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My Brother's Girlfriend

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  • My Brother's Girlfriend

    This is the same girl from my thread back in January "Girls Hurting My Baby Brother".

    They are still together, unfortunately. My entire family hates this girl, especially me.

    Before anyone gets on my case about "Well blas, you were in a two and a half year relationship with an alcoholic manchild and everyone bitched to you about him, you just had to learn for yourself", this is a little different. While he certainly was a piece of work, he never caused scenes in front of my family and he never aired dirty laundry about us on Facebook (until after I broke up with him). He also never blew up my phone when he was mad about me having to work or not be able to see him.

    This girl is the biggest attention whore. I think it's because she has mental problems, and because her dad is a giant douche, but it still doesn't excuse the way she treats my brother.

    First of all, she's never been able to accept the fact that my brother has a job that requires travelling for work. He's gone all over the state, the country, and even out of the country for work. I honestly believe that if you're that needy of a person, you shouldn't be with someone that travels for work.

    My brother cannot have his phone on him during work hours, especially if they are in warehouses, distribution centers, and military bases. Basic standard rules. My brother has worked 12+ hour days, then turned on his phone after work to 50+ text messages and angry voicemails threatening him with all kinds of things because he won't answer his phone. Even though she KNOWS he cannot answer his phone!

    There have been so many incidents....I can't even list them all. Most of them are when I'm asleep or at work, but have been related to me secondhand by my mom or brother.

    The most infamous one is when my brother's college friends wanted him to come hang out (in a small town about 45 mins away), and this sent her into a violent frenzy because there were GIRL PALS of my brother there that he used to hang out with! At my parents' house (Dad wasn't home, though, just Mom), right in front of my mother, this little witch started screaming, stomping her feet, giving my brother her favorite line "I can have ANYONE I want!" and she slammed the door, got into her car, and did the dumbest thing. See, my parents live on a dead end road that's about 8 to 10 blocks long. She got into her car, revved the engine, drove ALL the way down to the end of the road, turned around........and then drove SO fast, by the time she went past my parents' house again, she had to be up to 60-65 mph! Well, it just so happened that at the end of the block and across the street, there was a cop sitting there trying to clock people going by on the main road that my parents' street plugs into. She panicked, turned around, the cop put his car in gear and started to follow her down my parents' road, so she parked back on the street and pounded on the door and demanded to be let in because now a cop was following her. The cop parked on the street one house down and waited for her for about a half hour, but must have gotten a call and left. No idea why he never turned on his lights or persued her before she fled and ran into the house. And for whatever dumb reason, my brother let her in.

    Then there was the weekend after I'd broken up with manchild, my brother and I went back into our hometown to see Finger 11 at the annual festival downtown. Just hours into it, he starts getting all kinds of threatening, angry text messages, this little witch even accused him of being there with ANOTHER girl and lying that it was ME to cover it up! My brother took a picture of us with his phone and texted back "Does this really look like another girl to you?" and she then started her normal line of starting a fight, which is when she texts him "So what is your problem?"

    She speaks in freaking codes when she posts on FB, and I can never understand what her issue is. I've seen her post about wanting to do stuff with random guys, then my mom texts me and tells me that she got mad at my brother for not answering his phone, so she's trying to get attention.

    Oh, woops, let's backtrack. The weekend that my ex got into his car accident, I was sitting at home trying to gather all my thoughts, and the little witch was messaging me on FB, telling me that she was SOOOO MAD that my brother wasn't answering his phone (he was in a random shithole spot in Michigan with barely any service as it was), so she was considering meeting up with this random guy who added her on FB and wanted to mess around. I called my mom and said that I really didn't need to hear that right now. My mom actually yelled at her for bothering me when I was going through a serious problem in my life with my boyfriend right now.

    More recently, she and my brother went to the annual country music festival, she kicked and screamed that my brother didn't buy campsites for them (you need to buy them a YEAR in advance!), and when they were just hanging out, she started going through his phone and found pictures on FB from a year or more ago before he met her, some pics with girls in them, and she started her routine again.

