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Being talked to like I'm a liar (or an idiot)

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  • Being talked to like I'm a liar (or an idiot)

    I've have conversations like this too many times.

    "Why couldn't you show up?"
    "I was sick"
    "Are you sure?"
    "Uh yes" (how stupid do you think I am?)
    "But is that really why you couldn't show up?"

    At this point, I have to bite my tongue because it's so obvious that the person wouldn't believe me anyway. Not only are they implying I'm lying, but they act like I don't know what it means to be sick.

    I've had similar conversations on other issues, but it comes down to the same thing. They don't believe me and feel the need to interrogate me. And sometimes it's over the stupidest stuff. I remember way back in middle school, I had a teacher question me about which bathroom I went to, twice! (the one that was closer to my class was full obviously). In situations like that, even if I was lying, what difference does it make?

  • #2
    I have a co-irker who is also management that does that to me all the time.

    She'll ask about something I have to work on, I'll answer, an then she'll start asking me all sorts of questions that tell me that she didn't believe my earlier answers. The worst part is that it's such a waste of time for us both: After all, if I lied the first time, I'm not going to suddenly go, "Oh, hey, you caught me... I didn't really work on what I said I worked on, but since you asked me a second time, I'll suddenly change my spots and get to it."

    Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden


    • #3
      My last boyfriend accused me of faking sick a few times. Funny thing is, after we broke up, who was the one missing practically every Tuesday night at work?


      • #4
        Some co workers make it so that everyone ends up suspected of pulling a sicky, I don't mean some co workers think everyone is faking it at some point, but some that just pull too many sickies to be believed anymore and being in the same age group or sick on the same day (not exact day) eg too many people sick on a Saturday or Sunday, well 3 guesses as to where they were last night, so someone genuinly sick over the weekend, well thanks to those that forget they have work the next day and have one (5) too many and don't show, people just assume that you got wankered the night befor.

        Hell I almost worked all day Sunday (before the events of the how rude thread) the phone rang just as I was going on the half 9 break and I just knew it was one of the 11 O'clockers calling in, be it the late cleaner or one of the 3 who do my job. True enough one of the supervisors pops his head into the tea room and asks if I can stay
        "Who's sick?" I ask before he can ask if I can stay, this scene has been played out numerous times that I sometimes do the short short version and just say yes.
        "Not looked at the rota to see who's in."
        I don't recall if I actually did or not, but the guy who called in sick predominantly calls in sick over the weekend and this was a football weekend too, within the hour he has called back saying he feels better and it was "just a headache", he probably remembered how many weekends he thew a sicky on and would also loose his "Thank you for working the last few weeks agency bonus."

        Most full timers are on the same 3 week rota, so have one weekend off in 3, many years ago one guy called in sick both weekends with neck problems
        "The only neck problem he's got is how many he necked last night." said I, seriously if he had a neck problem I would send him to his GP to get it sorted out, but seeing as it only flaired up on the weekends ...

        I've also said when hearing someone called in sick on the weekend
        "you can't have a Saturday/Sunday morning without a Friday/Saturday night."
        "Well you shouldn't have gone out last ngiht then" saiid one supervisor to me
        "I wasn't talkling about me" (you dumb fuck)

        One guy would have gotten away with his intermittant absence if it wern't for the fact he was throwing sick days on college days that our company was paying for.
        "What's his excuse this time?" the head chef asked one tea break
        "He's got a bone in his leg." was the supervisors reply, which I didn't get at the time, but basically it was his way of saying "he can't work on any day ending in y" a phrase I use in varying forms way too much.


        • #5
          Oh, there's people I know are fucking off and taking a Ferris Bueller day. The reason I know is that those people always make patterns or some way of making it obvious.

          I was referring to a specific incident where I was accused of faking being ill because I chose to go home after work and sleep instead of hang out with my then boyfriend, and that weekend, I went Christmas shopping and out to eat and to the movies with my brother, wherein I got an eyefull (from texts) from him declaring that I must be doing so better since I'm out shopping and that since I was "too busy", he'd talk to me later.

          Yeah, I don't miss that spineless little pussy very much. And I rarely use that word, but that's him to a T.

