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Annoying Argument Habbits

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  • Annoying Argument Habbits

    Probably too confusing of a title, let me explain:

    What are some of the most annoying things people can do when things may be getting heated? Not even necessarily that big of a problem, but just not going right?

    I've touched on this before, but my mother is probably the most annoying person in the world when it comes to when she gets irritated with us.

    She does these following things, all of which drive me BATSHIT INSANE:
    a) is the biggest hypocrite on earth when it comes to interrupting. Once you've pissed her off, she wants the floor, she wants the whole floor, she wants it NOW. Don't you fucking dare say a word in edgewise, you're interrupting her. No, seriously, don't even say a single word. If you do, she'll just get more and more angry. Which leads to:

    b) does the annoying "Time Out" gesture with her hands, slapping her hands together to form the "T" harder and harder the more times she does it. Try to even get one word in edgewise, she'll just keep slapping her hands together and going "TIME. OUT. TIME. OUT!"

    c) Will just keep repeating herself over and over and louder and louder until you shut up. Doesn't even matter if you were truly interrupting or if you're not raising your voice at all. She'll just keep going up up and up. The best part is, the louder she gets, the louder she thinks you get, and will literally scream at the top of her lungs for you to stop yelling at her.

    d) If she thinks you're not listening, she'll keep repeating and repeating or starting over her sentences again and again. She'll chase my dad around the house for something, and keep shouting "NO, No, NO, NO! Stop! STOP! STOP! NO! NO!" and stuff like that.

    e) She. Will. Start. Talking. Like. This. With. A. Break. Between. Every. Word. For. Em.Ph.A.Sis.

    f) if she's preaching, she'll do the sing song voice. I HATE when she does the sing song voice.

    My dad is a douchebag in general who just makes a huge dramatic scene when he's upset. If you dare interrupt his TV show, he'll just mash down the up volume on the control until the TV is blaring loud to make a point that you need to get out of the living room.

    If my mom forgets to shut their door at night before, the mornings I come down early to shower for work, my dad will get up, stomp like a giant, and slam the door to let me know how upset he is that I woke them up at such a god awful early hour.

    I have a coworker who refuses to listen to any logic at all, and if you even try to say something, she'll do like my mom and just get louder and louder and angrier and angrier until someone just gives in to her and finds a way to shut her up.

  • #2
    Insist they are not actually arguing.

    How can you continue having an argument with someone who doesn't even recognize that they are in fact engaged in an argument?
    Sometimes I think it would be useful to carry around a dictionary.


    • #3
      So, is she having an argument or throwing a tantrum?

      Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden


      • #4
        How do you stand these people? I'm glad my family are civilized.
        "My in-laws are country people and at night you can hear their distinctive howl."


        • #5
          You don't stand them. You try to never be home, or when you have to be home, you just work around them and have everything you need in your room. It also helps being all alone in the house weekday mornings and early afternoons to get what you need done and to have some peace and quiet.

          Then you get to go to work and work with people who never stop complaining about the pettiest of crap.

          Seriously, all it takes is one task delegation, one piece of information, and a few people I work with will start on tangents, raising their voices, yelling at coworkers, and making the 12 hours we have to be there just unbearable.


          • #6
            Annoying arguement habbits, where do I begin?

            -Let's start with walking off in a huff and pouting when they realize that their side is the minority. Usually they were being assholes or had some unreasonable demand. Yet when everyone else doesn't want to be pushed around, they are the assholes?! WTF.

            -I knew someone who would walk around the house when arguing with someone. Generally, she'd ignore all the points made so you assume it's over. But nope! Minutes later, she's spamming you with counter points.

            -Manipulating what you say to make you feel guilty. "I don't like such and such movie". "Wah! He hates the movie! WAH!!!".

            -On top of that, acting like you misunderstood what they said and then starting another arguement over misheard semantics (this one is pretty common online too).

            And those are just a few examples.


            • #7
              Oh yeah, my last boyfriend I swear invented putting words in one's mouth.

              But the funny part was, if anyone ever said anything back to him, he would sulk or walk away.

