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being stuck inside/forced recluse

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  • being stuck inside/forced recluse

    similar to kiwi's post only on a different level.
    at first I got used to being a recluse, well not totally. when lisa was born I stayed to the bedroom mostly until I figured out a routine that worked for me. and slowly as the first weeks went by I realized hey you can come out of the bedroom she will be fine.
    skip ahead a year and a half and I still get out of the house now and then. for dr appointments, shopping and...whatever hubs needs me for or if I can go with.
    figured ok, I cannot legally drive for a while so deal with it. and I can go for a walk during the day. yeah well not anymore I cannot go outside unaccompanied. (not a rule, its not safe to do so anymore) Hubs is also a home bound person outside of work. joy. so ok I figure embrace this home bound life I can work with it....five months later I am going mad.
    I want out, I really do, I want out of this awful house just to go out for an hour to either go to a park, library or on occasion local coffee shop with or without daughter cause she is not a problem to take as she is mostly well behaved!

    well I finally got time, funds and baby sitter set aside to get out of the house! nope, karma, universe or whom ever says helll no eff you lexia you are sick, your kidneys are not going to work for a while and you cannot do it. queue nelson-esqe HAW HAW laughs.
    *eye twitch* I wasn't hurting myself emotionally or physically I was sticking with my daily routine as suggested in my depression classes -was and is working great - not inflicting emotional abuse IE getting better, figured out the cause of part of the mood swings and changed meds and thats working great but noooooo.
    lexia is forbidden to get out....and yes this is selfish but the one rare time I get to go out for one measly hour, making sure everything else is done first, is denied.
    Guess that starbucks run for the benefit of my friend was it huh. yeah that
    i'd say life isn't fair, but it is. but life is also a very cruel bitch a times as is karma so if this is payback for something I did to someone so be it, but do you have to keep chipping at my sanity?

    and also i realize just how much people on dialisis go through and how we as people take for granted functioning kidneys. not saying don't do it, just saying hey give your kidneys a break now and then. and the nurses and those in the know here know what happens when your kidneys aren't at 100% or close enough. all that crud they filter out starts going through your body and you feel like CRAP, low on energy and very sick. And until you flush it out, it eventually starts hurting.
    or in my case a nasty infection to where you slowly bleed in effegy until you can do something about it and must find someone to help with daughter because the antibiotics given you WILL knock you on your arse without a doubt. not "may cause drowziness" WILL KNOW YOUR ASS OUT. at least for
    this is my I hate being a recluse thread, and I hate being sick because it makes me a whiny wuss because after the c-section that whole lower torso area became this weak spot for me...front and back.
    Repeat after me, "I'm over it"
    Yeah we're so over, over
    Things I hate, that even after all this time...I still came back to the scene of the crime

  • #2
    Sorry, nothing to offer but a virtual hug... a gentle one, in case you're sore
    "My in-laws are country people and at night you can hear their distinctive howl."


    • #3
      appreciated. sorry....and i got lucky my meds are on the 4 dollar list yaaaay

      but now i am going to nap because the antibiotics are kicking me on my arse.
      still stuck in side. but the mood swings are now less....adjusting somewhat better but still has cabin fever.

      we got cabin fever we lost what sense we had! we got cabin fever and we're all going mad!
      Repeat after me, "I'm over it"
      Yeah we're so over, over
      Things I hate, that even after all this time...I still came back to the scene of the crime


      • #4
        Not much the Muppets can't improve
        "My in-laws are country people and at night you can hear their distinctive howl."


        • #5
          playing the dreaded waiting game...again
          can't have booze as it will seriously eff up my medication (antibiotics, birth control anti-depression meds)
          now if it were just the the second and third or at least just the birth control as i can miss ONE day on the anti-depressants but with this as is, can't.
          can't leave house, can't scrap book as I don't have the needed materials and just....stuck as usual. and now due to a computer virus I get to put all the stuff back on the computer which is half way done but some stuff was lost...

          the few days I do get out the person I depend upon for rides as I can no longer drive legally he wants to play "i don't feel like it" because I plan my stuff around his schedule but he is more of a recluse than myself so it doesn't help. at all.
          and now I go to find something to keep me from whinning. or at least shut the negative voice off for a while
          Repeat after me, "I'm over it"
          Yeah we're so over, over
          Things I hate, that even after all this time...I still came back to the scene of the crime


          • #6
            God, I feel so bad for you. I don't know where you live but if I was nearby I would come and pick you up. I stay at home too and if I couldn't drive or go for a couple walks a day, I don't know what I would do. It's also good for Khan to get out and see the world too.

            You live in a rural area right? So probably no buses or even sidewalks? I wish I had suggestions for you but I don't even have that, I'm sorry.

            I think I understand a little because I didn't get away from my kid for more than 6 hours for the first 18 months of his life, but now he spends nights with Grandma and we are even going to Gencon in August for 3 whole nights. So I'm not anywhere near as badly off.


