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Being A Whiney Baby

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  • Being A Whiney Baby

    We had a thread not too long ago about people who would rather just sit and whine about their problems. This is somewhat similar, although, for the sake of this argument, I'm just going to make it clear: in this case, money and time are not an issue.

    Say you have a flat tire. A universal incovenience. Say that you do most of your own work on your vehicle, so you'd rather fix it yourself, buy a new tire. Cool. But, your tire is so old, it's rusted to the car. Ok, you can't do that yourself.

    It's Thursday morning. You don't have to be to work until Friday evening. You have all day to call a friend, a relative (if you don't want to spend much), or you have all day to call a shop (remember, money is no issue here) and then call Wal-Mart, Farmer's Barn, Tires R Us, anywhere that sells tires, because you don't have a donut.


    You can sit and play video games all day, and be grumpy, sulky and mopey about this problem.

    So, let's say I wake up to get ready for work, and I text you and ask what you did about your tire all day. You tell me that you just did the latter that I described above. Sit around and stew in your own pity and play video games. But, you're going to call the tire shop right now. Fifteen minutes before they close. Go figure, guess what? NO openings until Monday! Oh, but you curse at me that it wouldn't matter if you'd called them earlier anyway.

    You're not gonna bother anyone to try and help you get the tire off or pull your car to a shop. No, they don't tow vehicles backwards. Are you for real, you big baby? Anything can be towed! Vehicles in five pieces can be towed.

    Pretty much any idea I try to run by or try to help, I get venomously (is that a word?) shot down with these self defeatest "That won't work!" or "NO I won't do that!" answers.

    So, in your moping and sulking and refusal to ask for help or to get assistance because you have plenty of comes to Friday and you have to work tonight. I suggest you let your boss know ahead of time, and he may be able to find you a ride. He's done it before for others with vehicle problems.

    "I am NOT calling him!" you bark a text at me.

    So then I ask you, you're going to call in "sick" to work for 3 days and get 3 ticks on your record because you don't want to call for a damn ride? Let ALONE, cabs in this smaller town DO go to your area and only cost $3, versus where I live, cabs are $10 for the same distance. NO, you are NOT calling a cab, that's TOO MUCH HASSLE.

    Oh, for fucks sake.

    Seriously, I've had my own share of car problems. *Knock wood, pray to God never let this happen* no flats yet, but I have had every. other. single car problem known to cars. And I know how it can put a damper on your plans. It's extremely inconvenient. And I know it sucks asking for help. Even if you have money, it's not something you want to spend it on. But, all the times I've had probems, I've been broke and I've spent sleepless days making calls and arrangements and promises to anyone who would help me. No matter how bad it makes you feel, there's nothing wrong with asking for help.

    If it had been me, I'd have had that thing replaced that same day, with the help of someone to get my car to the shop and ordered a tire for when I had more money, and for help to put my spare tire on for now. Even if it meant not getting any sleep, just to have that tire temporarily fixed to make it to work that night, and maybe just asked my boss if I could use PTO to leave a few hours early to get some sleep. Worst case scenario, I may have needed a ride to work to and from, and gotten it fixed Friday at the latest.

    Some people are such freaking whiney babies. It's almost like they'd rather just piss, moan, and be miserable than to fix anything.

  • #2
    So... is this something that happened as presented, or is it meant as an analogy for something else that really happened, or is it just an example of a general phenomenon for discussion?
    "My in-laws are country people and at night you can hear their distinctive howl."


    • #3
      Pardon my lack of clarity.

      It really happened. In the same order and days that I described.

      Yesterday morning I was just sighing to myself and thinking out loud "Good lord, what a baby!"


      • #4
        That's... weird. I mean, I'm lazy and whatever the adjective form of "procrastinate" is and all that, but changing a flat tire (given the means to do so) takes priority, especially if I'm going to need to drive on it soon.
        "My in-laws are country people and at night you can hear their distinctive howl."


        • #5
          Oh, I know what you mean. I've put off a lot of stuff. For no real good reason. I'm pretty lazy in a lot of aspects of life.

          But if I don't have a car, I'm pretty much screwed. Majorly. Fixing a flat tire would take main priority for me. But then again, I'm just a lazy person, not a self defeatest whiner who would rather be miserable to everyone around me and use the excuse that no one will help me, so I'm more likely to get results I want than a person like that.

          Thanks to this nonsense, I've had a headache and urge to bang my head against the wall ever since that day. I mean...I cannot wrap my head around this type of person. There's being stubborn. There's being a whiner. There's being a brat and a baby. But, you'd rather just go without a vehicle, wait until the last minute to even attempt help or to get it fixed.......and get pissy about getting help to get to/from work....up until right before, you were just going to skip out all your shifts this weekend.....I mean, I cannot wrap my head around someone who is going to be THAT damn pissy and whiney and miserable over fixing something as universally inconvenient as a flat tire.


