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Inconsiderate Non-Smokers

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  • Inconsiderate Non-Smokers

    First off I will preface this by saying I am a non-smoker, never have smoked and am actually allergic to cigarette smoke, but the gall some non-smokers have irritate me to no end!

    I fully recognize some smokers are not considerate (i.e. smoking in non-smoking areas, in front of doorways etc.), but some non-smokers act as if smokers have no right to smoke outside anywhere at all. The people who say "I have a right to breath fresh air" as they walk up to someone standing by themselves smoking is an idiot who chose to inhale second-hand smoke.

    Like I said, I know not all smokers are considerate, but sometimes non-smokers can be just as inconsiderate as well IMO.

  • #2
    I remember when smoking laws, restrictions and regulations were a bit lax.
    Was a smoker back in my early 20's and quit. But even when I went outside away from the building I was at at least 20 feet I still got dirty looks.
    Specifically recall saying to one person, "Why are you staring, its not like I'm intentionally blowing it your face."

    When I learned what was put in menthols is when I quit and would keep that to myself unless someone wanted to know.
    People have to understand, cigarettes were created way back in the day and people honestly thought smoking made you look cool! And it wasn't until the actual addiction was realized did things start going down.
    Its similar with alcohol, it can and will kill you but its not like you are breaking the law by buying them, it just costs alot. And it is IMO one of the most difficult addictions (legal that is) to quit. Even with all the products out there to help that cost just as much.
    Honestly a pack of marlbro's and a box of nicotine patches are almost the same price if not one higher than the other.

    To those non smokers who have to be rude to the smokers who honestly try to keep second hand smoke from reaching the non smokers give them a break.
    Repeat after me, "I'm over it"
    Yeah we're so over, over
    Things I hate, that even after all this time...I still came back to the scene of the crime


    • #3
      I hate the pitchfork toting ex-smokers more than non-smokers.

      Don't pretend you never smoked and you never once smelled like an ashtray, and act like you're better than people who smoke because you quit.

      They are even more dramatic with the coughing and wild arm flaring than the average non-smoker.


      • #4
        Originally posted by kibbles View Post
        First off I will preface this by saying I am a non-smoker, never have smoked and am actually allergic to cigarette smoke, but the gall some non-smokers have irritate me to no end!

        I fully recognize some smokers are not considerate (i.e. smoking in non-smoking areas, in front of doorways etc.), but some non-smokers act as if smokers have no right to smoke outside anywhere at all. The people who say "I have a right to breath fresh air" as they walk up to someone standing by themselves smoking is an idiot who chose to inhale second-hand smoke.

        Like I said, I know not all smokers are considerate, but sometimes non-smokers can be just as inconsiderate as well IMO.
        As a non-smoker, if I see someone smoking where they are not supposed to be (case in point, I had someone light up at the table next to mine at a restaurant in the non-smoking area), I'll find management and complain.

        If someone is smoking at the entrance of a building and thus forcing me to walk through their cloud of carcinogens, I'll complain.

        But if I see someone smoking in a park or out in the open then that's a different matter. I'll alter my course to avoid them and their smoke and leave them in peace.
        “There are worlds out there where the sky is burning, where the sea's asleep and the rivers dream, people made of smoke and cities made of song. Somewhere there's danger, somewhere there's injustice and somewhere else the tea is getting cold. Come on, Ace, we've got work to do.” - Sylvester McCoy as the Seventh Doctor.


        • #5
          Originally posted by kibbles View Post
          but some non-smokers act as if smokers have no right to smoke outside anywhere at all. The people who say "I have a right to breath fresh air" as they walk up to someone standing by themselves smoking is an idiot who chose to inhale second-hand smoke.

          Like I said, I know not all smokers are considerate, but sometimes non-smokers can be just as inconsiderate as well IMO.

          my usual answer to that particular statement is this: "When you give up your stinky smelly pollution belching car AND you outlaw all deisel vehicles AND you can eliminate ALL rush hour trafficy AND you get all of the factories and power plants to STOP dumping mega tons of crap into the atmosphere AND stop the use/burning of ALL fossile fuels AND invent a way to NOT use VOCs and a few other things THEN you can make that statement. the last REAL fresh air dissappeared from this planet long before BOTH of us were born."

          I just heard of a city that is banning smoking in most PUBLIC places such as streets and such.
          I'm lost without a paddle and I'm headed up sh*t creek.

          I got one foot on a banana peel and the other in the Twilight Zone.
          The Fools - Life Sucks Then You Die


          • #6
            Originally posted by Racket_Man View Post
            my usual answer to that particular statement is this: "When you give up your stinky smelly pollution belching car AND you outlaw all deisel vehicles THEN you can make that statement. the last REAL fresh air dissappeared from this planet long before BOTH of us were born."

            I just heard of a city that is banning smoking in most PUBLIC places such as streets and such.
            Why diesel vehicles in particular? On-highway engines meeting the 2007 North American emission standards can (in some smoggy areas) give off exhaust that is cleaner than the air they take in, and things were tightened up even further for 2010.


