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Not being trusted

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  • Not being trusted

    No one ever really trusts me. As far as trustworthiness goes I think I'm pretty trustworthy.

    I don't mean with things like money or privacy...I mean my judgement. Just once a day, I would like to say "This will never work." or "Try it this way." And NOT be met with argument. I would just once a day like someone to take my word at face value. "OK DrFaroohk, you said it wouldn't work, good enough for me."

  • #2
    Originally posted by DrFaroohk View Post
    "This will never work." or "Try it this way."
    I am one of those people that would never believe anyone saying that. Mostly because I have had times where I did what everyone said wouldn't work and it worked.

    Is the person stubborn like that to everyone or just you?
    Jack Faire


    • #3
      Originally posted by DrFaroohk View Post
      I would like to say "This will never work." or "Try it this way." And NOT be met with argument. I would just once a day like someone to take my word at face value. "OK DrFaroohk, you said it wouldn't work, good enough for me."
      You want to really see it badly? Try being a computer tech. They would bring a computer into me, say that know nothing about computers and that neither they nor their family could figure out what's wrong with it and so they bring it into me.

      I ask questions to try and figure out where the failure could be. Customers are not always as good at diagnosing the problems as techs are, but with questioning they can give me the areas where they are having problems and that can help make my guess.

      And so I make my initial guess and these people (remember that they admitted that they know nothing and no one can sort out the problem) instantly come back with "That can't be the problem. My brother's cousin's mother-in-law's oldest stepson's former roommate said that it's not that!"

      Six times out of ten it's that. Three times out of ten it's something related to that (not my first guess but so intertwined with the first thing I looked at that anyone in the know would look where I did first) and the remaining one time it's the registry that's @#$%ed up causing the whole thing to go tits up.

      So I hear you. I have 20 years experience with these damn things and STILL people argue with me when I say that the reason that the DVD Burner is not working is because the write laser is borked or misaligned and the whole thing needs replacing because it's cheaper to replace than to repair.

      One memorable case I had that very argument with a customer. In front of him I let him try to burn a DVD. It failed. I replaced it with another one and had him try the same burn again. It worked. I then gave it to him for free since this was one of our computers and was still under warranty.

      And he still told my boss (friend of his) that I didn't know what I was doing. It took much restraint and my boss letting me go home early that day to keep me from jumping over the counter and shoving that computer up his urethra sideways when he said that.
      “There are worlds out there where the sky is burning, where the sea's asleep and the rivers dream, people made of smoke and cities made of song. Somewhere there's danger, somewhere there's injustice and somewhere else the tea is getting cold. Come on, Ace, we've got work to do.” - Sylvester McCoy as the Seventh Doctor.


      • #4
        It depends... if you just go up to somebody and say "that won't work" without explanation, why *should* they take your word for it over their own thinking that it will?
        "My in-laws are country people and at night you can hear their distinctive howl."


        • #5
          If someone just says "That won't work" it might jar someone's thoughts, but if they think it will work, then you're probably not going to get someone to say "Oh, well, I think it will work, but YOU say it won't so it obviously won't."

          Even if I respected your judgement, and you were an expert in the field while I was a mere amateur, I would STILL say "Why not"? If only because I won't learn how to do it right if it won't.

          Now, if you say "That won't work, because [reason]" and they ignore you, then I could see that being pretty frustrating.
          "Nam castum esse decet pium poetam
          ipsum, versiculos nihil necessest"


          • #6
            This is something I can agree with the doctor on. My mom, I love her to death. But she LOVES to do home improvement. Here is the problem, she watches those home shows all the time and sees how 'easy' the professionals do it.

            No, its not easy for them either. They just left the copious amounts of crap they go through on the cutting room floor becuase they only have 20 minutes and 10 minutes of commercials to show it all. She gets extremely upset when something is juuust right.
            Now, Im not Mike Holmes, but I know what I can and cant do and I can generally see when something isnt going to work before she does.

            This is because I actually consider everything that I beleive could come into play before I start on it. For instance, recently she wanted to make her closet bigger.
            Forgetting that it wasnt necessary in the slightest (she now complains about to much closet space) we had to move a door, add three sections of wall, rip up carpet, flooring and the subflooring in a few places. She now has limited to access to power outlets now, and had to paint the walls.

            She still isnt happy and its as perfect as we can get it.
            This is pretty normal sadly. She does something, spends a lot of money on it all, and then realizes its now going to work like this (gasp- just like i said.. again) and more money is spent to fix what was broken. We end up doing everything 2 times. Undo it, do it her way, Undo it again, do it the right way.

            If Dr has the same problem I do, he also gets accused of being lazy or negative because he doesnt want to do anything.

            Its not that I dont want to do it. I just know that putting a screen door on a submarine doesnt work.

            /end rant.. sorry its a sore subject for me.


            • #7
              I can't think of a way of enlarging a closet that would work well, unless either there's an adjoining closet in the next room you want to absorb, or the room is large enough and shaped the right way that cutting a chunk out of it won't hurt anything. Why not buy a wardrobe instead?
              "My in-laws are country people and at night you can hear their distinctive howl."

