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Door Slamming

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  • Door Slamming

    Kind of a small, stupid complaint, but meh. Whatever.

    I haven't really bitched about neighbors a lot, save for Sheriff on CS. After the evil old witch downstairs moved out last April, things were pretty quiet. In early July, this quiet older mechanic guy moved in. And he was the perfect neighbor. I never even heard a peep out of him. But, of course, the good ones always leave. He was gone by the end of August. He'd always kept his out of state plates, so we all assumed he went back home (he never really talked to anyone around here).

    Then, this girl with a kid moved in. Normally, they don't put people with kids in this building because of all the older, single people living in this building (we tend to be the building with the longest-term renters, save for Sheriff and a couple others in a different building).

    I worried at first, but it hasn't been too bad of a problem. Except, she's pregnant, and her baby is due in a couple of months. And she doesn't drive and has to rely on others Great. I get to listen to a screaming baby all day while I try to sleep.

    But for now, the big problem is some days of the week and ALL weekend EVERY weekend, this chick's damn mother (or some relative) is here and she's loud as hell and slams doors and cupboards like it's their own home and no one else is around.

    I'm a night owl myself, on my nights off usually still up well after midnight, but the door slamming still goes on well after most people have gone to bed. I don't know why she's always going outside or slamming doors and cupboards in there. The girl herself kind of slams doors loudly, but not as often. I only get irritated when she's off work some days when I come home and she's loud like that, hustling and bustling, until someone comes and picks her up. I actually am overjoyed when her babysitter is over, because that girl is actually QUIET.

    There have been even a few Sunday nights where that chick's mom has still been there, and I can hear loud talking and slamming until nearly 3 am, and some quiet, then when I go to lay down at about 6 am to sleep for the day, she's back at it again.

    This weekend was the worst so far, because we had a snowstorm Saturday night and that woman was coming and going all day and then once it snowed and she kept going in and outside, she'd stomp her feet INSIDE the apartment after slamming the door.

    If it wasn't the dead of winter and I didn't have months left on my lease, I'd say it was about high time to gtfo.

    I keep wanting to ask the old couple who live next door to her, if they think it's noisy, because maybe I'm being overly sensitive or making it worse than it is. BUT, whenever I see them, she's home too, and I don't want to yell downstairs and have it be heard. I also want to ask the guy next to me, because he gets more chances to talk to the older couple, but I'm always worried she may be outside or her mother would be.
    Last edited by blas87; 12-05-2011, 09:24 AM.

  • #2
    You could just politely mention that the sound of the doors being shut like that travels up the walls and blame it all on bad building design and ask if they could try to refrain from closing them quite so hard.

    I had to do that pretty much every time we got a new neighbor downstairs in the apartments. Sound actually conducted through the walls. Every time, a simple request was all it took to stop the worst of the problems.

    Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden


    • #3
      Since our bedroom doors in our building can't stay open without being propped open, a lot of people just let their doors close on their own. Except it breaks the locks and door handles. Also, it's not a big deal if you are a regular day shift person and are already awake. Except I usually go to sleep around 6-7am and wake up around 3:30pm. So in the morning, when I'm trying to go to sleep, people are going in and out of their rooms, letting their doors slam shut. And then around lunch time, people stop by their rooms and more door slamming occurs. And zero fucks are given. Seriously, doors are marked if there are day sleepers, but nearly everyone on my floor just lets their doors slam shut.
      Violence has resolved more conflicts than anything else. The contrary opinion that violence doesn't solve anything is merely wishful thinking at its worst. - Starship Troopers

