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  • lolbutthurt

    I really, REALLY hate the phrase 'butthurt' when describing anyone being upset about anything. I often see it used to mock basically anyone who is upset about basically anything. I understand sometimes there is a need to say "You're over-exaggerating, and your frustration with this is not warranted" but I find it annoying when it's used for basically everything. Complain about someone sideswiping your car? Lolbutthurt. Frustrated at losing a game online? Lolbutthurt. Gay marriage bills pass! Conservatives are butthurt! Corporations deny women healthcare for 'religious reasons!' Liberals are butthurt! Public figures have their personal information revealed! "I sense great butthurt upcoming."

    It's... Really frustrating, because it makes it harder to discuss anything other than being totally happy all the time, because anything that's NOT happy is just dismissed as 'lolbutthurt'
    "Nam castum esse decet pium poetam
    ipsum, versiculos nihil necessest"

  • #2
    Hate to say it, but "Butthurt" is no different than any other overly used phrase in the world. Before it was "Die in a fire", now it's this.

    People are going to say what they think is cool to say even if it means that it gets overused.

    Frankly I use it myself, but I don't use it to cover anyone who is upset at something. I reserve it for when I'm talking about people (such as you read on CS) who get all upset at things that they should not get upset at (or at least should not take the frustrations out on people who aren't responsible for it).

    For example if someone goes to my blog and complains that something I said offended them I explain that my blog is my blog and I can say what I want. If it offends you can exercise your right to stop reading it. When they keep reading and keep complaining about what I say then and only then do I start mocking them by saying "And as a warning to [account], this next bit is likely to make them all butthurt."

    But only after I give them the option to leave with dignity. They don't take me up on that option then they get both barrels of my sarcasm shotgun.

    And I shoots to kill.
    “There are worlds out there where the sky is burning, where the sea's asleep and the rivers dream, people made of smoke and cities made of song. Somewhere there's danger, somewhere there's injustice and somewhere else the tea is getting cold. Come on, Ace, we've got work to do.” - Sylvester McCoy as the Seventh Doctor.


    • #3
      The difference, I think, between "DIAF" and "lolbutthurt" is that while one is typically said in relation to an annoyance, "lolbutthurt" is used by many people to completely disregard the feelings of others.

      It's similar to the situation where a woman is upset or angry over something, and someone else (be it male or female, but I personally have only had it said to me by men) immediately responds with "PMSin' much?" or "You're on your period aren't you?"

      The reason the person is upset is completely ignored and the person's feelings are then cast aside as if they are worthless.

      Now, obviously there are people who are truly just butt hurt (overreacting to something that is insignificant in the grand scheme of things, or more often in my world someone getting pissed because they lost fair and square.) Mongo makes a good example of that with blog commenters.

      But there are also people who have a legitimate complaint;

      Like for example if Mongo put something in his blog that was unfounded or a blatant lie about something, and someone points it out and how it casts a bad light on XX that XX doesn't deserve, and Mongo were to reply "lolbutthurt"... That's the situation I get really annoyed with. (Obviously Mongo would never, ever do this. Right Mongo? )

      Not so much just the term itself, but what tends to do.


      • #4
        I will go ahead and add awww... muffin to the original complaint.


        • #5
          Well.. it does have its place. Exceptionally rare though it is.


          • #6
            Originally posted by gremcint View Post
            I will go ahead and add awww... muffin to the original complaint.
            Yeah. I tend to be suspicious of responses which are basically 'Ha, your being upset is stupid.'
            "Nam castum esse decet pium poetam
            ipsum, versiculos nihil necessest"


            • #7
              Originally posted by AmbrosiaWriter View Post
              Like for example if Mongo put something in his blog that was unfounded or a blatant lie about something, and someone points it out and how it casts a bad light on XX that XX doesn't deserve, and Mongo were to reply "lolbutthurt"... That's the situation I get really annoyed with. (Obviously Mongo would never, ever do this. Right Mongo? )
              The situation was this. I had a friend in real life. Was a member of our local gaming group. Bit of an odd duck but considering my friends and I it would have been the pot calling the kettle black.

              When he left to go back out to Colorado, he started getting very VERY preachy on Facebook. Nothing my friends or I could say about anything in the government was correct in his eyes. We tried to steer conversations away from politics but he would take anything we said and tried to put the blame on Obama.

              No joke, he actually blamed Dungeons and Dragons 4.0 on Obama when we were complaining about how 3rd and 4th edition took the "Role" out of roleplay and replaced it with "Roll". Obama's fault for regulating the industry.

              So one by one my group started de-friending him from Facebook and Google+. Eventually he pressed my last button and I did the same. The difference between me and my friends is that I have the blog. He latched onto that and started trolling it.

              For a solid week he went through all my posts and put in his comments. Anything I mentioned, he would make a nasty comment. Even taking the time to complain that I so frequently use the phrase "jam an agave cactus up someone's ass". So I dedicated a post in my blog to him and decided that the best way to shut him up was to showcase him and his actions.


              Since then I keep him quiet (if he even still looks at my blog after I did that to him) by addressing him in future posts. When I use my Agave Cactus bit I'll make sure that I point it out to him. Sometimes when I'm not ranting and not in the need to use it, I'll even apologize for not using it and assure him that I'll let him stroke his "I'm smegged off at Mongo" boner in a future post.

              So no...I don't lie about someone and then tell that person that I lied about, "LOLBUTTHURT!"

              I have a good reason for doing it.
              “There are worlds out there where the sky is burning, where the sea's asleep and the rivers dream, people made of smoke and cities made of song. Somewhere there's danger, somewhere there's injustice and somewhere else the tea is getting cold. Come on, Ace, we've got work to do.” - Sylvester McCoy as the Seventh Doctor.


              • #8
                For the most part I see butthurt as being for the 20xx's as being bent out of shape was for the 90's onwards.

                Some times it genuinly is people asking other people to not get too upset over things they should not be getting THAT upset over, that's why I see it as an innocuous (is that the right word?) phrase.

                It probably is over used in some parts, I don't really look into these things much, to where anything negative happening to someone gets the reply butthurt, but I have to admit, in face to face conversations, when someone is complaining about something going bad that TBH is their own fault for it going bad, I fall back on the tried and tested
                ahhh didums


                • #9
                  That makes me feel kinda bad. I use the term "butthurt" a lot, mostly when referring to my ex bf or other coworkers I can't stand.

                  And yes, I've had sex in the butt and yes it hurts.


                  • #10
                    Use more lube. You can't use too much.

                    I don't use the phrase "butthurt" really but I don't care when other people do. Just another way of saying someone is being whiny.
                    Violence has resolved more conflicts than anything else. The contrary opinion that violence doesn't solve anything is merely wishful thinking at its worst. - Starship Troopers


                    • #11
                      i don't use "lolbutthurt" but i do confess i do use the phrase "butthurt". and i use it when describing someone who's overly sensitive or annoyed about something, usually to the point where they're being childish.

                      like an SC who's mad cos the employee said "no you can't use a coupon that expired 3 years ago". that SC would be "butthurt".

                      but i suspect everyone has a word or phrase that they dislike. i know one gal in high school who hated the word "orb". not sure why but she hated the word.

                      for me? I dislike the phrase "their company, their rules" - the idea that a company has a right to say, fire workers for having different political views, or whatever factor that's not actually work-related.


                      • #12
                        "o my dog"

                        i was just reminded that this one is one of my pet peeves. i find it silly.

                        but if someone wants to say that, i'm not telling you to stop of course. it's just not something you'll ever see me use (other than as an example) cos of how i feel bout it.