            • #7
              Originally posted by Racket_Man View Post
              "When you give up your stinky smelly pollution belching car AND you outlaw all deisel vehicles AND you can eliminate ALL rush hour trafficy AND you get all of the factories and power plants to STOP dumping mega tons of crap into the atmosphere AND stop the use/burning of ALL fossile fuels AND invent a way to NOT use VOCs and a few other things THEN you can make that statement. the last REAL fresh air dissappeared from this planet long before BOTH of us were born."
              Well, then, pollute the shit out of the atmosphere! Why be the first ones to make an effort to do anything about pollution (even though smoking is easily the easiest one to stop).
              Violence has resolved more conflicts than anything else. The contrary opinion that violence doesn't solve anything is merely wishful thinking at its worst. - Starship Troopers


              • #8
                Originally posted by Greenday View Post
                Well, then, pollute the shit out of the atmosphere! Why be the first ones to make an effort to do anything about pollution (even though smoking is easily the easiest one to stop).
                Smoking, in the grand scheme of pollution, is completely and utterly irrelevant.

                One car in one day can easily produce more "pollution" than a pack-a-day smoker can over the course of their lifetime. Walking down a busy street regularly will do more damage to your lungs and lung capacity than living with a smoker.

                It's amazing how much of stuff that we (in general) also do we're willing to put up with, and how intolerant we are of things that others do that we don't approve of, completely out of proportion to the reality of the situation.

                I'm a non-smoker. Tried it once, determined that it was as disgusting an experience as I expected, and never went back. That said, I support a person's right to choose to smoke so long as they do so in a respectful manner.

                Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden


                • #9
                  I tried smoking when I was a teenager, but I've never picked it up as a habit. I don't like the way it smells on my clothes and skin. Plus, I have enough sinus problems as it is. I can't imagine how bad they'd be if I smoked.

                  I'm considerate to smokers. I don't make exaggerated coughs or gasps whenever I'm around smokers. After all, several of my relatives smoke. They're pretty considerate about it, too.

                  However, I don't buy the notion that smokers are a persecuted group. A while ago, I read a novel in which smokers were described as (paraphrased) "the lepers of modern society." That's going off the deep end. Also going off the deep end are these bumper stickers that say "At least I can still smoke in my car!"

                  Seriously, grow up. Being overly dramtic is kind of cute in teenagers, but when adults are that way, it's just pathetic. And while we're at it, would you guys please stop getting tetchy if you have to go a few hours without a cigarette? I need food to survive, but I can go several hours without getting something to eat.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by guywithashovel View Post
                    And while we're at it, would you guys please stop getting tetchy if you have to go a few hours without a cigarette? I need food to survive, but I can go several hours without getting something to eat.
                    Actually, it's a physical dependency, and the "tetchiness" is directly related to physiological effects taking place in the body, in addition to psychological factors.

                    Telling a smoker to "get over it" is about the same as telling someone who's suffering low blood sugar to "get over it." The only material difference is that a smoker directly caused the condition in themselves.

                    Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by guywithashovel View Post
                      "At least I can still smoke in my car!"

                      Not where blas works.
                      If I can't bitch, I'll explode- blas87


                      • #12
                        Ding ding. All it took was the loophole of our breaks being paid to make it so that we cannot leave the property.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by blas87 View Post
                          I hate the pitchfork toting ex-smokers more than non-smokers.

                          Don't pretend you never smoked and you never once smelled like an ashtray, and act like you're better than people who smoke because you quit.

                          They are even more dramatic with the coughing and wild arm flaring than the average non-smoker.

                          My mom is one of these obnoxious ex smokers. Drives me insane. My dad used to smoke too, but he doesn't act like that.

                          I've promised all my still-smoking friends that I will never, EVER act like this and it's a promise I know I'll be able to keep.


                          • #14
                            What's more annoying that them yet are the social or "occasional" smokers who get annoyed by the habitual smokers. Because they have the addiction more under control than the habitual smoker, they feel they have a right to make remarks or gestures.

                            Dude, you may only smoke one cigarette a week, or half a pack once a month when you go out drinking, you're still a god damned smoker. Get over yourself. Don't flare your arms, roll your eyes at me, or tell me that I need to "fucking quit already!", when next month, you'll be lighting up while you're drunk.

                            Yeah, friends and bf, I am talking to YOU!


                            • #15
                              Ugh, I hate the psycho ex smokers, too. -.-

                              What really ticks me off is people who go and sit right next to you on a bench, or stand next to where you are, and do this: *pathetic cough* Especially when coupled with waving hands and an expression on the face as tho they've just seen a bulldog licking its bum.

                              I once had a woman claim that she was having an asthma attack due to my smoke. I promptly called bullshit on her claim, as one of my cousins is an asthmatic and I know full well what an asthma attack sounds like... and it's not *pathetic cough*. -.-
                              "Oh wow, I can't believe how stupid I used to be and you still are."

