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Stupid political issues and conspiracy theorists

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  • Stupid political issues and conspiracy theorists

    With the economy situation, war on terror, budget deficit, and so many other issues, you'd think we'd be concerned with how our President handles that. After all, that shit actually affects us. But far too often, we have these media talking heads trying to get people to change their views based on unimportant minutia or baseless claims to get people riled up. Obama said this, Mccain said that, Sarah Palin did that! Yeah, I remember when we all made jokes about the 2008 election. I loved the SNL sketch with Tina Fey as Sarah Palin. But it was just comedy, meant to entertain us and poke fun at the ridiculousness of the election, NOT TO BE TAKEN SERIOUSLY

    Over the past several years, I've heard so many stupid criticisms of Bush and Obama. For Bush it was how he said "NU KILLER bomb". With Obama it's been a number of things. I remember when my mom was still somewhat conservative and listened to Laura Ingraham. Her show become the "let's find something stupid to criticize Obama over". I remember one show where she criticized him over a handshake, A FRIGGIN' HANDSHAKE. Because Obama just shook the guys hand when asked to, this somehow showed that he was too willing to give in. Obviously the man is too stupid to know the difference between a harmless handshake and a major decision that affects all of us.

    Even Sarah Palin, who I can't stand (mainly because of her extreme religious beliefs affecting her politics), has been criticized for things which are of little importance. So what if her daughter had a teen pregnancy, leave her out of it! It has nothing to do with Sarah Palin's politics. You can find so many other things to criticize her over and you pick something her daughter does?!

    Then there was the whole thing with Obamas birth certificate. This was just Donald Trump coming up with baseless conspiracy theories now. Because there was no reason to assume that Obama wasn't born in the US. And even if he wasn't, does it really matter in the grand scheme of things? What does it have to do with how he runs this country?

    And then there are those who vote based on one issue alone and act like they know more than you. These prolife people who hate Obama only because he's pro choice. They act like you are a horrible baby killer because you dare vote for him. Nevermind there being a MILLION OTHER ISSUES that you took into consideration before voting. No, abortion is obviously the only one that matters.

    Now I don't claim to be a political expert and am actually pretty ignorant of how a lot of things work, but I like to think I have a good general idea of what the canidates support. The media just loves to distract us from these issues by focusing on petty he said she said politics which usually doesn't affect us in the slightest. Yet, I know so many people who vote based on this crap.

  • #2
    Sarah Palin initially mounted her campaign on a pro-life, anti-sex education, Jesus Loves You platform. The coincidence of her daughter then getting knocked up was just a little too sweet to be left alone. ("Yeah, how's that abstinence program working out for ya?")


    • #3
      Please don't remind me about that crap. I'm still hearing that Obama is a Muslim.
      "Human history becomes more and more a race between education and catastrophe" -H. G. Wells

      "Nature, to be commanded, must be obeyed" -Sir Francis Bacon


      • #4
        I happen to like Laura Ingraham.

        But, to each their own. Don't think there aren't lefties out there overly incorrectly analyzing every single thing a conservative does. It goes both ways.

        It's no secret I'm an Obama hater, but I have never been one of those birther nutsos, or people declaring he's a Muslim trying to change America that way. I also don't buy into the theory that he's going to make America a Communist nation. Are you kidding me?

        Sarah Palin has opened her mouth and spoken things that cannot be taken back, cannot be taken seriously by most people, and she's really screwed herself in doing so. I was never a big fan of her, but hopefully it was a lesson to the amateur policiticans hoping to make it big to watch your damned mouth and try your best to be able to be taken seriously as a politician and a person. Such a shame that people like Sarah Palin and Billary Clinton (and her insane theories about video games and violence) make female politicians look so stupid.


        • #5
          Originally posted by blas87 View Post
          Such a shame that people like Sarah Palin and Billary Clinton (and her insane theories about video games and violence) make female politicians look so stupid.
          Don't forget Michelle Bachman. These are the type of people that make it so hard for women to be taken seriously.

