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People who share incorrect/inflammatory posts on FB

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  • #16
    Originally posted by Bloodsoul View Post
    The only "anti-Boat" message I've ever heard was with regards to role-playing games and sea monsters…
    Might that have been the Spoonies Ones Counter Monkey series?


    • #17
      Someone on my Facebook friends posted the one about entering your PIN into an ATM backwards is some sort of alert for the police not long ago. I, of course, replied with the link to the Snopes article debunking it. Anymore, I just give a quick scroll through, and that's it, because too many people post the same pictures, memes, etc over and over and fucking OVER! Seriously...It needs to stop!


      • #18
        Originally posted by Nyoibo View Post
        The only difference between halal and non-halal meat is that for halal the animals have been blessed.
        There's also a requirement for all the blood to drain from it and the meat has to be slaughtered a certain way. When my boyfriend worked for an abattoir, he wasn't allowed to take part in slaughtering the halal meat, the Muslims who worked there did.

        Originally posted by Bloodsoul View Post
        The only "anti-Boat" message I've ever heard was with regards to role-playing games and sea monsters…
        Australia's an island nation. So our border control problems consist primarily of air and sea. The air border control ones mostly involve people who overstay their visas illegally. The sea-related ones refer to people who come from somewhere by boat (usually one of the SE Asian countries) by people smugglers. Upon arrival, they are placed into a detention centre of some kind while they are processed. From there, they are then placed into society, but they are still required to meet all the obligations that Australian citizens do in terms of finding work, sending their kids to school and so on.

        I'llpost more when I'm awake.


        • #19
          Draining the blood is a general requirement, infact the animals are actually killed by exanguination.
          I am a sexy shoeless god of war!
          Minus the sexy and I'm wearing shoes.


          • #20
            The "Starbucks hates the military" one is making a comeback. This one has been around since '04, FFS. People are so damn gullible.
            A.K.A. ShinyGreenApple


            • #21
              How many of you see that one about Obama allegedly renaming the White House Christmas Tree a "Holiday Tree" every Christmas season? I think it's a tie between that and the one about the Pepsi can about which one gets posted on my FB feed the most often.


              • #22
                I love when you call them out on it and they get all pissy about how they know it's fake but it's through message itself that counts. I don't know why I'm friends on FB with half of these people. I know it sounds harsh, but I tend to delete people I either don't talk to, don't care for, or don't remember why I added on their birthday since that's the only time I really pay attention.


                • #23
                  Originally posted by guywithashovel View Post
                  How many of you see that one about Obama allegedly renaming the White House Christmas Tree a "Holiday Tree" every Christmas season? I think it's a tie between that and the one about the Pepsi can about which one gets posted on my FB feed the most often.
                  Dunno about that one, but the new Chris Kyle/Whitney Houston one just gets my blood in a boil,


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by LadyBarbossa View Post
                    The "Starbucks hates the military" one is making a comeback. This one has been around since '04, FFS. People are so damn gullible.
                    That one showed up on my FB page just a few days ago ... again.

                    I've corrected quite a few urban legend-type posts and don't see a lot of them anymore (perhaps the tendency to check first is catching on?), but in general they're like a Hydra -- for every one you lop off, at least one more pops up. I usually repost them with the correction and a comment that "This is a HOAX."

                    However, I admit I've been caught a couple of times, and have been corrected by more alert friends. When that happens I forward the correction.

                    I doubt it's going to stop anytime soon. It's way too easy to forward stuff, especially if it's something that pushes a button.


                    • #25
                      Yesterday I saw the one about the Obamas being on inactive status for their legal licenses. So I said they should look on Snopes and they said that Snopes has been shown wrong before, so I found an article on World Net Daily and they agreed with that. The posting made it look like the Obamas did something wrong and the reality is way more nuanced like to the effect of, "Why continue to maintain your license when you're not actually practicing law?". I guess in order to maintain your license, you have send fees to the BAR and maintain your legal malpractice insurance. The fees don't sound so bad but I would imagine the premiums on the insurance might be. There seems to be enough crap floating around about the Obamas that we don't need a misleading one.


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by mikoyan29 View Post
                        The posting made it look like the Obamas did something wrong and the reality is way more nuanced like to the effect of, "Why continue to maintain your license when you're not actually practicing law?". I guess in order to maintain your license, you have send fees to the BAR and maintain your legal malpractice insurance. The fees don't sound so bad but I would imagine the premiums on the insurance might be.
                        It goes even beyond the bar and insurance fees. As long as your license is active, in order to maintain it you have to have so many hours of continuing education every year or your license will be suspended. I think the number of hours varies by which state or states you hold license in, but I'd imagine that doing the job of President doesn't leave Obama with a ton of free time for continuing legal education. Like you said, as long as he's not practicing there's no reason to remain on active status, and I completely fail to see what the big deal here is.


