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  • Why?

    This is about a certain ghost hunting group, that is going to be nameless.

    We are in the same field. Just because your team can afford tens of thousands dollars of equipment, does not in fact make you any better than anyone else. We all get the same results. There is no need to brag about how much your equipment is worth, because that is really pointless.

    And in fact the team that I am on, has been around for almost 12 or more years. About 10 years longer than yours has. And the fact that you have faked evidence, is just sad. If you were that great of a team, than maybe you wouldn't have the need to fake it. But then again, you are trying to get famous.

  • #2
    wow, all that expensive equipment and to not have the ability to actually use it, sad....
    Registered rider scenic shore 150 charity ride


    • #3
      well, if they are failing that hard already, wait till the fad dies out and they disband, and buy their equipment off them dirt-cheap since it's used?
      All uses of You, You're, and etc are generic unless specified otherwise.


      • #4
        The best ghost hunting groups Ive heard of seem to more often disprove any ghosties and rarely find anything that is questionable proof (things that cannot be explained).

        I respect that. Ive never seen a ghost but doubt they exist. I've never seen an alien but given the size of the universe odds are they are out there. Whether or not they've been to earth I cant say. Never seen a million dollars either.


        • #5
          I also don't think that merely having accessibility to expensive equipment means that evidence has been faked. I know the OP is not implying that, but I have seen it implied on other forums and there it just reeks of jealousy.


          • #6
            In a competitive market, you need to take any advantage you can get. So of course they won't claim they're NOT the best.

            In a materialistic culture, like ours, we frequently interpret 'better equipment = better results' with less attention payed to the people operating it.

            Thus, they say they're better because they want business, and that's their biggest selling point.
            "Nam castum esse decet pium poetam
            ipsum, versiculos nihil necessest"


            • #7
              I remember about a decade ago, one forum I used to frequent (more than it's 'parent' site) a user said he was in a ghost hunting team and had photographic evidence.

              I don't know how with a digital camera, aside from photoshop, but all 'evidence' shown was just a trick photographers have been doing since year dot.
              Bulb photography, aka long exposure and a sparkler and you can 'draw' to your hearts content.
              Double exposure (don't recall this one in the gallery) most cameras either auto advanced or would not let you take a snap if it had already registered one, these cameras you could find and disable said part and double and even triple expose.
              Hair on the lense, there was one that was glaringly obvious, yet it was insisted that it was an orb and I recently watched an ITN youtube video about a ghostly image crossing a motorway, after investigation said image was just a fly walking along the lense.

              In the end, I and others, stated we did accept that there may be ghosts and aliens, just that those photos showed nothing and if you were to show us 'fake' images atleast have the decency to make good fakes and showed off our faves after someone linked to a fake ghost site gallery, that way we could marvel at your creativity and shop skills.


              • #8
                Originally posted by BlaqueKatt View Post
                wow, all that expensive equipment and to not have the ability to actually use it, sad....
                Well they do know how to use it. I just hate the fact that they put it out there, that they have that much in equipment. Because honestly, why even say it in the first place.

                Originally posted by siead_lietrathua View Post
                well, if they are failing that hard already, wait till the fad dies out and they disband, and buy their equipment off them dirt-cheap since it's used?
                Great idea.


                • #9
                  Well they do know how to use it. I just hate the fact that they put it out there, that they have that much in equipment. Because honestly, why even say it in the first place.
                  As I said. It's all about money. It's really their biggest advantage. We have the most money, come to us.
                  "Nam castum esse decet pium poetam
                  ipsum, versiculos nihil necessest"

