everything. Unfortunately, even stuff that cannot be controlled.

    I think I may even have a real problem.

    Every day, I worry something will go wrong with the car, or someone will be driving drunk or not paying attention and will hit me. I worry everything I eat is going to make me gain weight. I worry that every time I brush my teeth, it's not enough and they are still gross. I worry every time that I wash my face that my skin is still dirty. I worry about moths in my closet, even though I know there aren't any, it just smells a bit musty because I have so many clothes. I worry that I'm going to fall down the stairs. I worry that I'm going to get really sick while driving and crash. In the winter, every day I worry that it's going to snow more than predicted or just never stop, and even going down the street will be trecherous. I worry that everything I do at work is wrong, that everything will come back to me and I'll get in trouble (that one, though, I think isn't me being crazy, I have every justification to worry about that one).

    I just can't stop worrying.

  • #2
    You are the female version of my husband. He worries ALL the time. About everything. Even things that are so far-fetched there is almost zero chance of them ever happening. It's a family trait, his dad and grandfather are like that and family legend says his great-grandfather actually worried himself to death after he retired, because he no longer had a job to focus on he just drove himself into an early grave.

    I don't know what you can do about it. Husband's job is incredibly stressful, and strangely I think that helps him because he can pour all of his worry energy into that and it doesn't affect him so much at home. We had a conversation before we got married and he agreed that if I ever thought his worrying was interfering with our life together, he would go to a therapist or a doctor.

    Good luck, it must suck to worry like that all the time and no be able to help it.


    • #3
      It's called anxiety...I go through the same shit. One thing you can try is therapy....depending on whether you can afford it of course.
      Great YouTube channel check it out!


      • #4
        Things like dermatology, psychologist visits, etc, are not covered unless referred by your regular doc. If my regular doc could just give me something for it, I'd be fine, but I'm sure I'd have to see a shrink.....and those copays just make my fake designer purse fall to pieces.


        • #5
          Originally posted by blas87 View Post
          If my regular doc could just give me something for it, I'd be fine, but I'm sure I'd have to see a shrink
          Hon, trust me, you don't want to be on just any anxiety pill without a shrink's recommendation. My parents were both addicted to Xanex for years because it was prescribed by their pill-pushing MD. It can do nasty, nasty things to people.

          Fiance has anxiety and depression problems, and seeing a psychologist has done wonders for him. He isn't on meds, and his doctor doesn't think he needs to be on meds. He just needed a professional to listen to him and give him coping techniques. (It's probably also saved our relationship, because he can vent to someone that's not me.)


          • #6
            I vent to myself and on here all the time. I think it keeps me from having episodes. My favorite weekend past-time is venting while I put my face on and get dressed.

            I'll admit, it ends up taking me forever to get ready because I end up finding something to vent about that really gets me going, but it's so much better than going off on random people.

