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I don't get paid to clean

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  • I don't get paid to clean

    This might sound like a work place gripe about doing tasks other than those in the job description, it is not.

    I live in a shared house with 6 other people, well 5 seeing as the naked kitchen guy moved out.
    When I first moved in I bought my own cook wear as I had no idea if those on the drainer were the house's or someone else's, just as well I did one guy left a very dirty frying pan for over a week expecting someone else to clean it, mine stayed in my room.

    Now I try not to make a mess in the kitchen and as I ended up on more and more inconvenient shifts for making meals (not that I knew how to make much anyways) I ate ready meals so I had no plates to wash and had a good enough supply of forks to not do the cutlery for a week or more, depending on how many meals I had.
    But I've seen enough dirty plates and pots in one of the two sinks stay there for over a week to wonder why one person in the house hasn't thrown them out.

    One guy hasn't worked in the longest time, although he said he had a part time job at one point, I have no idea, nor do I care tbh, if he still has it, but years ago he came to an arrangement with the land lord that he would clean the shared areas for a reduction in his rent.
    Now even with this in mind, I didn't make a mess and leave it saying "well you get paid to clean.", but I would not go overboard in clearing up after myself, kinda hard to make a mess cooking when all you have to do is prick the seal and microwave something.

    I had no idea if the rent reduction for claning was still in effect as it had been a few years and sometimes the kitchen looked like it had not been touched in a week or more, but when the handyman was doing up the now vacant room he said to him he had this arrangement.
    So one night I am listening to some youtube videos with head phones on and I hear him shouting from his door, normally pay no heed cos he is constantly fighting with his gf, but I was taken aback, but did not open my door to comment, when it turned out he called out my name and complained that I had not cleaned the bath room.
    A I had not had a bath that day.
    B If you get money of your rent, why should I do more than a cursory glance over it catching hairs along the side and the plug hole?

    Although I can ignore things with headphones, I am not wired in all the time and about 3 times now he's called my name about some random thing, but I'm putting it at him being drunk and not having the guy downstairs to bitch about so he's taking out whatever he's got issues with on me.

    One of the shouts was about the fact I had not gone and turned the fire alarm error bleep off, me specifically, not anyone else in the house, guy between our two rooms was in and ignoring it, never seen him turn it off.
    Woman next to the panel has been seen in the kitchen or her door way ignoring it when someone comes down stairs to sort it.

    I had headphones on, I could not hear the beeping, I heard him shouting about it but ignored him cos I had been sick all day and was spending the night curled up with my 3rd TGS podcast (9 hours of my life listening to Jesse Cox and Dodger banter seems fair under the circumstances) but I did catch him say that it had woken him up, it wasn't late 10pm maybe, even when I worked at 5am I was still up at midnight and that it had also been going on for an hour by this point.
    Sound travels well in the kitchen so I've made a point in mentioning that I've only found the alarm to be going when I've paused the movie to go to the toilet, but if I had my headphones on my mp3 player and was walking around the house, I'm not even sure I could hear it stood next to the thing.

    maybe it's cos I'm unemployed (well technically I'm not as I can not sign on for benefits due to my redundancy taking me over the threshold, I am instead between jobs) and thus as I have a lot of free time I should be pulling my unpaid weight around the house, not when someone else is getting paid for my work I'm not.
    And as far as the land lord is concerned its business as usual, I was ahead in rent by two weeks as he came round mid week due to the renovations of the vacant room and I had just got a cheque from the building society cut (they don't bounce) and will get 3 cut next time, hell I could cut 6 and clear the year, as long as he gets rent he don't care what job I do or do not have.
    Some houses have a set rota set up and cook group meals, this is not such a house, outside of the kitchen we don't have a communal space so I have little cause to interact with my house mates.
    Last edited by Ginger Tea; 06-12-2013, 01:09 PM.

  • #2
    I say bring it up to your landlord. Tell him that the guy he is paying to clean isn't doing the job. If your unemployed why not you take over that and be paid to clean? That way nothing will get as backed up as it is now.


    • #3
      It's not an utter sty, the biggest gripe in the kitchen were the guy who left leaving dishes for up to a week and 3 of them (him included) leaving washing in the machine for hours after it finished, if you took it out to wash yours it normally got put back in again for another to be left to stagnate session.

      But I'm not impressed with someone calling me out on something not being done, when frankly it's nothing to do with me at all, I'll flush after every use (he made a to do about that, so I'm hoping he heard every flush I made Monday night Tuesday morning whilst waiting for the WTFIWWY live at 4am UK time), but don't expect me to bleach.

      This guy has been unemployed for 9 years, I would not be keen on taking on house chores on top of whatever new job I take up, plus when he offered it to me 9 years ago when I was between jobs and a bit short on money I would have to buy the cleaning products myself and that cost more than the money he would be deducting.
      Last edited by Ginger Tea; 06-12-2013, 04:10 PM.

