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CS posts full of OP ew suck.

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  • #31
    Originally posted by Lace Neil Singer View Post

    Of course, I could have embellished it to have the SC spontaniously combust in the middle of the store... but then, that wouldn't be what happened, would it?
    Indeed. Doesn't seem to stop some people, though.

    Kidding aside, it's BEYOND frustrating as a mod to see these obvious tall tales, especially when they're from the SAME people over-and-over. And to see so many replies where people are falling all over themselves to 'high-five' or 'attaboy' the OP. I constantly shake my head and marvel at how sheep-like people can be.


    • #32
      Honestly, now. All I said was that it was a choice, which it was. Y'all *chose* to take the site in one direction rather than in another or rather than leaving things as are. Going over the list of reasons (good ones, to be sure) does not change the bare fact that it *was* a choice: that the path chosen was not the only possible one: and therefore saying it HAS to be this way is false.

      That doesn't even mean it was the wrong choice to make, so why choose to take offense at it?
      "My in-laws are country people and at night you can hear their distinctive howl."


      • #33
        Originally posted by HYHYBT View Post
        That doesn't even mean it was the wrong choice to make, so why choose to take offense at it?
        Who's offended?

        Your wording left the impression that you felt it was the wrong choice, so it was simply being explained to you why we felt differently.
        Point to Ponder:

        Is it considered irony when someone on an internet forum makes a post that can be considered to look like it was written by a 3rd grade dropout, and they are poking fun of the fact that another person couldn't spell?


        • #34
          Before we think a member's work rant is about something too minor, I think we should consider that maybe it's just a matter of dealing with it day in and day out over and over again. Sure, you may not think it sounds like that big of a deal when a customer does this or that, but if you had to put up with it several times a day for five days a week, it might start to wear thin.

          And like blas, I, too, got tired of people who want to personalize everyone's complaints by talking about how their mother's brother's best friend's aunt did something or has some feature related to what happened in the work rant, and therefore they feel very personally attached to it.


          • #35
            Originally posted by fireheart17 View Post
            Take Gravekeeper's posts for example: some of the stuff I don't find particularly sucky. Other people might however, for whatever reason. It doesn't matter to me-they find it funny, let them have their fun.
            I would probably disagree with this word choice. It's not that his callers aren't sucky. It's that they're not uniquely sucky. For the most part, everyone who's worked in his job can relate. However, what makes his posts memorable are the commentary he provides after each.

            And I'll have to agree with GK in this post. I can think of one poster in particular that I sometimes question if maybe there are a few things he could do different so that next time he finds himself in a similar situation, he won't have quite as much suck to deal with. I even remember REE making a helpful suggestion in one of his threads.


            • #36
              Originally posted by HYHYBT View Post
              Honestly, now. All I said was that it was a choice, which it was. Y'all *chose* to take the site in one direction rather than in another or rather than leaving things as are. Going over the list of reasons (good ones, to be sure) does not change the bare fact that it *was* a choice: that the path chosen was not the only possible one: and therefore saying it HAS to be this way is false.

              That doesn't even mean it was the wrong choice to make, so why choose to take offense at it?
              Er, what?

              "I've got a choice here to either stick my dick in a mincing machine, or to not stick my dick in a mincing machine. There's some validity to sticking my dick in a mincing machine, because damn it that's my right to be validated!"

              Proud to be a W.A.N.K.E.R. - Womanless And No Kids - Exciting Rubbing!
              Reclaiming words is fun!


              • #37
                Well outside of the site, for instance, a lot of my boyfriend's bitching about work, I think is his own problem and stems from his inability and refusal to properly work and communicate with others. Everyone is stupid and or rude, in his opinion. But, I try to hold my tongue and just stay neutral with him and let him get out what he needs to, because I have my own moments where I get mad at my shift lead and I can just keep inventing reasons to be mad at her and get going really good.

                So I mean, FTSTS isn't without fault, but at the same time, anyone who wants a free-for-all forum can go elsewhere, in my opinion, and enjoy being torn apart not only by fellow members, but by moderators and admin as well because it's encouraged.


                • #38
                  Question: should the FTSTS rule apply for Sightings?

