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People with no appreciation for sarcasm...

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  • People with no appreciation for sarcasm...

    I do this a lot:

    Person: Oh my god I'm halfway through Knights of the Old Republic and I have to go to work now but I don't want to lose my place!

    Me: I know that's so frustrating! If only they would invent a way to somehow store your progress in the game and then turn it off so you could come back to it at a later date.

    Person: <Dirty looks> YOU HAVE SUCH AN ATTITUDE PROBLEM!

    Me? You're the one being a fucking idiot. How come that translates to my attitude problem?

  • #2
    psh.. only noobs save. Real gamers play for says on end feuled by hot pockets, redbull, mountain code red, and determination.


    • #3
      I get this crap all the time. I can be really sarcastic a lot and instead of taking it as a joke, people would rather get all offended like I'm being a jerk. No, just lighten up.
      Violence has resolved more conflicts than anything else. The contrary opinion that violence doesn't solve anything is merely wishful thinking at its worst. - Starship Troopers


      • #4
        LOL, if it were me, I'd laugh with you. I get sarcasm. But at the same time I do understand what the player really meant, probably so wrapped up in the plot and story of the game that they don't want to put it down, like a good book. And I've had times where I saved my game, come back to it after a few days, and was like, "Okay what was I doing again?"

        He's probably just as annoyed with you for not understanding as you are with his lack of humor about it. But he also could have worded it WAY better if that's what he really meant.


        • #5
          There is a difference between not *getting* sarcasm, or not appreciating it in general, and not appreciating being made fun of for no good reason.

          That you can save and come back does not mean it's not legitimately frustrating to have to stop just when you're really into something and come back to it later. Can you truly say you've never been in that position, if not with a game, then with a book or movie?
          "My in-laws are country people and at night you can hear their distinctive howl."


          • #6
            It's also fun when its a stupid question. Like when someone decides to contradict a doctor's orders - "Really? What medical school did YOU go to?" Knowing full well they never went to medical school.

            Does anyone ever see the old fart who sits by the road and yells at people who are going too fast? When one of them approached me I was like "Too fast? What type of radar gun were you using when you caught me OH WAIT you didn't have a radar gun did you?"

            Aint my fault they're stupid.


            • #7
              *shrugs* You gotta watch the tone of voice though.

              Sometimes if your thinking, "Your an idiot" then your sarcasm doesn't come out "Ha ha very funny" like your mocking them it comes out like, "your an idiot" in a tone of contempt.
              Jack Faire


              • #8
                If someone doesn't like sarcastic humour - especially when they are the target - then stop making those jokes around them.

                I'm very sarcastic with my husband, but he knows I love him and we laugh about it. I am more rarely sarcastic on these forums or with my co-workers. In situations with mere acquaintances, sarcasm comes across as rude and condescending.


                • #9
                  i use sarcasm a fair amount with my coworkers, but only in very obvious manners. i have one person that likes to ask me to help them out by picking up slack quite often. however she also tends to ask me when i am sometimes literally elbow-deep in other work.
                  so i find a sick amusement when im working on a machine and asked "what are you dooing?" to throw back "solving the economic crisis in dubai" or something equally random.
                  apperantly that i am also very deadpan about it makes it hilarious. or so they tell me.
                  All uses of You, You're, and etc are generic unless specified otherwise.


                  • #10
                    My whole family and most of my friends thrive on sarcasm! But I have one friend who isn't insulted by it, he just doesn't get it. He will think you are serious. For example:

                    We were watching Korn's "Who Then Now" video, and my BFF and I were joking about Fieldy's magic tattoo's and how he has them in some scenes and not others, our comments dripping with sarcasm. Our other friend replies completely serious "Actually the video was filmed over a long period of time, and they've just edited it with new and old footage, so the tattoo's aren't magic, they are just not there in the older footage"

                    BFF and I were rolling with laughter at him, he was just like "HUH?" 13 years later we still laugh about it..
                    You're Perfect Yes It's True.. But Without Me You're Only You!