    As it is now, my brother is to the point of just walking away or telling her to fuck off when she does that. It only makes her more mad, and causes her to do one thing that my ex also did, which was come back screaming "Why are you mad at me?! Oh fine, go ahead, LEAVE!" and then "NO, don't walk away from me!"

    As of now, my brother has been in California for a few weeks, and he won't be back until nearly September. We KNEW that within days, she was going to start shit again. We were right. One day a couple of weeks ago while I was getting ready for work (I no longer have time to go online before work) she was writing all over FB about how my brother was a jerk and how she was going to meet up and "do stuff" with these two random guys. My mom called my brother and he said that he already told her to knock it off or they were over. Since then, she's found more pictures, made comments about the girls in them or just wrote rude things. Just yesterday, my brother wrote about something he was going to do to his truck when he gets home, and she wrote back "Nice to know you care more about your truck than calling your girlfriend!"

    Even though he says everything is ok, it isn't. I know he's going to have to do it for himself, like I did. But you can't keep threatening to end it if they do it "one more time", because I threatend my ex bf if he ever made another Jersey Shore scene again, I'd end it, and I didn't. I threatened if he ever started another dumb fight with me, I'd walk away, but I'd cave when he started namecalling me a coward and a dumb bitch for walking away.

    But it still iritates me that no one will listen to him.

  • #2
    Dear lord. He needs to run screaming, now. Before the talons sink any deeper. There are things wrong in the head of that woman that nothing he can possibly do will ever rectify or even placate.

    Tell him he has two options: A restraining order or the witness protection program. The former if he breaks up with her now and the latter if he puts it off any longer. >.>


    • #3
      I guess we will just have to hope that he eventually sees the light like I did, and realizes that people like her are not going to change or ever get better.

      I just hope it doesn't take him two and a half years, one day waking up 24 years old and realizing you just wasted some of the best years of your life with a waste of flesh.


      • #4
        Ugh, sounds like a nice dose of emotional abuse on her part. Gads.

        I hope your brother finally breaks things off with her once and for all and stops his empty threats. All his threats are doing are showing her that she doesn't have to change, and that's no good since she is treating him like utter shit. She obviously has no respect for him or their relationship if she's pulling that crap all the time, even when she knows what his job entails, etc.

        But you're right, unfortunately nothing anyone says will make him break it off with her if he's not there in his head yet himself. I spent 5.5 years in an emotionally abusive relationship - not to the extent of your brother's, but abuse is abuse. I know that none of my friends or family liked the guy at all, but they had to just leave me to it until I finally came to the realization on my own that I didn't need him dragging me down with him. I just hope it doesn't take your brother as long as it took me :/


        • #5
          If he thinks things are bad now, tell him of how things will be if she gets knocked up. He'll never be shet of her then.
          Cry Havoc and let slip the marsupials of war!!!


          • #6
            Saw the title of the post and that you posted it. First thought that came to my mind was, "God, he's still with her?"

            She's a fucking nut job. Personally, I'm worried for your brother's safety. She seems like the kind who will end up in jail for attacking her boyfriend.
            Violence has resolved more conflicts than anything else. The contrary opinion that violence doesn't solve anything is merely wishful thinking at its worst. - Starship Troopers


            • #7
              Touching on Tanasi's post, if she does get knocked up, a paternity test is an absolute must.

              Though it would be better if he went with Gk's first option.

              Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden


              • #8
                Funny you guys should mention her getting knocked up.

                Mom and I were talking this morning, bitching about the little witch and I said "Mom, if she gets knocked up, I'm shoving her down the stairs. I hope you don't mind."

                Mom said..........

                Wait for it.............


                "Not if I get there and do it first!"


                • #9
                  Time to kick her to the curb like yesterday's trash! That bitch is a psycho! Besides that if bro dumps her he's gotta block her and get a restraining order on her ass.
                  There are no stupid questions, just stupid people...


                  • #10
                    I have no doubt there will be issues, but I hope it doesn't go that far.

                    I'm hoping she doesn't take the cat back or hurt anyone or vandalize anything.

