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Rape Jokes

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  • Rape Jokes

    And the fact that the people telling them act like it's more offensive to call them on their misogynistic and unsympathetic brand of tasteless humor than for them to tell the joke.

    And the people who don't think it's funny, but just let it slide because they don't want to be called a humorless party pooper.

    Or people who try to defend it with "it's just a joke".

    And those who completely ignore the fact that sexist humor is just a reflection of latent true misogyny and can lead to hostility towards women:

    It's not "just a joke". It's harmful, promotes a hostile environment, and--yes I'm gonna say it-- supports the rape culture we live in.
    I have a drawing of an orange, which proves I am a semi-tangible collection of pixels forming a somewhat coherent image manifested from the intoxicated mind of a madman. Naturally.

  • #2
    I have to disagree with just about everything you said.

    It IS just a joke. And someone getting offended over a joke is stupid. If you're gonna take one kind of joke and call it offensive you basically have to say every joke is off limits now. you can't say rape jokes are ok but fart jokes are fine. Lots of people are offended by farts. You gonna go handing out tampons to everyone who cries over a fart joke too?

    It's ok if you don't think it's funny - but don't act like you're the all-knowing authority on humor and get to judge each and every jokes merits for the official humor board. You know its a joke, so there's no point in getting all pissy. No one's telling you to laugh at it. Just don't tell me I can't laugh at it.

    Besides, you're missing the humor. It's not funny that a woman gets raped. It's funny that someone crossed that line and a joke about a woman getting raped. A lot of the adult cartoon shows are really good at this. The jokes are funny because you're not supposed to say that and they did anyway.


    • #3
      This is part of a larger culture of casual bigotry.

      It's not just the sexist jokes, but any joke that demeans a demographic, whether it be blondes, women, blacks, Polaks, old people, or whatever demographic it's no longer allowable to be openly hostile to.

      For some people, it can be 'just a joke,' but for many it's not.

      Originally posted by DrFaroohk View Post
      The jokes are funny because you're not supposed to say that and they did anyway.
      That's called satire, and it's a lot more sophisticated than your typical 'dumb blonde' joke.

      Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden


      • #4
        Originally posted by DrFaroohk View Post
        I have to disagree with just about everything you said.

        It IS just a joke. And someone getting offended over a joke is stupid. If you're gonna take one kind of joke and call it offensive you basically have to say every joke is off limits now. you can't say rape jokes are ok but fart jokes are fine. Lots of people are offended by farts. You gonna go handing out tampons to everyone who cries over a fart joke too?
        When someone is physically, psychologically, and socially damaged by a fart, yes, I will.
        I have a drawing of an orange, which proves I am a semi-tangible collection of pixels forming a somewhat coherent image manifested from the intoxicated mind of a madman. Naturally.


        • #5
          I have been psychologically damaged by farts. Now, I think they are one of the most hilarious things in life.


          • #6
            All I'm saying is everyone is offended by SOMETHING. I get mildly offended when I see a stutter being made fun of, because I have a stutter. my stutter has been practically the bane of my existance for as long as I can remember, and I've endured tons of bullshit over the last 30 years mainly because of this stutter. But do I get all pissy and cry like a bitch when I watch My Cousin Vinny? No. I just accept that it's a joke I don't particularly care for but other people do. And it's a JOKE. Any of these jokers aren't really saying "PEOPLE WITH STUTTERS ARE BAD HORRIBLE PEOPLE PUT HERE FOR OUR ENJOYMENT!" and I, being an intelligent person, am able to understand this.


            • #7
              Originally posted by Ladeeda View Post
              And the fact that the people telling them act like it's more offensive to call them on their misogynistic and unsympathetic brand of tasteless humor than for them to tell the joke.