              Probably a whole other topic, but I hate people who feel they can just say whatever they want, and if anyone dare questions or challenges them on something they said (like especially rude or very untrue things!), they just instantly go into "hide" mode. If you've got the balls to say that everyone who goes to the gym is a "muscle bound dickhead", and I say that I love exercising and so do a lot of my friends and we aren't jerks, don't start crying and say I called you fat and then go home and hide in your room.


              • #8
                Someone on my friend's FB the other day. Had a very annoying habit of simply repeating her argument (which made no sense in and of itself, anyway), ignoring everybody else's points or twisting them around, and then when that wasn't working, she resorted to only using childish meme pictures.

                Yeah, when you have to resort to meme pictures to get your "point" across, you're not even trying anymore.
                "And I won't say "Woe is me"/As I disappear into the sea/'Cause I'm in good company/As we're all going together"


                • #9
                  I really hate those argument tactics where if you don't agree 100% with them, then the argument isn't over. If you flat out refuse to give into them, they'll either keep arguing or go into "passive aggressive mode" and hold a grudge for WEEKS until you eventually just give in to get them to STFU.

                  One of my friend's boyfriends is like this; he's a giant manchild. It makes me so mad, because I have a strong personality type that is not unwilling to call out people on their BS. Because I do this with him, I am apparently "disrespecting him."


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by AmbrosiaWriter View Post
                    One of my friend's boyfriends is like this; he's a giant manchild. It makes me so mad, because I have a strong personality type that is not unwilling to call out people on their BS. Because I do this with him, I am apparently "disrespecting him."
                    Oh GOD this shit. My dad used to be really bad about that when I was younger--thankfully, he's mostly gotten over it. My sister tho. Fuuck.

                    When she's not pulling a stupid bs card like that, she brings in completely unrelated shit. We talk about voter id laws, and when I make a decent point, she just shoots back with "Well, is it right that you owe me money?" Instead of trying to make her own point.


                    • #11
                      Talking to me in that scolding tone for expressing an opinion. That tone that adults use on children when they are doing something wrong. It's like they're telling me I'm wrong for having that opinion and should be ashamed, usually offering no reasons for why my view is wrong other than "because I said so".

                      And I really hate that "respect your elders" bullshit. What it really means is "everything they say is right and expressing a different view is disrespectful". I mean yeah, I get that discussing social issues is not always acceptable and know when to be quiet, but a lot of the time, they are the ones who bring it up! Why should their stupid views get preference over everyone elses?


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Rageaholic View Post
                        -snip snip- they are the ones who bring it up!
                        This! A hundred times this! I really, really get annoyed when people obviously know something is a source of contention yet they decide to bring it up anyway because what they have to say is apparently bulletproof and infalliable.

                        Then when I fill it full of so many holes that it would make a good shower head, they get offended and demand to know why I'm so "argumentative" or "why are you so mad about it?"

                        It's even worse when they respond with "Why so serious?" as if they were joking when they brought up the topic that is obviously so close to one of my nerves that sneezing the wrong word sends me into a spastic fit. >_<


                        • #13
                          About those meme pictures, I remember a discussion about anthropomorphics I got into on another message board. When I mentioned my concept drawings of anthro skyscrapers, another poster only answered "Anthro buildings?" Along with a meme pic saying "DO NOT LIKE!"

                          I have to admit, that meme pic irritated me- it came across as trite and dismissive. And I said as much. The guy who posted it was all like "Well, if you put your artwork out there, you have to expect critique, you need a thicker skin", and justified his use of the meme pic as "trying to lighten the mood". After a bit of discussion, I got it out of him why he didn't like the concept- He felt that the whole "Anthro" thing was overdone, and when people wanted to show intellegence in a non-human entity, why did they always have to make it look like a person? Now that WAS valid commentary, and I gave him a good response, explaining why my characters had that anthro form, that it wasn't an arbitrary choice.

                          Now, why didn't he post that opinion of his in the first place, so we could have an intellegent discussion? That silly meme pic just got in the way.


                          • #14
                            Ohmygod, the "You owe me money!" people....that's my mom.

                            I am always leery when she offers to pay for dinner or take me somewhere. Because not too long after, I'll hear about how I "owe" her and take advantage of her.


                            • #15
                              I also hate when people quote random bible verses, quotes, or platitudes as their entire arguement. So pretentious!

