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Gang culture and racism

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  • Gang culture and racism

    Now, I touched on this haphazardly and inappropriately in another thread, so I had better clear things up. And I would like to note in advance that anything I say needs to be taken on a case-by-case scenario, and is not meant as a all or nothing.

    I don't like racism, I have grown up as being considered racist because I'm part German. Cries of "Nazi!" and similar still piss me off. I have been judged on sight for actions that occurred over 50 years before my birth. In most of my life my friends have been of predominately different skin colours and nationalities. But because I am Caucasian with blond hair and blue eyes, I am apparently racist by extension.


    A better example of a racist is Al Sharpton. "But he's black." I hear the cries. So what's your point? That because he's black that he can't be against another race? What are you smoking because I want to avoid it. This asshole wouldn't be caught dead with a white person, would rather shoot them on site than be polite to them, and he's not racist? Someone stop the world, I want off.

    And then there's the gang culture. Gangsta rap, picking up pistols and assault rifles and guns just to "bust a cap" into someone because they look different. Do drugs, the harder the cooler. Sell drugs and get a shitload of money! Be a bad ass motherf***er and get respect! Someone lookin' at you funny? Blow their f-in brains all over the street, then get his/her ID and blow apart their family!

    What does gang culture and Al sharpton have in common? A great deal apparently. Even though gang culture knows no skin colour, according to "great" people like Sharpton and the Reverend Jesse Jackson, gang culture is black culture, and should be embraced by all black people and focused against white people because it promotes black freedom.

    Yeah, because apparently, freedom means self destruction and genocide according to these twits.

    And the real piss off? These "heroes" supposedly hold Martin Luther King in high regard. What. A. Load. Of. Bull. King promoted equality through positive actions on both sides. Hold out a flower as opposed to a gun. Guess that part (read: the entire) of the message got missed by them huh?

    Meanwhile, people like Bill Cosby and Chris Rock are being laughed at and called traitors by their same race. Their crime? For telling the black morons who are embracing gang culture to grow up and to contribute to society. Yes, for promoting a positive view on their race, they are called traitors. As far as I'm concerned, they are closer to King than Sharpton or Jackson EVER will.

    Now consider this, people like Mr. Cosby and Mr. Rock are being called traitors for pointing out that the gang culture that is so embraced by a number of black people as their culture is a really bad choice while people like Sharpton and Jackson, who perpetuate the gang culture as being good for black people and should be focused against the white people are heroes to these morons.

    I would like at this point to point out the "true" black culture. That is the one where the people live in small villages and live off the land. That is the one that has survived generations. To this day, that culture still exists and while it is not thriving, is hasn't died down. If a meteor hits the earth, they will still be around because they can survive.

    Now I have nothing against black people who put an effort out like anyone does. There are a number of successful black people who create a positive image and are successful. These are the people who should be on the stage, leading the black people to equality. Contributors to society, not critics of it.

    As for people like Sharpton and Jackson, who want to use the "black culture" as a stick? I say dump them back in Africa with nothing and create their own village and survive off the land. Betcha $20 they wouldn't survive the week without someone to depend on and no one to declare genocide on.
    Last edited by lordlundar; 08-28-2008, 03:15 PM.

  • #2
    I agree.

    I've got German bloodlines and even my last name is German, and although I've had people call me a lot of things over the years I've never gotten the 'Nazi' one - hell, my German ancestor left there around the onset of one of the major wars because he heard that the army was conscripting any young men in their path, and they were headed his way. Of course, that could be because I live in an area where German ancestry is quite common...
    ~ The American way is to barge in with a bunch of weapons, kill indiscriminately, and satisfy the pure blood lust for revenge. All in the name of Freedom, Apple Pie, and Jesus. - AdminAssistant ~


    • #3
      Couldn't have said the first part better myself.

      The last bit, about dumping them in Africa? What did the Africans ever do to you?


      • #4
        Originally posted by Sylvia727 View Post
        The last bit, about dumping them in Africa? What did the Africans ever do to you?
        You're assuming we dump them in a populated location. No, I'm saying in the middle of nowhere. No human contact whatsoever.

