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The Console Wars: Might they last 100 years?

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  • The Console Wars: Might they last 100 years?

    The thread title is a reference to McCain's statement about troops spending "maybe 100" years in Iraq. This, however, is not a political thread, so please don't bring politics in here. Nor is this a religious thread, or an anything-but-games-related-thread.

    This post was originally intended to be placed in the Hate Nintendo because of the Wii? Too bad... thread, but since I went off on such a tangent I've decided not to sidetrack the conversation there.


    Fanboyism is vying for first with religion on my list of "things that brainwash people". Not to knock religion, but extremists (or fanboys, if the extremism stems from a console rather than a religious sect) are obnoxious.

    Objectively speaking:
    The PS3 is cool. It has a tried-and-true controller (despite much bashing from people making fun of the fact that "it's the SAME DAMN CONTROLLER as the PS2 and PS1") and its only major shortcoming is its high price tag.
    XBOX 360 is also cool. For a Microsoft creation. It's annoying that XBOX Live subscriptions cost extra, and that some games have monthly subscription fees (meaning you pay through the nose for a game once, then 3 times a month for Live, game subscription, and internet to keep it running), but it's better than the original XBOX. Price tag is also a bit prohibitive, especially if you want that backwards-compatibility thing that MS made such a big deal of.
    Then there's the Wii, which is, oddly enough, equally cool. I own one (inherited) but rarely ever play it unless it's with friends. It's not a great single-player system. Most of the games are very G-rated (Wii Sports, Mario Party 8, even Super Smash Bros. Brawl despite it's "T" rating) but there are a sprinkling of darker and/or more mature games (The Godfather, LoZ: Twilight Princess has some moments, et cetera). Some games are complete flops (Mario and Sonic at the Olympic Games, I'm looking at you). One thing that stands out to me is the Wii's built-in compatibility with not only the old GameCube games and controllers, but the integration of the GameCube controllers and memory cards into newer Wii-only games. SSBB being the most notable.

    So all the consoles have their pros and cons:
    PS3: Games, graphics, comfortable controller, some backwards compatibility, geared towards console gamers.
    360: Games, graphics, wireless controllers, intuitive menu interface, ability to mute online opponents' voice chat, geared towards console gamers.
    Wii: Price tag, simple-to-use, wireless controller, radical new gameplay possibilities, backwards compatibility with GCN, GCN controller ports, GCN function integration possibilities, geared towards non-gamers.
    PS3: Price tag, annoying "triangle/square/X/circle" button naming, corded controllers, not recommended for non-gamers.
    360: Price tag, wireless controller batteries, Live subscription costs, online multiplayer opponents' IQ levels, not recommended for non-gamers.
    Wii: Game selection, graphics, wireless controller batteries, lack of voice chat, limited use of new gameplay systems, "novelty" image, necessary controller attachments, lack of single-player options.

    These consoles are almost always viewed as competitors, but they really can't be. The Wii, weirdly enough, is very much a "party console" geared towards casual play by people who don't own the system. The big drawback there is that most content in the party type games (Mario & Sonic @ Olympics, SSBB, Mario Party 8, etc) needs to be unlocked, either through countless hours of play (as in Mario Party 8) or through time spent in single-player or 2-player co-op mode (SSBB). See No Punctuation's review of Super Smash Bros. Brawl to get an idea of what I mean.
    The Wii does have its upside, in that the basic games (Wii Sports for example) can be played by almost anyone after about ten minutes of working out the controls. Those commercials aren't kidding about the old guys having bowling tournaments with Wii Sports in nursing homes.

    Obviously if you're a hardcore gamer and you have to pick one, don't spring for the Wii, even if it's price is tempting. You'll have more fun with PS3 or 360, and it'll be more like what you're used to (and hopefully more like what caused you to become a hardcore gamer in the first place).

    And if the console wars just make you sick, you can get about 10-12 PC games for the price of a PS3, or upgrade your system to be ready for the next round of new releases, so what're you complaining about?

    TL,DR: All the systems have pros and cons. Wii has a different target demographic than 360 or PS3. Hardcore gamers will like 360/PS3 better than Wii, while casual gamers will like all about equally and non-gamers will probably like Wii the best.

  • #2
    I don't agree about Wii =/= hardcore gaming. If you're a hardcore gamer you play anything. RTS, Racing, Sports, FPS, whatever. Fanboyism is sticking to one.


    • #3
      Meh, I can't play on a playstation controller because my hands are far too large for it, I end up with cramp trying to wrap my fingers around that tiny piece of plastic.

      I'm still on my original Xbox and love the original BIG controller, but then I'm not a serious gamer...
      The test of police efficiency is the absence of crime and disorder, not the visible evidence of police action in dealing with it. Robert Peel


      • #4
        Hey, crazylegs, you don't have to be serious to be a gamer, you know.


        • #5
          This is true, but I'll never end up as a fanboy, I like to play Halo 1+2, would love to play 3 but can't justify buying a 360 fo one game...
          The test of police efficiency is the absence of crime and disorder, not the visible evidence of police action in dealing with it. Robert Peel


          • #6
            Originally posted by DarthRetard View Post
            Fanboyism is sticking to one.
            Console fanboyism (on Internet forums, at least) seems to consist mostly of hyping up the top qualities of your console of choice while ignoring its flaws and/or drawbacks, while bashing other consoles for their flaws and/or drawbacks while ignoring their top qualities.

