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Pressure And Hard Places

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  • Pressure And Hard Places

    *Work rant*

    I absolutely hate shit rolling downhill. I swear it is one of the most unfair policies in life, because blame always comes from the opposite direction.

    I understand and respect that people in charge have a job to do, but I really don't respect or appreciate being treated like stuff is my fault when it isn't directly my fault, especially when it's not my fault at all. More than anything, I hate being treated like a simpleton. I am not fucking stupid. If I make a mistake, I do not need an entire exerpt from the employee handbook read to me word for word out loud, in front of my coworkers, or if I made a mistake regarding my work, I do not need to be told verbatim what the proper procedure is. The way a couple of people at work talk to me is more than's insulting and it''s disgusting. That's the best word I can find to describe it. I am not a retard, and I am not a slacker or someone who is careless. I make mistakes like everyone else, I have troubles, I can get behind, I can get overwhelmed..........riding my ass, making me feel like an idiot (whether inadvertently or purposely), hovering (I already covered that in another thread, though, I think pretty well) and pressuring me and asking me "Is it done yet?" "How soon?" "Are you almost done?" "Is it done YET, this is REALLY critical!" or going into a panic or hysteric state and handpicking people to help me, when I really don't need help, so they end up just staring at me and a few of them think that I asked for help and I really didn't need it. That always feels good, when I get made fun of by a coworker when I never asked for their help, it was forced.

    The hard place....seriously, make up your fucking minds. Is it quality, or quantity? It is possible to have both, but no one is willing to take the time that it's going to require to make quality better overall. Everyone high on the ladder is so obsessed with short cuts, poor-man fix-its, instant temporary results, and NOW NOW NOW NOW we need it NOW that they don't even realize the venom they spew later when mistakes are found are because of stupid tantrums they threw earlier about getting something out the door faster. It sickens me that people are pressured beyond comfort levels to speed up, do it now, get it done NOW, faster faster.......and when a mistake is inevitably made or found later, the same people who did the pressuring come right back to you with feedback and nastiness. That takes some real fucking gall. Seriously. You pressure people to the point of nervousness, then freak on them when they make a mistake? Either that or people further down the line who don't understand the pressure we are put under, and always come into the room screaming about mistakes, like we can just fix things by "being more careful". Yeah, I was just told that by the same person who pressured me to the point where I was sweating down the back of my neck to get this done NOW.

    RAWWWWR I could just throw myself at a brick wall until it collapses. Not even then would anything change.
    Last edited by blas87; 02-23-2011, 04:53 PM.

  • #2
    In a way, I know what you're dealing with. At my job, they require me to make 8 trips per night. This can happen when everything goes perfectly and I have no major holdups due to excessive traffic at the mill, or trains dropping off and picking up cars. As you can probably guess, the delays happen more often than not.

    Once I was sick with a major cold, could have even been a flu, for all I know. Since we don't have sick days and I needed the money, I went to work to do what I could. I wound up making only five trips one night because of the weakness due to illness, and also a thunderstorm that blew in that night which slowed me down further. Come Monday, I get a call from HR chewing me out for not making my loads and trying to transfer me back over-the-road. They could hear me hacking up a lung over the phone still, and didn't want to believe me, even though I NOTED this on my nightly report, that I was sick. I asked them, "what if the train or the mill itself holds me up?" and they said, "oh, well, you can't help that then, that's okay."

    Guess what? Mill's been extra-busy, and coupled with me training a new guy every other week it seems like, so I still occasionally get the quota, but usually get 7 loads. Sometimes even 6. And now I'm hearing rumblings about HR getting grumpy about that, even though I list reasons for delays, and timestamps. I'm waiting for them to start insisting on 8 even if I'm forced to go over, because that will directly conflict with their demand that we do not go a MINUTE over twelve hours a night.


    • #3
      Yeah this is basically why I'm unemployed. Well, not really unemployed, but according to the IRS I am. Now my bosses are a 6 year old and a 2 year old, and you know what? They are the most reasonable, fair, and intelligent bosses I've ever had.