        And it was a choice between back to Africa or the middle of the ocean. The ocean is genocide, back in Africa is karma.


        • #5
          I'm a little torn here. We don't have black gangs here. We have Hmong gangs here.

          I will honestly say, 20 years ago, this city did not have to worry about two rival Asian gangs going around causing trouble. Just last week there was a shooting.

          Thankfully, these two gangs keep to themselves and try to hide and keep it on the "DL" and shit only hits the fan every once in a rare while, but every time it does, innocent people are in danger.

          I'm not saying white people can't be in gangs. They sure can. It's just that I've never heard of a white gang around here. And every time I see a young Asian man wearing a certain color or a bandana. I stereotype him as a gang member.


          • #6
            Ok..firstly, LL - it's "Bust a cap in yo' ass, MuthaFuka"... (just need to get that right )

            I don't have much background on exactly what you're talking about (no doubt you've come up with something recently, that we down here won't hear bout except via general media stuff...). But I'd be a bit interested in some of the specifics.

            And it doesn't surprise me - most people don't want to have to work at a solution that will mean putting in effort to something that may pay off in 10 or 15 years - they just want to be angry and blame someone else... here and now. Isn't laziness it's own reward - or something??

            Umm - "true" black culture is living in small villages and living off the land??? While historically that may be correct - for everybody, I'd say it's pretty wrong for now. And culture isn't purely based on skin colour. If "white man" can go out, get a job, sit in an office and earn $500K a year, why not a black-skinned person?? That was, basically, a very racist statement.

            Gangs... yep - ain't no colour required to have lip, attitude and a basic inbuilt desire to piss people off while doing as little as possible otherwise... in a group of like-minded sheep....
            ZOE: Preacher, don't the Bible got some pretty specific things to say about killing?

            SHEPHERD BOOK: Quite specific. It is, however, Somewhat fuzzier on the subject of kneecaps.


            • #7
              Originally posted by Slytovhand View Post
              Gangs... yep - ain't no colour required to have lip, attitude and a basic inbuilt desire to piss people off while doing as little as possible otherwise... in a group of like-minded sheep....
              Exactly. However, where I live, you don't hear of Asian and white gangs. Unless you count the stupid 'burb kids trying to act "gangsta," the only gang activity locally...goes on in the black neighborhoods. There simply aren't any Asian gangs here.

              Al Sharpton is a racist asshole. He, along with Louis F are *not* helping things. All they're doing is rehashing old hatreds that really need to die. They're perpetuating old stereotypes simply to advance their own agendas. They're trying to put the blame on others, instead of where it really belongs. Want to fix he problems inside the ghetto? Start there. That's why I thought Bill Cosby's speeches were awesome. He simply tells it like it freaking is. No sugar coating, no politically correct bullshit either

              ...and before I get told I don't know what I'm talking about... I should mention this. I remember the gang wars of the early 1990s. I remember hearing gunshots in certain areas. Currently, I have to drive through some of the worst areas (Homewood, Larimer, parts of East Liberty, Hazelwood) to get home from work. All of those areas have had plenty of gang violence, and yes, they're all mostly-black neighborhoods. With that said, it's no wonder why (locally) blacks are thought of as violent criminals. We don't have that shit out in the 'burbs...


              • #8
                Originally posted by Slytovhand View Post
                Umm - "true" black culture is living in small villages and living off the land??? While historically that may be correct - for everybody, I'd say it's pretty wrong for now. And culture isn't purely based on skin colour. If "white man" can go out, get a job, sit in an office and earn $500K a year, why not a black-skinned person??
                You're right, there's no difference between a white person and a black person going out and being successful while being a constructive member of society. They earned their place in society and in the global environment and I applaud them for it (except for the founder of Wal-Mart, he's evil and that's a separate rant.)

