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people who have no clue about nutrition/calories

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  • #31
    Originally posted by Greenday View Post
    My solution to stop snacking was to just stop buying snacks. If I don't have them, I can't eat them. It seems to work pretty well.
    Yeah, that would be my solution if my boyfriend didn't buy them. That's easier when you live by yourself or with a partner who is following the same eating plan as you.

    I've started drinking a cup of water before I go to eat anything, usually that helps.


    • #32
      You sound like my mom. She'll be "trying" to diet and my step-dad will buy a bunch of stuff. Then my mom will complain about him buying snacks even though he knows she's dieting while she is eating some chips and dip or something. My mom has no willpower to speak of.
      Violence has resolved more conflicts than anything else. The contrary opinion that violence doesn't solve anything is merely wishful thinking at its worst. - Starship Troopers


      • #33
        I find that buying strawberries or fresh pineapple helps whenever I crave sweets. Cherries are good, too. I can eat loads of them, and it's better for me than eating loads of sweets. XD
        "Oh wow, I can't believe how stupid I used to be and you still are."


        • #34
          Originally posted by BlaqueKatt View Post
          There were two women in line waiting on their items, and they commented on my HUGE caloric intake. They got their items-one had a large caramel frappe, and the other had a mocha frappe, also large. I mentioned they had almost as many calories in their beverage as I had in my entire meal, they laughed and said I must be joking.

          Are you fucking serious? WHAT IS WRONG WITH PEOPLE???!!!

          Originally posted by BlaqueKatt
          How deluded are people about nutrition and caloric content of foods and beverages?
          Apparently a lot, since these women have obviously never checked nutrition facts in their life!


          • #35
            Originally posted by Lace Neil Singer View Post
            I find that buying strawberries or fresh pineapple helps whenever I crave sweets. Cherries are good, too. I can eat loads of them, and it's better for me than eating loads of sweets. XD
            Yep, I usually try to have fruit of all kinds in the house. I haven't seen cherries in the stores yet around here, they're my favorite, though they tend to be pricey.

            You sound like my mom. She'll be "trying" to diet and my step-dad will buy a bunch of stuff. Then my mom will complain about him buying snacks even though he knows she's dieting while she is eating some chips and dip or something. My mom has no willpower to speak of.
            It is difficult when people buy stuff you happen to like but are trying to avoid. Though, I've gotten better willpower wise. I'll drink some water before having something, it gives the craving time to calm down. If I'm still craving the thing, if it's not too bad for me, I'll have a small amount.

            I'm not really one of those people who eats 5000 calories a day because I can't resist stuff, sometimes I have to check to make sure I'm eating enough in the day so my body doesn't go into starvation mode or something (not that I'm intentionally not eating or anything, I just lose track of time)

            I've gone down 4lbs recently! So what I'm doing must be working.


            • #36
              One thing to note about cravings is that if you're craving a specific food, there's likely something in that food that your body is in need of. If you can isolate that and find a healthier alternative, that will help.

              Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden


              • #37
                Originally posted by Andara Bledin View Post
                One thing to note about cravings is that if you're craving a specific food, there's likely something in that food that your body is in need of. If you can isolate that and find a healthier alternative, that will help.

                I don't think that's always true though, I crave chocolate a lot of the time. I doubt that's because I need anything in it for health reasons.


                • #38
                  I'm one of those people that usually have five small meals a day in order to keep my blood sugars where they should be. I'm a type 2 diabetic, totally diet controlled, and I must be doing something right because my last round of blood work came back with great results. We went over what I usually eat and my doctor was astounded that I eat very little fried or greasy foods, that I broil or bake my meats, steam my veggies, and use little or no salt and butter/margarine. I also avoid anything that comes out of a can due to the added sugar and salt that is usually found in canned foods.

                  Admittedly, I will sometimes have a bit of chocolate or have a greasy McD's burger, but it's not a common thing. I have learned that if I totally deny myself something that I will end up going on a binge and making myself violently ill. All things in moderation!

                  On top of all that, I have a huge sweet tooth...and I'm allergic to pretty much all the chemical sweeteners. I'd rather avoid the major migraines and IBS attacks so I will still use white or brown sugar - in moderation, as with everything else. And yes, it means that I am a package reader when I'm out grocery shopping. Anybody I go shopping with tends to go a little nuts because I have to stop and read everything before I put it into my cart, even things I buy on a regular basis. I can't risk there being an ingredient change that might make me sick, and it has happened. I prefer to be safe rather than sorry.