            • #7
              Is there some outside space you can access from where you live? I make sure I sit on our balcony for an hour a day (with my coat on its still cold) but just the fresh air helps a lot! Do you have a balcony or porch or even a back garden or a local park... something that is close enough you could get inside if you need/want to but still helps with that trapped feeling?
              I like your Christ. I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ - Gandhi


              • #8
                Ana - Juuuust right outside city limits so up to a point there are no sidewalks until the main street. down our little almost dirt road no sidewalks. not enough room to build one.
                kind of rural area compared to a normal sized city or rather more foliage and open lots than buildings and homes.
                Found an outlet again while she is napping or once a week i live off coffee all day so i can have fun while she naps until a few hours after she goes to sleep
                its weird. i can be drained all day from chores and maybe have a short nap and still be tired but when she goes to bed its like i have a second wind within minutes. frustrating mostly for the fact I can't do much that doesn't wake daughter.
                getting out now as I am dragging hubs, he compromised that if we go out its to a library or social area but not a park. fine with me as she plays well with others. An indoor play area is great.
                We have a backyard, and every other day after cleaning up the animal "land mines" i let her run around and do her thing or push her on the swing. its not as bad but after weeks on end of not even getting an hour to take her outside its tough.

                I fell bad kiwi because this is no where near as bad as whats going on with you. big hugs. wish i could drive that would really help. but to GET to the local dmv to find out about my license is a pain too
                Last edited by LexiaFira; 05-20-2011, 12:39 AM.
                Repeat after me, "I'm over it"
                Yeah we're so over, over
                Things I hate, that even after all this time...I still came back to the scene of the crime


                • #9
                  You have every right to complain, just because you think my situation is 'worse', it doesn't mean you shouldn't be frustrated at your own problems. Everyone has different crap to deal with.

                  I have a car so at least I can drive around our two streets lol! You have my sympathies, no way I could cope with a baby and being shut inside I would be climbing the walls in a week!
                  I like your Christ. I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ - Gandhi


                  • #10
                    Daughter is not bad, without fail she will make me smile. I do not have a grudge or issue with her or never angry with her. Frustrated sometimes but I keep it from her cause its not her fault. Mostly frustrated because she fights me sometimes with naps but that's not her fault either as she is going through a long growth spurt and just uncomfortable period.

                    Main gripe is hubs with his job. he hates it, is on night shift so when he comes home he doesn't want to go out, do much or anything unless its for an appointment for me, himself or daughter, counseling (for me) or any other needed such as shopping or bill pay. Won't go walking or to the park, I often have to beg or give something in return to get him to want to go to the library. He isn't anti-social by nature but his job is running him so badly that he is turning into one. He wants to get a different job but is slacking on it or wants me to get a job part time or otherwise first before he can take one as the few jobs offered would be good benefits but pay cuts. Well for me my availability is limited because of his night shift and would I even be able to get daughter to a daycare without having to pay out first before any change can be made its kind of a catch here.
                    And even then very very sensitive about daycare as daughter cannot have dairy and one slip up is all it takes and it will require epi-pen or ER visit within minutes. no questions/no doubt it has happened

                    its very frustrating because he wants me to compromise but not himself. and its like i have no problem getting a job and cutting back as I already am in an attempt to save something but you aren't helping EITHER! I already do the majority of the household chores, what have you done? Come home and gone straight to tv or video games and i have to ask you to spend time with daughter. I really am sorry work is treating you badly but thats not the same here. stop doing being that way at home
                    Repeat after me, "I'm over it"
                    Yeah we're so over, over
                    Things I hate, that even after all this time...I still came back to the scene of the crime


                    • #11
                      Do you have your drivers license? If you don't I would make serious steps to get it so you don't have to rely on him to take you anywhere.
                      I like your Christ. I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ - Gandhi


                      • #12
                        I have a state ID. for many reasons I cannot legally drive anymore.
                        one being my eyesight in my left eye. and slow degeneration of sight which I had been forewarned about years ago.

                        Background. at some point in childhood my left eye turned out became lazy eye. two eye surgeries and much frustration later its still there and i now no longer have binocular vision (seriously one eye focuses, I close it the left eye focuses. I really have tried to see with both eyes, the nerves have done their thing the brain processes with one or the other and so on.)
                        so since then I have slowly lost night vision and eye sight. I now need large font, have to zoom on the webpage and enlarge the screen font size at times etc. and would have to wear glasses driving.

                        working on getting my license or hardship license but have to deal with some hang up in texas which because of the size of dallas, will take a while because dallas DMV is a pain to deal with period. it took me half a day just to get some info on my id changed once. gah
                        so yes it is in the works. I can drive, I know how, but because I cannot drive without acting like I am doing wrong - nor back up straight to save my life- I won't
                        that and to back out of the driveway for me takes work. you have to back out straight as any deviation from the driveway ends you in a ditch/drain ditch. so very hard for me
                        Repeat after me, "I'm over it"
                        Yeah we're so over, over
                        Things I hate, that even after all this time...I still came back to the scene of the crime