      I've had some bosses who feel that they're not doing a good job unless they're bitching at you. One guy would always find something wrong with what I'm doing, but he'd change it all the time. "What are you doing? Take your time and stock those cans nice and neat." Five minutes later..."WTF are you doing? we don't have time to make them all nice and neat, just get them up on the shelf."

      And bosses get to make all the excuses. "I have sooooo much work to do, sitting in my office and typing, oh waaaaaaahhhh, I'm sooooo busy you can't expect me to know everything that's going on."

      well I'm busy too, but I don't get to make that excuse. "WHY DIDN'T YOU SEE THAT GUY STUFFING A STICK OF GUM IN HIS POCKET?" Cuz it's not my job to follow around every single customer and strip search him.

      And they like to do things stupid. Then say "well that's the way we do it!" Great. Sure, the best way to fill that tub up with water is to get spoonfuls from the faucet that's a hundred feet away. Sure, because that's the "corporate way." Great.

      And Mr. Unapproachable! I've had a number of these. If I have to interupt someone for something, I usually introduce the notion with a summary of what I need. I won't just come into the bosses office and blurt out "WHERE DO I PUT THE TOILET PAPER!?" I'll knock, come in, and say "uh, question boss." Then I wait for him to be done with what he's doing, and give me his full attention, before posing my question.

      But no! Can't do that either. If I give an intro, I'm wasting his "valuable" time. If I don't, I'm being rude for interupting, and I have to repeat myself because he wasn't paying attention to me.

      Just can't win. And there's stupid assholes in charge who will make it that way. The more often we can't figure out how to get ahead and succeed, the more they get to stay in charge.


      • #4
        Originally posted by DrFaroohk View Post
        I won't just come into the bosses office and blurt out "WHERE DO I PUT THE TOILET PAPER!?" I'll knock, come in, and say "uh, question boss." Then I wait for him to be done with what he's doing, and give me his full attention, before posing my question.
        I tend to do that as well unless I know I won't have to.

        Most bosses I've had have been okay with it (current boss thinks there's something going wrong if I don't ask him something every once in awhile), but The Jerk always made me feel like I was imposing on his "valuable" time...on more than one occurrence I had to gently remind him that I could not legally deal with his creditors and he had chosen to not allow me to place orders.
        Last edited by Dreamstalker; 02-25-2011, 04:04 AM.
        "Any state, any entity, any ideology which fails to recognize the worth, the dignity, the rights of Man...that state is obsolete."


        • #5
          AMEN, Doc. Amen.

          I can't top that. You summed it up better than my OP even was.


          • #6
            I've done the "knock on the door and wait" or "go to the main office and wait" game and too often I've had to wait for whatever fluff conversation the person I wanted to talk to was having to finish before I could talk, rarely is it work related and I've sometimes muttered "I don't care I'm paid to stand here waiting as much as I am working."


            • #7
              Oooh I just remembered one more that I have to share.

              Boss finds something wrong. Minorly wrong, but enough to bring it up and even bitch a bit. You forgot to cross your T's and he's quite upset. He makes enough of a deal about it that you're kinda feeling bad now.

              Then you correct it. You point out "Hey boss, I took care of that problem."

              "Yep." Shrug. "So?"


              • #8
                I got baby-talked again last night.

                Oh, ETA, I remembered a story from earlier this week, and a lovely happening last night.

                While we've been a little slower at work, I got to finally complete my cross-training in another part of the area and test out so that I can do it all on my own.

                My manager absolutely cannot stand seeing people being....versatile or multi talented. He's a creeper by nature, once he gets to work, he stands by the doors and windows until the shift lead walks by so he can harrass her about what's going on, otherwise he'll just stand there until he sees me or one of the boys, and he'll bug us about where she is (maybe she's taking a BREAK???). He made me stop what I was doing and go back to the machine I usually run, and there was absolutely nothing to run on it. I was livid about it.

                Then yesterday, according to a coworker who was helping me count units, he was standing behind me for several minutes, apparently unable to figure out why I wasn't at my machine.
                Last edited by blas87; 02-25-2011, 02:43 AM.