                  Since it's not at a member' regular job, it's not something that one hears dozens of times per day until it's just the proverbial straw. No, it's just some random event that a poster sees somewhere and judges to be sucky. Most of the time, it doesn't even happen to them, personally. So, why is it not allowed to present a possible alternative view?
                  "You are who you are on your worst day, Durkon. Anything less is a comforting lie you tell yourself to numb the pain." - Evil
                  "You're trying to be Lawful Good. People forget how crucial it is to keep trying, even if they screw it up now and then." - Good


                  • #39
                    Probably because of the whole slippery slope thing. "You let us do it in Sightings! I thought it would be fine to do it in Sucky Customers!" People, reading, lack of comprehension, blah blah blah...


                    • #40
                      Hm. Yeah, you're probably right.
                      "You are who you are on your worst day, Durkon. Anything less is a comforting lie you tell yourself to numb the pain." - Evil
                      "You're trying to be Lawful Good. People forget how crucial it is to keep trying, even if they screw it up now and then." - Good


                      • #41
                        We don't mod as heavily on FTSTS in some of the other areas. Sightings is one of those.

                        Granted, we still don't allow people to completely diss the poster with something like, "That wasn't sucky of that person! You're crazy! You're overreacting! Blargle!", but we aren't quite as heavy handed as in the actual SC area.


                        • #42
                          Plus, there are people who skirt around the rules anyway, by playing Devil's Advocate or always having to open their big mouth and point out something you said that *isn't* correct (in their opinion).

                          The ones I hate the most are the ones who whine about someone or somewhere always having it worse. That gas is more expensive where they live if anyone DARES make a post about a customer complaining about gas. And most recently, getting lectured by a member or two about how I pretty much can't complain about sales tax on clothes, because it's worse in other states and don't ya know moral high ground this is how it goes.

                          Sure muds up the fun for anyone.

                          One time, someone obviously from across the pond belittled me about gas prices. I had told a story from 2005 (I doubt they even read it all the way) when gas leaped to $3 a gallon for the first time, and their entire reply was FTSTS whine whine whine "gas is so much more in Europe!". That's nice.


                          • #43
                            I don't mind when someone posts a thread where they're full of suck or have a horrible attitude. I knew someone once on another forum long ago, who worked at, like, a kid's theater costume shop and complained about how every single mother was a stage mom and the kids were entitled brats. Every single one, he judged them coming in the door. Also he admitted that he just plain hated kids.

                            What drove me crazy was how many pats on the back and "attaboys" he got for basically being a dick to people who, in the context of the story, did nothing else but be in a drama class and need a costume. We're not talking like pageant stuff, here. We're talking, kid wants to do a play, mom pays two hundred bucks to put her in a junior production of Annie, they rehearse for a few months and put on a show.

                            Stories like this:

                            Mom: Hi, I need a costume. My daughter is playing a street urchin in Oliver.

                            Daughter: I'm the alternate for the Artful Dodger!

                            Worker: Tch. (Throws a costume at her)

                            Mom: Um, this is an adult-sized Dorothy costume.


                            99% of the responses: You are so awesome! Moms like that suck! Retail workers aren't slaves, ya know. I'd like to smack some sense into that lady!

                            However, I would rather just avoid threads like that (after a while you tend to recognize user names) than have every thread be a potential minefield where it plays out like this:

                            Worker: The lady demanded I go to the back and get a costume by XYB designer. We don't carry them, or have a back, so she screamed herself hoarse and dragged her daughter out by the wrist. Then for revenge she told everyone I was a registered sex offender.

                            Responses: Well, it's a big day for her and her daughter. You should be more understanding and maybe she wouldn't have felt the need to retaliate.
                            "So, my little Zillians... Have your fun, as long as I let you have fun... but don't forget who is the boss!"
                            We are contented, because he says we are
                            He really meant it when he says we've come so far


                            • #44
                              Originally posted by MrsEclipse View Post

                              However, I would rather just avoid threads like that (after a while you tend to recognize user names) than have every thread be a potential minefield where it plays out like this:
                              This. So much. I mostly love being a mod, but the downside is that I'm not able to avoid those user names that always threw out responses that made my teeth itch (before modding).

                              Originally posted by mrseclipse

                              Responses: Well, it's a big day for her and her daughter. You should be more understanding and maybe she wouldn't have felt the need to retaliate.
                              This is exactly the kind of crap that would (and nearly has) run rampant if we didn't put such a hard rule down on it.


                              • #45
                                That's the kind of response that to my mind, ends up on STFU Parents in a submission.
                                "Oh wow, I can't believe how stupid I used to be and you still are."

