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Being told what to do.

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  • Being told what to do.

    Particularly with things that affect me and only me.

    I'm getting this shit from everyone lately. Friends, family, or even random people on the street. Everyone is a fucking expert and has to tell me what to do. As if I'm incapable of making my own decisions.

    You know what? You don't know what's best for me. *I* know what's best for me. A lot of the time when I take their advice, it doesn't fucking work for me (then I get to hear about how I was doing it wrong!). Even if their advice does work, I shouldn't be bugged by "caring" busybodies after I had already politely declined. If they really care, than they can trust me to make my own decisions. As long as it's not affecting anyone else, than it's MY FUCKING CHOICE TO MAKE.

    On a side note, I hate hearing "wait till you get a job" in responce to ranting about being told what to do. The people giving me advice are not my bosses, so that's a fail comparison. Plus it's just a condescending thing to say. "ooh the big bad real world!". Fuck the "real world"! These people don't even know what they're talking about when they spout such bullshit.

  • #2
    I'm having trouble imagining what you might be doing that would invite comments and advice from "random people on the street."

    Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden


    • #3
      "Random people on the street" is exagerated. By that I mean just random people I meet and talk to. Though the unsolicited advice is usually from those I know.


      • #4
        It might be helpful to know what kind of advice you're getting. Sometimes we think that our decisions affect only ourselves and are blind to how they are affecting others. Could that be the case here? Perhaps some of this unsolicited advice is these people's way of saying "Your choices are affecting me negatively"?


        • #5
          Boozy, it depends. Sometimes it's just people telling me what they think I should be doing with my life. Like "you shouldn't spend so much time online" or "you should join some club". Which doesn't affect them, especially since they don't live with me. Maybe I LIKE spending time online and maybe those clubs don't appeal to me.

          Other times it's insisting I do something their way. Like studying a certain way even though I know it wouldn't work for me. In those instances, I don't mind them bringing up other ways to study, but when you insist that I do it your way even though I made it clear that my way is fine for me, you're an ass.

          I don't see how a lot of these things can affect other people. And even if they do, they affect me a lot more. If they feel that my choices affect them, than they can explain to me why it affects them instead of beating around the bush.