              Originally posted by DrFaroohk View Post
              All I'm saying is everyone is offended by SOMETHING. I get mildly offended when I see a stutter being made fun of, because I have a stutter. my stutter has been practically the bane of my existance for as long as I can remember, and I've endured tons of bullshit over the last 30 years mainly because of this stutter. But do I get all pissy and cry like a bitch when I watch My Cousin Vinny? No. I just accept that it's a joke I don't particularly care for but other people do. And it's a JOKE. Any of these jokers aren't really saying "PEOPLE WITH STUTTERS ARE BAD HORRIBLE PEOPLE PUT HERE FOR OUR ENJOYMENT!" and I, being an intelligent person, am able to understand this.

              Thanks for proving my point.
              I have a drawing of an orange, which proves I am a semi-tangible collection of pixels forming a somewhat coherent image manifested from the intoxicated mind of a madman. Naturally.


              • #8
                Originally posted by DrFaroohk View Post
                Any of these jokers aren't really saying "PEOPLE WITH STUTTERS ARE ... PUT HERE FOR OUR ENJOYMENT!"
                Actually, quite a few of them are saying just that and hiding their fucktardery behind the "it's just a joke" bullshit banner.

                Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden


                • #9
                  I'd just like to point out how sexist this thread is against men. I was unaware rape can only happen to women. This is news to me.
                  Violence has resolved more conflicts than anything else. The contrary opinion that violence doesn't solve anything is merely wishful thinking at its worst. - Starship Troopers


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Greenday View Post
                    I'd just like to point out how sexist this thread is against men. I was unaware rape can only happen to women. This is news to me.
                    The majority of rape jokes are about women. Jokes about men being raped aren't funny, either, but are far less common, and often used as a "See, I'm not sexist" clause.
                    I have a drawing of an orange, which proves I am a semi-tangible collection of pixels forming a somewhat coherent image manifested from the intoxicated mind of a madman. Naturally.


                    • #11
                      George Carlin does a bit called "Rape Can Be Funny." As an example, he says, "Picture Porky Pig raping Elmer Fudd." For me, he's not saying that the act of rape is funny, he's saying that if you exaggerate any situation enough, it can be funny. As another example, I think we can all agree that you shouldn't joke about the Holocaust. However, on a recent episode of Archer, the main character is talking about an ocelot that's been stuck in a big room by itself, and he says (I'm paraphrasing), "We need to get a ball or a jungle gym or something, it's like Meow-schwitz in there." It's so completely ridiculous that it is funny.


                      • #12
                        Yeah, call me a humorless prude (and I know someone will), but I don't find cartoon rape to be any better.
                        I have a drawing of an orange, which proves I am a semi-tangible collection of pixels forming a somewhat coherent image manifested from the intoxicated mind of a madman. Naturally.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by AdminAssistant View Post
                          However, on a recent episode of Archer...
                          Archer is funnier than it has any right to be, to be honest. But it's one of those examples of satire I mentioned earlier, with pretty much everyone involved being examples of how not to act.

                          Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Ladeeda View Post
                            Yeah, call me a humorless prude (and I know someone will), but I don't find cartoon rape to be any better.
                            I don't think you're being humorless. I think jokes like this are pretty tasteless, too.

                            I think a lot of the people who like these types of jokes like outrageous humor, and/or they just like to see how many buttons they can push without getting into trouble.

                            There are some types of humor that other people seem to like that get under my skin, and I'll feel like I'm being a humorless stick in the mud for feeling that way.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by guywithashovel View Post
                              There are some types of humor that other people seem to like that get under my skin, and I'll feel like I'm being a humorless stick in the mud for feeling that way.
                              I've been straight up told my sense of humor is inferior and needs an adjustment when I wasn't amused that someone called me a chickenshit for not wanting to go to a certain event.

                              Then I go kill someone laughing when I mention mimes building invisible walls to keep the clowns away.

                              I just don't get why some people think humor isn't funny unless it involves someone being hurt, put down, or humiliated. I mean, 3 words: Panto Horse Race.
                              I have a drawing of an orange, which proves I am a semi-tangible collection of pixels forming a somewhat coherent image manifested from the intoxicated mind of a madman. Naturally.