                  • #39
                    Originally posted by muses_nightmare View Post
                    It is difficult when people buy stuff you happen to like but are trying to avoid.
                    Yes, it is. It's too much temptation. My family is very bad about that. Being on a diet is stressful enough; I don't need added temptation on top of it. "Oh, you know you mustn't have any!" Then why did you buy it and put it in the pantry?! You're teasing me with it and you know it!

                    It's like bringing a bottle of Jack Daniels into a recovering alcoholic's house; it's goading them and that's not nice at all. You want goodies, fine, take them to work or hide them somewhere I don't know about.

                    People behave as if they were actors in their own reality show. -- Panacea
                    If you're gonna be one of the people who say it's time to make America great again, stop being one of the reasons America isn't great right now. --Jester


                    • #40
                      I'm pretty sure that people deliberately sabotage dieters or people trying to adopt healthy lifestyle because when the "victim" then fails, the saboteurs can then absolve themselves of doing the same and continue with their own unhealthy habits guilt-free.


                      • #41
                        Originally posted by patiokitty View Post
                        I'd rather avoid the major migraines and IBS attacks so I will still use white or brown sugar - in moderation, as with everything else.
                        Brown sugar is pretty much just white sugar and molasses. You might check into a natural blond sugar - they're far healthier than any bleached variety.

                        Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden


                        • #42
                          People make comments no matter what I eat.

                          I bring in healthy food for lunch, say a package of tuna and a couple of bananas and a yogurt.

                          "Are you on a diiiiiiiieet?"

                          "You look fine the way you are!"

                          "My, aren't we the healthy eater!" (always said in a snotty tone)

                          I bring in alright food, like a mixture of rice and salmon or rice and chicken, a little good and a little bad. Not so many comments there.

                          If I bring pizza to work or say we have our potluck dinner and I have an entire plate of desserts:

                          "You better be careful or you're going to get fat!"

                          "I bet you're going to have fun at the gym today!"


                          • #43
                            I think a lot of people hurt their diets with drinks because they are in the mindset of "It's a drink. It can't possibly have enough fat and calories to hurt me." However, a lot of the specialty drinks you get at places like Starbucks and Tim Hortons are pretty loaded with those things.

                            I typically don't get too many comments on my foods. Though I used to have a coworker who liked to patrol other people's eating habits. She had watched "Supersize Me" and read one of Morgan Spurlock's other books, so she was deadset against McDonald's. One time, I came back from lunch with one of those fruit smoothies that McD's has, and she looked at me with this wide-eyed expression and exclaimed "What did you get from McDonald's?" It was in a tone of voice like "I can't believe you went there!" The smoothie was the only thing I got at McD's that day, though. I rarely eat their food. Funny thing is, she'll eat almost any kind of take-out pizza. There is this one pizza place she really likes that has pizza with really thick crust, and they put huge pieces of pepperoni on their pizzas. I don't see how that's any healthier than McD's.


                            • #44
                              Blas, you must be eating with my great aunts and grandmother.

                              If you eat sensibly you're "on a diet" and "you're so thin, why are you trying to lose weight?" And if you pig out, that's commented on, too.

                              It's just ridiculous. And infuriating.

                              I think coworkers do it because, again, they want to dismiss your healthy habits because they don't want their own to look worse by comparison.

                              Let me guess: women do this. And the occasional creepy, insecure dude.


                              • #45
                                Originally posted by guywithashovel View Post
                                I typically don't get too many comments on my foods. Though I used to have a coworker who liked to patrol other people's eating habits. She had watched "Supersize Me" and read one of Morgan Spurlock's other books, so she was deadset against McDonald's. One time, I came back from lunch with one of those fruit smoothies that McD's has, and she looked at me with this wide-eyed expression and exclaimed "What did you get from McDonald's?" It was in a tone of voice like "I can't believe you went there!"
                                Ugh. I work with one of those now. In fact, she spent a good hour droning on about how fast food sucks, and that "gourmet" restaurants (that very few people in the city have even *heard* of) are better. Sorry, but fuck that. I try to watch what I eat, but I'm not about to drop $45 on a meal for one or two people. Like others have said, this person reads one or two articles in a magazine, and suddenly she's a fucking expert? Nope, not buying it...especially since my mother works for the health department.

                                People like that just piss me off. It's like they have to go out of their way to ruin my lunch. Especially when she starts going on about how organic things are wonderful. Again, she read a few articles. But, from what *I've* read, and the questions I've asked, there's *no* proof that organic is better. Plus, I can't see the point of paying more at the store...for something that tastes *exactly* the same