          Last edited by Andara Bledin; 10-08-2011, 08:28 AM.
          Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden


          • #6
            Some of the things Obama gets blamed for is really funny. Like lack of jobs. Really? The president controls how many people companies hire now? Really?
            I actually feel sorry for the guy. Inherited a mess (not that it was Bush's fault mind..) and things have went downhill since. /ot

            People became convinced that all politicians lie, so the media gives them what they want. Regardless of if it is important, anything that can be considered a falsehood or let the other side say "Ahha! Got ya!" is rolled out with fanfare. It's become more about not letting the otherside win then what is best for the people/country. *shrugs*


            • #7
              Originally posted by Rageaholic
              The media just loves to distract us from these issues by focusing on petty he said she said politics which usually doesn't affect us in the slightest.
              That's not really the media, that's an actual page from the playbook. Blame Rove for that one. When you don't have a hope on a legitimate issue, rile up people based on a non-issue. Stir up the idjits with gay marriage or abortion or some other hot button topic so they're not talking about how bad you are in every other category of government.

              It works really well when you get down into the scarier southern / rural areas where people really aren't aware ( nor have any interest in ) anything that happens outside of their own little town/county. All they need is for their pastor to stand up in church and say the Democrats murder babies and that's that.

              Originally posted by blas87
              I happen to like Laura Ingraham.
              I don't know much about her except that she tried to claim the term "banshee" was racially offensive to Native American's on the Colbert Report. -.-

              However, having written the Obama Diaries, I severely doubt she's any sort of bastion of rationale political discourse. She comes across like yet another irrational right wing talking head.

              Originally posted by blas87
              Don't think there aren't lefties out there overly incorrectly analyzing every single thing a conservative does. It goes both ways.
              It's not that there isn't leftie twits doing the same. The problem is that those leftie twits aren't given the same main stream coverage like the right does with its twits. I mean for fuck sakes, Fox criticized Obama for using a paperclip. >.>

              "Terrorist Fist Bump" and all that.


              • #8
                Originally posted by blas87 View Post
                But, to each their own. Don't think there aren't lefties out there overly incorrectly analyzing every single thing a conservative does. It goes both ways.
                I know. I remember the Bush years where people were finding all kinds of things to blame Bush over. I don't like Bush, but with any criticisms, some of them are just cheep shots.


                • #9
                  It makes for good sales in knick knacks and tshirts and whatnot.

                  I mean, didn't you own a "Not My President" shirt with Bush's face on it?


                  • #10
                    Although I didn't vote for Bush, I indeed didn't own such a T-shirt . Or bumper sticker, or um anything that had anti-Bush messages on it. Not even a "I didn't vote for Bush" message. . I didn't vote for Obama, don't have any anti-obama items either. In fact, for the most part I think he is getting blamed for a lot of things he inherited or has absolutely no power over. *shrugs*

                    You can put the best/brightest/most honest president in..and nothing would change. Nada, zip, zilch. The who shebang has become a circus, and needs tossed out and started fresh.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Gravekeeper View Post
                      It's not that there isn't leftie twits doing the same. The problem is that those leftie twits aren't given the same main stream coverage like the right does with its twits.
                      That's because the left wing shows are news shows and Fox is an entertainment show, not a news show.
                      Violence has resolved more conflicts than anything else. The contrary opinion that violence doesn't solve anything is merely wishful thinking at its worst. - Starship Troopers


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by blas87 View Post
                        I mean, didn't you own a "Not My President" shirt with Bush's face on it?
                        No. I don't own a single piece of anything that has a political motivation.

                        I don't feel that my identity is so wrapped up with my political views that I need to advertise to the dipshits on any side of the spectrum.

                        Plus, it's tacky, and I have more class than that.

                        Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Greenday View Post
                          That's because the left wing shows are news shows and Fox is an entertainment show, not a news show.
                          Cept the channel is called Fox News and intentionally does everything it can to come across as real news with only a teensy tiny disclaimer ( that only comes up when they get called out ) that some of their shows are meant to be entertainment and others are meant to be news.

                          Oh, and the Terrorist Fist Bump thing occured on one of their shows they categorize as legtimate news. Most of the people that seriously watch Fox News are using it as an actual news source because thats what it portrays itself as. Which is half your problem right there.


                          • #14
                            Actually, there was one program that I watched on FOX that I absolutely enjoyed (for it being 4 am and we all know what else is on at that time on Sunday morning). I can't remember the show, but it's like an open forum with guests....Red Corner? Something like that?

                            Anywho, I had been channel surfing, and stopped there because I noticed someone from a soap I used to watch. They were having a discussion about some stupid wussy uber liberal Dad group in some state that was having a thing about little boys bringing in all of their toy guns to this pizza place and getting free pizza for getting rid of their violent toys.

                            That was the stupidest thing I've heard as of late.


                            • #15
                              Well geeze, Blas, don't you know that little boys who play with toy guns grow up to be serial killers? Sort of like how kids who eat candy cigarettes grow up to be chain smokers

