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Trailers on DVD's

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  • Trailers on DVD's

    Or the lack thereof

    As long as they are not some unskippable, you can't get to the menu to watch the damn film you bought, I don't mind having trailers, I just watched a film that I never heard of till I saw a trailer for it on another DVD*

    For me DVD trailers are a reminder of films I might want to check out that are quite a few years old and not high profile in the shops anymore, I've lost count of all the films I wanted to checkout but forgot about due to only seeing the trailer at the cinema and as they sometimes push the trailer months in advance, by the time it hits the screens the name means nothing to me, it should be "out now" and coming soon. So when I buy an oldish DVD the trailers are going to be for just as old movies, but with no trailers I might pass up the film even if it was dirt cheap and I needed one more for a multi buy sale.

    FYI the trailer was City of Ember and it was on Journey to the Centre of the Earth DVD, which I got cheap.

    *OK I torrented the film as it seemed like a good movie (and it was) but I will buy it when I see it assuming its still out. Hell I liked the idea of the film more than the one I was going to watch.
    So although I pirated the movie and know its moraly bad etc, I am going to buy it as and when I see it, so any torrenting posts should really be in another thread, I've been meaning to do a thread on this anyway.

    Trailers yay or nay (Yay camp here as long as they are not some unskippable beast between me and the movie)

  • #2
    I am with you on that. I don't mind them when you can skip them. I also pirate movies, but if I like the movie, I will buy it.


    • #3
      Ive been looking at hmv online for some other movies I want (old VHS and others I never saw) I cannot find the Cube movies, it just lists everything by Ice Cube

      In their stores they used to have Metropolis for £20 Fuck. That. Shit, the movie is almost a hundred years old. I got mine in a Fritz Lang box set for £40 still steep mind you, that and I had it on VHS free (yes free) with a magazine or the other way round in my case, so free with magazine vs £20 you are joking.

      No last starfighter (not even listing the bluray, methinks they never released it on DVD over here) or explorers


      • #4
        This comes to mind.
        --- I want the republicans out of my bedroom, the democrats out of my wallet, and both out of my first and second amendment rights. Whether you are part of the anal-retentive overly politically-correct left, or the bible-thumping bellowing right, get out of the thought control business --- Alan Nathan


        • #5
          I like watching trailers. I've ended up watching several movies I'd never have heard of were it not for trailers.

          However, unskippable trailers of are of the devil and should not be suffered to exist.

          Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden


          • #6
            I've found the unskippable ones to be movies that star someone you really really hate and would never watch due to said actor, even if the movie is pure gold.


            • #7
              I just realized that most of what I watch, even on dvd, tends to not have trailers for one reason or another. HOWEVER I did get influenced by a trailer back in the days of videotape....I was fast forwarding through a bunch of them an actually stopped and rewound one to look at it and pay attention. It ended up being for a movie that I later rented and bought and just LOVE. It was for a movie called Dead Man, it has Johnny Depp in it and uses an instrumental amazing guitar soundtrack by Neil Young. It will leave you feeling disturbed by the time you are done watching it.
              Great YouTube channel check it out!


              • #8
                HMV say the cube movies are deleted, not just some search engine glitch giving me only Ice Cube movies when I searched last night, everything else I went shopping for in town is online due to size of my branch, get alot online next pay day ( that is not torrent).

                spent £60ish mostly on horror and a coen brothers box set, pitty I've got 3 of the movies, but at £15 for 7 movies its still cheap

                for those that watch Phelous, the Cinema Snob, Bad Movie Beatdown etc via thatguywiththeglasses, I've seen a few shite movies reviewed that I just wanted to watch for myself, and a fair few that should never be stamped onto a DVD.

                Edit: how could I forget Obscura Lupa although there have not been any I wanted to watch out of her batch aside from that shitty vampire movie with the ghost of some van helsing guy possessing a rather cute 20something playing high schooler, but thats only cos she was cute. Phantasm 1-4 look dated so might not look for them in the shops and I can't belive she is only 21

                I've seen in my branch
                "I know how many runs you scored last summer" (months ago but not so long after the review) and "five across the eyes" (today) both looked god awful and they wanted £15 for em.
                the only good thing about "... Runs" was welshy's skit on one of sad panda's Q&A's

                thank you HMV you only stock the soundtrack to dead man

                And I can only get the Ry Cooder last man standing OST if im willing to send £30ish to the states for a copy, couldnt even find it as a torrent, its the only reason I rewatched that movie, yet the rejected Elmer Bernstien one is still onsale.
                Last edited by Ginger Tea; 02-21-2011, 06:48 PM.

