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Overstepping Boundaries

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  • Overstepping Boundaries

    ...or at what point am I being selfish?

    Did the closing shift at work. This means I'm scheduled from 3 until...whenever we finish. Which was 9:30 tonight. This is typical of any closing shift. And even though state law requires anybody working 6 hours or more to be given a 20 minute lunch, that never happens for a closing shift, unless you're already scheduled for over 6 hours prior to closing. This is important.

    So while I'm doing my final duties, my manager asks me if I'm off tomorrow and if I want to work the closing shift tomorrow. Which, after closing several nights in a row by myself due to call offs (which has led to a firing) and a guy quitting, I really don't want to do. Especially since it's half of why I'm trying to find a new job. Also, Kabe's off tomorrow and I want to spend time with my husband particularly since he's been sick and we have plans. So I tell her no.

    About a half hour later, I get a text from a coworker, K. She wants to know if I can work the shift the manager already asked about. Seems her uncle just died. Which I'm sorry for, truly, but...while we're short handed (SM's fault entirely), I'd already been asked by a manager and said no. Management is not so hardhearted as to make her work at this time and are bound to find somebody willing to come in, or they'll just make it work. So why is she trying to guilt trip me into taking a shift I don't want and am sick of having when management already knows she won't be in?

    I has a blog!

  • #2
    You're not being selfish at all. Staffing problems are not the problem of those lowest on the totem poles. That's what management is for, and supposed to deal with.

    However, it's one of the oldest tricks in the book to try to force good workers whom they know don't mind extra shifts to pull the weight of the "worthless" people who call in sick up until they are fired or quit (or whatever other issues they have) and also for people who have emergencies or deaths in the family.

    Personally, I am totally against anyone I work with having my number against my consent. I'm not sure if you guys are pals or not, but I've learned throughout the years that you never, ever answer a number you don't recognize, especially if it could be work or someone trying to guilt you into something you don't want to do.

    Right now, when there has been overtime available, to fill gaps because they were refusing to allow anyone to transfer shifts, they actually were stooping to calling people and asking them to work extra shifts because we were so short staffed, or coworkers who were friends and had each other's numbers were begged to call/text these people.

    I was begged to call my bf and ask him. He did eventually agree to because he was bribed by someone else, but he originally said "Their short staffing and refusal to allow anyone to transfer to that shift and depend on people to work overtime is not my problem."

    And I couldn't agree with him more.

    In short, DO NOT feel guilty or down about it. Their fault. Their problem.

    Never, ever, ever let anyone make you feel guilty about wanting your own free time to be YOUR free time.


    • #3
      Glad someone gets it. It's not that I'm unsympathetic, but I'm just going, they won't make her work it anyway. Why should I have to change my mind?

      Just one more reason to look for a new job. SM won't hire new cashiers unless she's in drastic need. As in, doesn't have people like me who usually will come in at the drop of a hat.
      I has a blog!


      • #4
        I understand how you feel and you have my complete sympathy.

        The guilt and bully tactics some people use to take advantage of good workers is beyond nauseating.


        • #5
          this is why none of my coworkers have my number, heck my boss only has my cell number and I will say no to extra shifts if it's not the christmas season, I have been abused too many times for trying to help people out, you become the "oh kiwi will cover you" person

          don't let it get to you!
          I like your Christ. I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ - Gandhi


          • #6
            Work just assumes I will work my day off or stay late and not work in an alternate cover.
            Granted 9/10 I will stay late or come in, more money for me, seeing as I am still owed 1,200 for paying my brothers moving fees in september (on top of god knows what else I'll probably never see again).

            Christmas was the straw that broke the camels back, or in this case almost broke my ankle, we closed the kitchen on Christmas day as they had gotten a day ahead in production and had frozen stock to send out as per usual for boxing day, but someone got the numbers wrong and I had way too much stuff in a room worked on by 3 people, so with my leg being as it is now (unless I spend forever stretching it, I walk like I'm wearing an invisible highheel shoe on my right foot), stopping abruptly or having to dodge one of my coworkers in a now crowded room, not good for my foot.
            I was in agony on the way home and almost didnt come in for the morning shift the next day and I'm still waiting for a follow up appointment from the one I had in October, mind you I asked for the referal back in June ...

            foot's tentatively OK and I'm all but finished on my tasks and they realise one of the workers due to start at 11 is still on compassionate leave back in Lithuainia and wont be back for another day or two and they had not fixed the rota to compensate.
            Normally I would have no issues staying, but the previous night (boxing day) it felt like my leg could snap at any second and although I had the next two days and the week end off, I didn't fancy spending them in bed with a sprained ankle, or worse yet in Addenbrookes hospital.

            I stood my ground and said fuck no and they got someone else in on their day off to cover.

            The guy they got in has my number and I have swapped shifts with him a few times, hes got a wife and kid and sometiems the rota shafts him on time with them, very few coworkers have children, well young ones anyway, so they arn't in the same boat as him.
            One time he called me at around midnight asking if I could start at 6 instead of 11 as he had to pick someone up at the airport, so I go in in his place and end up staying all day as the flight he was waiting on was delayed somehow and by the time he got back he was dead to the world and over slept.


            • #7
              Well, turns out I couldn't have covered her anyway. Got the flu from Kabe >.<

              But I may stop going in early or for alternate shifts for this month. Let management deal with its mess for a while and hire more people.
              I has a blog!