            It's a freaking toy*, dumbasses! Something to do for recreation! It's not a way of life! Nothing in life appeals to everyone. If you don't like a Wii, don't buy one! Don't tie your ego to your choice like it was some unholy lifeline!

            * Disclaimer: I am a vidiot. I love video games. I do, however, still acknowledge that they're expensive toys.


            • #7
              Well, the reason people get so interested is because the technology is advancing so rapidly. I remember only ten years ago when I was having a fucking blast with my N64, and I thought Goldeneye 007 was the shit.

              Now, it's only ten years later, and I'm playing games with graphics I could only dream of.

              I admit fanboyism is stupid, but it is fun to get caught up in the debates of what system can do what. I just hate when fanboys ignore facts.


              • #8
                For the record, Darth, Goldeneye 007 was and still is "the shit". Just there are many other games that have come out since then (on all consoles) that share the title.

                As for fanboys ignoring facts, well, they wouldn't be fanboys if they gave a shit about facts, now would they?


                • #9
                  I have never understood why it is "necessary" to choose one, and only, one console. Nor do I understand why people get riled into a froth-producing vitriolic fan boy rage when you refuse to acknowledge their console of choices obvious superiority. Their next action is, of course, to attack the validity of your opinion by seeking to discredit your status as a serious gamer. In their mind, not being a serious gamer demotes you to second hand citizen status.


                  • #10
                    A genuine serious gamer would have more than one console because they couldn't live without playing some of the exclusives.


                    • #11
                      Ironically, I'm a Nintendo fanboy since I go back to the days where the NES was pretty much the only console. Yeah there was the Sega Master System but no one I knew had it (actually I found out much later that my best friend *did* have one and never told me, so that says a lot). Once the SNES came out, they pretty much had me for life.

                      I'm the type of person who's big on loyalty. If a company does right by me, I stick with them to the end. I still have the original Game Boy (and a GBA), and I bought the N64 and the Gamecube, so when this generation came around there was little doubt which one I'd get.

                      What cracks me up is how people are all "The Wii is for kids/not-serious-gamers" when Nintendo was *always* kid oriented. They used to not allow serious violence in their games, to the point they turned the blood in the first Mortal Kombat into sweat when that was by far the most popular game anywhere. All Nintendo did was after coming up short for the last two generations of consoles is to go back to what made them #1 back in the day: make games that anyone can play, and make them challenging (but not frustratingly hard).

                      Of course it doesn't hurt that the Wii has the Virtual Console, where you can download games from NES/SNES/Sega, etc. I just spent a couple of hours playing Punch-Out just like I used to when I was 10 years old. It was kind of a trip seeing it on my 28 inch flatscreen as opposed to the 10 inch TV I had in my bedroom back then, but it was like going back int time otherwise.

                      Now having said all that, I don't go around bashing other systems. I might wonder why someone would get an XBox when they seem to keep having problems mechanically (RROD and whatnot), but just like back in the day, some people preferred Sega Genesis and some liked NES. Different strokes and all that.

                      (However that doesn't mean I would laugh a satistfied chuckle when I read about Microsoft releasing a press statement saying they were the #1 selling console only to find out they didn't include the Wii in the numbers they used. )


                      • #12
                        We have all three, I play all three and computer games. Granted, I've only had time to play once a week for the last while, but still, they all have their merits and they're all fun. I still don't like the PS controllers as well, but that's just me. I totally love the Wiimote because I can hold my arms a comfortable distance apart.


                        • #13
                          I'm a Nintendo girl too; I grew up on the NES and Super Nintendo, and their handhelds are the greatest; I've got a GameBoy Color, a GameBoy Advance, and a Nintendo DS.

                          As for consoles, I've got a PS2 and a Wii, and they fulfill very different but equally important roles in my gaming life. The PS2 is for when I want to sit down for a few hours and kick epic amounts of butt, and the Wii is for when I feel like being silly and active, or when I actually want to share a gaming experience with other people (or I'm feeling competitive).


                          • #14
                            You cannot take my PS3 away!!!

                            I don't know about the price tag being a con. It's probably the most powerful gaming console on the market right now, plus it's a blu-ray player. So, you have something that typically runs $299, with a 40-80GB harddrive, bluetooth, and wireless built in. Free online gaming. Not to mention, the casing on it is sexy. I do like the controllers for PlayStation.

                            I think the PS3=sex

                            I'll never own an XBox. I may consider a Wii. The girlfriend has one, she hasn't said bad things about it.
                            Crooked banks around the world would gladly give a loan today so if you ever miss a payment they can take your home away.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Fashion Lad! View Post
                              I think the PS3=sex
                              Maybe I should look into getting one

                              I love my xboox 360. It's awesome. The xbox 360 has the best games, at least as far as my preferences go. The graphics on it are amazing. The wireless controllers kick ass. It's much cheaper than the PS3 and I don't care about blu-ray because it's the exact same as when DVDs came out, ridiculously overpriced for what it is. I could play my 360 games all day long.

                              My sister suckered my parents into getting a Wii. I love the Wii too. The Wii is great for a quick gaming fix. Not too many games that I'd spend hours on end playing, but for when I don't have much time, the Wii is perfect.

                              I also still have my PS2, which is pretty sweet too, but I hate being forced to have a memory card to save everything. I love playing guitar hero on it and my Final Fantasy games, but the 360 really takes the cake.
                              Violence has resolved more conflicts than anything else. The contrary opinion that violence doesn't solve anything is merely wishful thinking at its worst. - Starship Troopers