          • #6
            When my cars have problems, I get them taken care of ASAP. I can't afford to be without a car either. Bus service in my area sucks

            The exception to that, was when my MG was laid up last year. The old tires on the car were too unsafe to drive on. Not surprising, since they were installed in 1977 Anyway, when I noticed a couple of bulges in the sidewalls, the car was immediately parked...and new tires were ordered. I jacked the car up, removed the rims, and hauled them down to Pep Boys to have the tires removed. With that done, I thought I might as well get them painted. That took quite a bit longer than I thought.

            Why? Life got in the way, I guess. Dad's cancer issues, Grandma's stroke (and eventual death ), plus my dad's auto accident...sort of underscored the "importance" of getting the MG "street legal" again. To me, my family was more important than that car. No surprise then, that it sat an entire year up on axle stands in the garage. Also no surprise, was when I finally fitted the newly repainted wheels and tires...that it was a bitch to start

            Something like that, I can totally understand. What I can't understand, are people like my brothers. Nearly every time I talk to them...they bitch and moan about "having" to live with my parents. When asked why they don't simply move out, I get to hear various excuses. They either "can't afford it" or go on a rant about how the economy could put them out of work.

            Seriously? You "can't afford" to move? Funny how there's always cash for a new computer, more video games/movies, etc. but there's never any to pay the bills. I call bullshit on the "economy" excuse as well. Why? I work in the financial services industry, so my job isn't exactly safe either. Yet, I bought a place and moved out several years ago. Of course, I'm not foolish with my money either. My motto is "no toys, unless the bills are paid for." Not that I get new "toys" all that often either.

            They'd rather whine about how "bad" our parents are, rather than take some responsibility. I guess it's easier to be a pussy...than to man up and take care of things.

            *And before I get slammed, I should mention this. I get that some people live with their parents until their 30s. Hell, *I* did that. I did it so I could save up enough to pay off the school loans, buy a new car, and eventually enough to put a down payment on a house. I have no problem with that. I do have a problem with those who whine about their situation...yet do nothing to fix it.


            • #7
              Originally posted by blas87 View Post
              money and time are not an issue.
              I think I've discovered the answer to this problem. Seriously. If he has enough money that he doesn't have to worry about it, why is he going to get off his ass to get his car fixed, even if it's something simple? What reason does he have?
              Violence has resolved more conflicts than anything else. The contrary opinion that violence doesn't solve anything is merely wishful thinking at its worst. - Starship Troopers


              • #8
                sounds like my sis in law's which he gets this way because it ONLY affects just him, not everyone in the house....
                Repeat after me, "I'm over it"
                Yeah we're so over, over
                Things I hate, that even after all this time...I still came back to the scene of the crime


                • #9
                  To me, my family was more important than that car. No surprise then, that it sat an entire year up on axle stands in the garage.
                  Yeah... but you said "carS." If the MG were your only car and you had to rely on it every day... well, you'd be sunk anyway, but more to the point, you'd have gotten the tires back on pronto.
                  "My in-laws are country people and at night you can hear their distinctive howl."


                  • #10
                    That is the part I don't understand. If time and money are no issue, then freaking do it. Or whine and bitch and be pissy towards any suggestions of people or shops to call. Or, finally decide to get off your ass and call for some help, and everyone is busy and can't help you. Cue some further whining. Well, guess what? Most people make their plans and already have their weekend going by Friday and Saturday, and not many people are going to be able to drop everything and come help you. That's NOT their fault.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by protege View Post
                      When my cars have problems, I get them taken care of ASAP. I can't afford to be without a car either. Bus service in my area sucks

                      with the pizza delivery job I have, my car IS a HUGE part of my job. little things tend to get taken care of quick. BIG things (like blowing your lower intake manifold gaskets) tend to deprive me of valued INCOME if I can not get access to another vehicle for 3 days. No vehicle = no incoming $$$$. soryy delivering pizza by bus is just not an option for me. thank whatever that my girlfirend will let me borrow her car for a couple of days

                      the guy in the OP is just stupid. calling in FOR 3 DAYS just because he is too lazy to have a flat fixed???????

                      Yesa I will admit to letting a small problem go for a littel longer than I should, but that involves me trying to the cash together so I can get the repair done.
                      Last edited by Racket_Man; 10-31-2011, 11:29 AM.
                      I'm lost without a paddle and I'm headed up sh*t creek.

                      I got one foot on a banana peel and the other in the Twilight Zone.
                      The Fools - Life Sucks Then You Die


                      • #12
                        It depends a lot on the problem for me. Obviously some things require major solutions like losing weight or going back to college. That's not just a "do something" solution, those are major steps that aren't available to everyone.

                        Then there's the people who are like "OMG this pile of catshit is in my way now I can't go into the kitchen."

                        Well guess what you dumbass, clean it up. I recall my mom being like that. Granted, she might have asked someone else to clean up the cat shit, but then she'll act like that pile of catshit is completely ruining her whole day, because she can't go into the east side of the house if that pile of catshit is there, and that's where all her chores are, so boo hoo hoo. Ok you dumb bitch, clean it up yourself! JFC if it's that important to you, clean it up. It doesn't matter who SHOULD have cleaned it, it's there, clean it!


                        • #13
                          My response to people like Blas mentioned is, "If you can't help yourself, then I probably can't help you either." I think we all know people who expect everyone else to bail them out when they have problems.

