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The All About You-niverse

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  • The All About You-niverse

    No this isn't about the WOFWP episode of the same name.

    No this is about my mom. My mom often thinks of other people. Except in one very important instance.


    If something bad has happened to you or someone you care about somehow the tragedy is all about how she has been affected by it.

    Recently there was a familly matter that I have been dealing with for the last week. Of all the people in my family affected by the event my mom is the least affected in that her caring for the person is the only reason the event hurts her.

    Now I understand she is hurting for that person, however her comments are never about that but rather how this makes her think of something similar that happened to my sister.

    And when she does that it is about how that thing happening to my sister hurt her so badly and affected her psychologically. Her being my mom not my sister.

    I have tried to talk to her about it when I was discussing a bad thing that had happened to me once and she was suddenly telling me how much that affected her and steered the conversation well away from how I felt about it.

    When I explained to her that she was disregarding my feelings and making it all about her she got upset and said it wasn't right that I make the tragedy that happened to me, not her, to me about me.

    Right now this means that this week not only am I taking a leave of absence from work, so I don't say something bad to a customer that pisses me off and lose my job, but I am also pretty much taking a leave from her and avoiding her so I don't have to hear anymore of her "woe is me" crap.
    Jack Faire

  • #2
    I feel you on that, from two fronts:

    my sister could care less about anyone..until they die...then she's so distraught she can't go to work(but she can sit at home and play video game all day), when my mom was in the hospital for heart failure, she took two weeks off work, stayed home and slept all day, visited my mom once(I was up every day after work until visiting hours were over), and tried to get mom's doc to fill out an FMLA form for her. When mom had her heart attack, I took a week off work to sit with her(not fun at all*), I was there all day every day, my sister was up once for an hour and bitched that I wasn't there, the nurse's response was "who are you? I've seen the sweet little girl with purple hair every day, that's her daughter, I don't know who you are, get out!"

    (warning, now entering tinfoil hat zone-fun fact: alcoholics are usually deficient in vitamin B12, which if the deficiency goes on long enough brain damage mimicking paranoid schizophrenia results....)

    My mom, yeah short version-when I was placed in foster care it wasn't due to severe abuse from my stepfather....oh no, it was because Bush was president, and he worked for the CIA during vietnam, and they discovered a mother would do anything to get her child back. So they took me so she'd have to separate from her husband, and since she didn't have a job she had to go on welfare and be controlled by the government.....

    yeah, she's also a "birther", and adores Sarah Palin....I avoid my family...a lot...

    *for the non-medical people-the fun thing they NEVER show on any medical drama about heart attack victims that the defibrillator is used successfully on....yeah, the person is electrocuted...several times....any idea what that does to a person's memory? Here's a clue, memory is stored electrical does the same thing a power surge does to a computer without surge protection....she had several times where she didn't know who I was, the day my sister was up there the nurse sent me home because my own mother physically attacked me. She was convinced she was in the hospital due to an accident with stuffed animals(different animals mean different things-as she told the nurse), and was also convinced she had to use the restroom(she had a catheter in, was convinced that was a snake), and kept trying to get out of bed(too weak to stand at that point).
    Last edited by BlaqueKatt; 11-23-2011, 12:07 AM.
    Registered rider scenic shore 150 charity ride

