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Take a Hard Look at Yourself Before Picking at Others

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  • #16
    (Quote from OP)

    Her: Hey guywithashovel, how ya doin today? (approaching my desk)

    Me: I'm fine. I've just been . . . .

    Her: (cutting me off when she sees the can of Mountain Dew or Pepsi on my desk) Oh, are you drinking that?!?

    Me: Um, yeah.

    Her: Oh, I NEVER drink sodas. I don't think I've had one in six years. (looking around to make sure at least two other people heard her say that)

    Me: Well, I just needed a caffeine boost.

    Her: I don't think I could even think about drinking one. I almost can't even look at a can of soda now because I never drink it anymore because I always try to eat healthy.


    I am an English teacher living and working in Mainland China. I have lived here for almost 11 years and have had many jobs and been with a lot of English speaking Chinese at various jobs and social gatherings. I like Chinese people a lot (and am married to a Chinese woman) but they do have their quirks.

    Sometimes in the office, I will eat something. Since I am not Chinese, usually my food is different from theirs. I am also a bit overweight. I dont fight my weight, I am who I am and this is part of who I am. Dieting sucks. I like to eat what I want and drink what I want. If my physical size offends you, go blow me.

    Anyway, I was eating some tomato soup and noodles when one of the girls asked, "Is that your breakfast?" in a condescending tone which sounds to me that this person cannot believe that I am eating whatever I am eating. When I very first came here, I had a secretary ask "Is that your lunch?" seeing me eating a sandwich and a bag of chips. Then the bitch lectures me on eating rice instead of whatever it was I was having. Again, what's it to them for what I am eating??

    It doesn't sound like much in a post like this, but it makes me want to strangle them when they do this. Why do they care what I eat and why are they asking about it? I share the office with two other women and the same question came up another time "Is that your breakfast?" and then was asked if I would not discard the empty soup bowl in the garbage in the office because "of the smell".

    People have told me that I need to drink water. My parents, my wife, etc. I tell them "I do not like to drink water." Why? It has no taste, it has no flavor. The only time I would ever drink water is if it was summertime, I am hot and sweaty and there is some ice water available. Water is for cleaning things, taking a bath, washing clothes, flushing toilets etc.


    • #17
      What really helped me learn to like water was adding low calorie flavor packets to it, and then when I started exercising more heavily, I learned to really appreciate it. But then again, not having AC the first year I lived here also helped me choose water instead of soda.

      I still have my soda, but I ration it, and I can only have diet soda during the week, and regular on my splurge days.


      • #18
        senor, I have a friend doing research in eastern Ukraine right now who has the same problem with tea. You have a cold? Tea. You have bronchitis? Tea. You have pneumonia? TEA. You don't need medicine! Just tea and vodka! Also, apparently drinking cold things renders you sterile.


        • #19
          Hot vodka doesn't sound very appealing...
          "My in-laws are country people and at night you can hear their distinctive howl."


          • #20
            Yeah, we're trying to get her to write a book/novel/screenplay based on her experiences in Russia/Eastern Europe.


            • #21
              I have my own recipe for when I'm sick. I buy the Nyquil/Dayquil liquid form double pack, and whichever I need at the time, I blend with ice and some kind of soda, orange or grape or sometimes just juice.

              Does it work? Probably not, but it makes me feel a little better.


              • #22
                Originally posted by blas87 View Post
                I HATE getting lectures and evil glares from these women.
                When one of them starts lecturing, that sounds like the perfect opportunity to take a nice exaggeratedly-long bite/swig of your particular food/drink, complete with satiated sigh at the end. Just to mess with them, they've earned it.

                Worry about yourself a little more and me a little less.
                They're not worried about you in the slightest, they just like to hear themselves talk.
                Customer: I need an Apache.
                Gravekeeper: The Tribe or the Gunship?


                • #23
                  Originally posted by senor boogie woogie View Post

                  People have told me that I need to drink water. My parents, my wife, etc. I tell them "I do not like to drink water." Why? It has no taste, it has no flavor. The only time I would ever drink water is if it was summertime, I am hot and sweaty and there is some ice water available. Water is for cleaning things, taking a bath, washing clothes, flushing toilets etc.
                  Me, too! I absolutely hate drinking water. There was a time, to get through a glass of water, I was eating chocolate chips first to give the water more taste. I'm sure that was healthy.

                  I like the flavor packets now, because I don't mind grape-flavored water, etc. but I still can't stand plain water, it's so bland and disgusting to me. Also, our tap water tastes...bad anyway.
                  "And I won't say "Woe is me"/As I disappear into the sea/'Cause I'm in good company/As we're all going together"


                  • #24
                    Another thing I wish people would shut the hell up about are my shoes I wear to work. Or off work.

                    I wear flat shoes to work sometimes when I don't want to wear my shapeups. It's been warm lately, and heavy shoes along with socks get to be too much.

                    I'm not in an area that requires steel toes or special shoes. As long as they are closed toed shoes, I can wear whatever I want.

                    Just because you have bad knees and are overweight and therefore can't handle flat shoes, doesn't mean they hurt me any.

                    "When you're my age, you're gonna wish you never wore those!" they bellow.

                    When you were my age, did you exercise a lot? Have proper posture? Of course not. You probably slouched all the time and didn't take care of yourself like I do.

                    Or the "You'll regret wearing flip flops when you get cracks between your toes and have to have your toes removed because of the infection!"

                    I have no doubt that flat shoes and flipflops are not good for your feet. But what's it to you? When it's 80 degrees in March, I'm not wearing socks and tennis shoes. I'm wearing flip flops to the store. Big fracking deal.

                    When I'm not at work, I'm not always on my feet. If I am, I'm probably barefoot at home, or wearing sandals or the same flat shoes out running errands. I don't spend another 12 hours after work on my feet again.