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by linguist View Post
                          It goes even beyond the bar and insurance fees. As long as your license is active, in order to maintain it you have to have so many hours of continuing education every year or your license will be suspended. I think the number of hours varies by which state or states you hold license in, but I'd imagine that doing the job of President doesn't leave Obama with a ton of free time for continuing legal education. Like you said, as long as he's not practicing there's no reason to remain on active status, and I completely fail to see what the big deal here is.
                          Well it's yet another attempt to try to show that Obama is an illegitimate candidate for President (despite him winning twice). I don't know, I dislike posts like this because it's not like something like this would have slipped the vetting process before Obama even ran the first time. It's in the same vein as the birth certificate. And sometimes I think it boils down to, "well he's black".


                          • #28
                            How does not having an active license invalidate you for Presidency? Last time I checked you didn't need to be a lawyer to be a President.

                            Or is this kind of a "They committed felonies by having inactive licenses... even though they really didn't because they did not practice any law since their license became inactive... but THEY COMMITTED A FELONY THEREFORE NO PRESIDENT!"


                            • #29
                              Ugh, I'm seeing the post about soldiers dying in Afghanistan making its rounds again.

                              "R.I.P. To the 31 US Troops who were killed in Afghanistan yesterday. I bet no one cares enough to repost this to show some respect. This is the real reasons for flags at half staff! I have only seen this posted one time; if it were a celebrity it would be plastered all over Facebook. What a shame! I posted out of respect to the fallen heros. God Bless Our Troops <3"

                              The incident referred to is the helo crash in Afghanistan in August 2011. Contained a bunch of SEALs and other support crew. Nevermind that it also had 8 Afghanis on the helicopter too who are forgotten about.

                              Second thing, it's February 28th. The crash was August 6th. Clearly not yesterday.

                              Final thing, anything that basically involves shaming people into reposting crap is not honoring anyone's memory. It's just trying to get people to repost your crap.
                              Violence has resolved more conflicts than anything else. The contrary opinion that violence doesn't solve anything is merely wishful thinking at its worst. - Starship Troopers


                              • #30
                                Last weekend, my Facebook feed was clogged with panicked sharing of a poster alleging a dognapping/dogfighting ring in our town.

                                First of all, the poster originated from a city on another continent with the same name as our town, but nobody bothered to read further once they saw the name. They didn't notice the mention of North and South of the river, and the two suburbs named. We don't have a river, and we certainly don't have suburbs.

                                Secondly, it mentions the "RSPCA" which we also do not have in our area.

                                Thirdly, the original posters were proven to be a hoax ages ago.

                                To top it off, someone in our town panicked when they saw the Facebook post, and made up their own handwritten signs, plastering them all over their apartment building. Someone else saw the sign and took a picture of it, and that began circulating on Facebook as well. (One of the people had over 4,000 shares of their picture of the sign, which had been shared from someone else.)

                                No matter that I kept posting the link to the news page stating that it was a hoax, everybody just saw our town name and lost their mind in panic.

                                The other day, one of my friends had that annoying, "Facebook is trying to get rid of this Nativity Scene picture". Never mind that Christmas was 2 months ago, it wasn't even true when it was posted back then.
                                I told her so, and posted the link to the myth busting site.

                                That's what I try to do when I see crap being shared, but people still don't believe it. I don't know how many times I have posted a warning about a current hot topic that's a hoax, and someone will always post very shortly after, continuing to share the hoax.

                                I have several anti-Obama friends who are constantly posting crap about him.
                                I don't follow American politics, so I really couldn't tell you if any of it has merit, but I do see a lot of pictures with links to 'news sites" to back them up, but the sites are actually blogging or personal view sites skewed toward an Obama hating slant with no actual citations to back up the claims, except for links to other sites of the same type.

                                I am especially annoyed by one person who keeps posting Hitler comparisons and images that are obviously photoshopped, or taken at a split second when he has a terrible look on his face that imply he is the anti-Christ.

                                I just keep hiding them from my feed.
                                Point to Ponder:

                                Is it considered irony when someone on an internet forum makes a post that can be considered to look like it was written by a 3rd grade dropout, and they are poking fun of the fact that another person couldn't spell?

