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The aftermath of being robbed

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  • The aftermath of being robbed

    I really hate it when I have homicidal thoughts towards the guy who robbed me. I try to be spiritual, so I try to be better than that, and plus if I ever did meet the guy I wouldn't be able to do anything to him anyway. I just don't have it in me.

  • #2
    A lot of understandable anger results after something like that. Someone I see as a mother figure was robbed and I still remember the rage I felt as I drove to her house when I found out. I wanted to find them and hurt them. It was all on an emotional level though without the real intent. I wasn't actually going to track them down or attack them. She had quite a lot of anger about it as well but it all settled with time.


    • #3
      Originally posted by cewfa View Post
      I really hate it when I have homicidal thoughts towards the guy who robbed me. I try to be spiritual, so I try to be better than that, and plus if I ever did meet the guy I wouldn't be able to do anything to him anyway. I just don't have it in me.
      I dealt with that as well. I finally realized that having these thoughts doesn't take away from my spirituality; I just need to not act on them. I also came to the realization that the 'thing' (that is how I refer to the one who held a gun to me while taking my purse because it helps me) is either going 1) realize that this is the wrong way of living and change his life; 2) end up arrested for another crime and go to jail; 3) end up dead because frankly, the life the thing is most likely leading will mean that someone shoots and kills the thing. I want #1 to happen to him; and as long as I realize that is truly what I want, having homicidal feelings towards the thing doesn't make me a bad person.


      • #4
        You know, I also take comfort in the fact that, more than likely, the people that are in my life want me around and that he is just a means to be used to a lot of people (i.e. baby mama, gang, etc.). He is unhappy with his lot in life, so he had to take it out on me.

        Still, as much as I try to tell myself that, it doesn't always help.


        • #5
          It happened to me when I was still in my old apartment in the city. I never had any problems when I was living there by myself, because I pretty much kept to myself. My girlfriend (now ex), on the other hand, didn't show a whole lot of discretion when it cam to making friends.

          I think the worst part was the creepy feeling knowing that someone was in my home while I was gone, who didn't belong there. We had just come back from seeing a movie, and something was off, but we couldn't place it at first. Then I noticed the VCR was gone. This was back when a VCR was actually worth a decent amount of money, now you can't even give them away. Upon closer inspection, they had also started unhooking the computer, but didn't finish. Then we noticed the back door was standing open. As far as I can tell, someone was standing watch, and when they saw us coming home, they grabbed the VCR and ran out the back.

          It was pretty obvious how they got in. My girlfriend had lost her temper one day and threw something across the room, and it hit one of the small glass panels on the interior door. The landlord had put a piece of plastic over it to cover it until he could get it fixed, but of course pushing through it was all too easy. Then it was just a matter of reaching inside and unlocking the door. As far as the outer door, the upstairs neighbors routinely left it cracked so they wouldn't have to unlock it when they got back from whatever they were doing.

          The cops showed up and took our information. I was so flustered that when he asked my age, I got it wrong. Why he didn't ask for date of birth, I don't know. He told me that someone would be by the next day to dust for prints, but no one ever called or showed up. The cops were pretty worthless in the city back then, and I don't know if that's changed at all.

          Later that night, I took the car to the gas station down the street to gas up, and I ran into some guys that my girlfriend had recently become friends with. They asked if they could catch a ride back into the area with me, and I told them that was fine. On the way there, I started talking about how we had been robbed, and the more I talked about it, the more angry I became. Then I started going into graphic and gory detail about what I'd do to the bastards if I ever caught them. I think the words "cut their hands off with a fucking chainsaw" were in there somewhere. They all started getting a little uneasy, but I didn't really notice it at first. I'm sure you can see where this is going. As soon as I stopped to let them out, they all took off running. We never saw or heard from them again after that.

          When I got back, I told my girlfriend what had just happened, and she agreed that it was most likely them. Unfortunately, she didn't know exactly where they lived, and didn't know anything about them other than their first names. And like I said, the cops were fucking worthless.
          --- I want the republicans out of my bedroom, the democrats out of my wallet, and both out of my first and second amendment rights. Whether you are part of the anal-retentive overly politically-correct left, or the bible-thumping bellowing right, get out of the thought control business --- Alan Nathan


          • #6
            You know, over the last four to six weeks I have been feeling paranoid that someone is going to break in. It is to the point to where I would like to just barricade the front door altogether, but my mom would have a shit fit if I did. I have also closed the windows and turned the air on because I get jumpy about every noise I hear outside at night. I will no longer let the dog (I have a 92 lb. boxer) sleep with me at night because he is my first line of defense against an (so far imaginary) intruder.

            God, I would like to find the guy who robbed me and hook his testicles to a pair of jumper cables.


            • #7
              My backpack containing my Nintendo DS was stolen from right under my nose in the ladies' washroom a few years ago. I filed a report with the subway station's police officers (then called "special constables"). It wasn't until a few days later that staff from the local public middle school called saying that they found my backpack, minus the DS and the games inside it, in the dumpster.

              I hope that the girl (most likely a girl, anyways) who stole my DS got found out by her parents and grounded for life!


              • #8
                One of the women that comes to the place where I volunteer had her phone stolen by one of the other members. We know who did it, and he is a very schizophrenic individual, but even still I can't stand a thief.