                It's that people like Sharpton and Jackson keep talking about their "heritage" and "history" to use as a bat and to go back to the days in Africa where there were no white people. What they don't realize is their "heritage" and their "history" when they never dealt with white people is the situation I gave. Maybe my choice of wording was poor. I'm not an English major, nor do I pretend to be one. I brought it up simply to prove the "Golden Age" that they brag about isn't so perfect.

                If they want to go back to their roots like they claim, I have no problem with that. But their roots are not simply "modern life with no white people" as the bigots proclaim.
                Last edited by lordlundar; 07-21-2008, 04:38 PM.


                • #9
                  ummm - ok. You've managed to confuse me a bit there, LL... but that's mostly due to lack of history and the context of it all.

                  Are you actually saying that Sharpton and Jackson refer to a Golden Age...of what??? Yeah - as you were saying, their 'history' is living in a small community (usually - depends) with family and friends, in a subsistence level environment (this, of course, depends on exactly how far back you choose to go with your history...). From there, some of the local and more aggressive tribes came and raided, captured them, and then sold them into slavery to...someone.. who then shipped them thousands of miles to a new country....

                  Wherein is this "Golden Age"??? Cos back when 'white man' wasn't around is a couple of centuries ago, and technology wasn't that fantastic... unless they're thinking of going waaay back.... (back... back to the future...yeah - chose not to resist ).

                  But if they're endorsing that, then why aren't they talking about emmigrating???? Oh, that's right.. they want the best of both worlds......

                  I've got a mate I work with who moved over from Kenya about a decade or so ago. Trust me, he has no real intentions of moving back there!!!! I think Sharpton and Jackson (from what I'm reading on here) haven't got the faintest about what they're on about....

                  btw - curious about your rant on founder of Wal-Mart......
                  ZOE: Preacher, don't the Bible got some pretty specific things to say about killing?

                  SHEPHERD BOOK: Quite specific. It is, however, Somewhat fuzzier on the subject of kneecaps.


                  • #10
                    Muhammed Ali, the boxer, went for a famous fight called the Rumble in the Jungle - I think he was billed against George Foreman. When he got back, one reporter asked him what he thought of Africa.

                    "I'm just glad great-grandpappy got on that boat," he's reported as saying.

                    A few places in Africa are fairly nice - Malawi springs to mind. Far too much of it has internecine warfare based on generations of feuds and conflicts.

                    Proud to be a W.A.N.K.E.R. - Womanless And No Kids - Exciting Rubbing!
                    Reclaiming words is fun!


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Slytovhand View Post
                      btw - curious about your rant on founder of Wal-Mart......
                      Meh, that's not really anything that hasn't been heard before. The only different part is how they are screwing over my mom, which is similar to a large number of employees. Nothing really new there.


                      • #12
                        From what I heard, Sam was actually a nice guy and his descendants screwed the employees, but I'm speaking from a continent away and on limited information.

                        Amusingly enough, back on topic I just remembered that Sharpton was caught on film talking down Barack Obama. I didn't really care for the details, but it looks as if black skin isn't enough to keep him happy.

                        Proud to be a W.A.N.K.E.R. - Womanless And No Kids - Exciting Rubbing!
                        Reclaiming words is fun!


                        • #13
                          Sharpton, like many blacks locally, resent those who have succeeded in making it in a "white man's world." To them, getting out of the ghetto is the same as 'selling out their people.' I fail how to see that, and why is trying to provide a better life for one's family considered "selling out?"


                          • #14
                            I'm no fan of Al Sharpton either. That man always pulls the race card every chance he gets and he's always the first one to start with that shit.
                            There are no stupid questions, just stupid people...


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Rapscallion View Post
                              From what I heard, Sam was actually a nice guy and his descendants screwed the employees
                              Just to clarify it wasn't the descendants either-it was the unrelated corporate suits in charge after his death. My mom trained his Grandson Sam Walton III to cashier to pay his way through college-at the local Walmart.

                              Stipulation in Sam Walton's will-no blood relative can inherit unless they work from the bottom up, and they must work their way through college.
                              Registered rider scenic shore 150 charity ride

