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Online anger erupts over "racelifting"

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  • #61
    So? Doesn't mean that's what I think. Did you even read the rest of my post, or just fixate on that one sentence?
    "Oh wow, I can't believe how stupid I used to be and you still are."


    • #62
      Would a yellow pony automatically be oriental?

      A ponies colour is hair, just as a cat or dog, not shaved a tortoise shell cat to see if it's skin might be mixed like a cow's or if it would be pink under all of that and it would only be pink as the hair prevents the sun from tanning said moggie.


      • #63
        Look, I never said that I agreed with what was being said, just that I can see why some people would say that since Rarity is drawn white, then she's supposed to be white.

        Personally, I couldn't give two shits if someone draws her as black, white or bloody rainbow coloured. I only take offence if someone draws a horrible rape picture or something similar. Is that perfectly clear now, or do I have to repeat myself?
        "Oh wow, I can't believe how stupid I used to be and you still are."


        • #64
          Originally posted by Ginger Tea View Post
          Would a yellow pony automatically be oriental?
          Was meant to be a joke


          • #65
            Sorry; it's sometimes hard to tell online, especially for me. I am always paranoid about being misunderstood, which is why I keep posting these XD text smiles around. Anyway, I apologise for misunderstanding you.
            "Oh wow, I can't believe how stupid I used to be and you still are."


            • #66
              Deleted my previous post for reasons of 'I clearly pissed people off, which is apparently something I'm really good at without meaning to'. I apologize for any anger I caused and meant no harm in said post. I was simply pointing something out and, as seems to be the usual, things spiraled from there. Yay. x.x
              Last edited by firecat88; 05-09-2012, 12:55 AM.


              • #67
                Originally posted by Lace Neil Singer View Post
                Sorry; it's sometimes hard to tell online, especially for me. I am always paranoid about being misunderstood, which is why I keep posting these XD text smiles around.
                I do that too...

                Sometimes when I make characters I choose the skin colour purely on aesthetics. I felt that dark skin rather than pale would look better on a gal who habitually wears a white bodysuit and has white hair, probably for reasons of contrast if nothing else. (There's a piccy of her here: )

                I suppose others taking it as anything else other than aesthetics - or origin, or parentage, which are the other two things I consider for character generation - is a Death Of The Author thing; ignoring Word Of God and injecting mindless politicking into it.
                Last edited by SongsOfDragons; 05-09-2012, 08:04 AM. Reason: >.< typo typo typo!!


                • #68
                  If it's ponies tho, or Sonic, or any other animal fanbase, I don't see how it matters, tbh.

                  For example:

                  Black Twilight Sparkle

                  White Twilight Sparkle

                  Both of these are fantastic pieces of art, which show Twilight's personality off perfectly; the first one showing her as she normally is, whereas the second shows her in her Lesson Zero persona. XD Just what would be the point in raeging?
                  "Oh wow, I can't believe how stupid I used to be and you still are."


                  • #69
                    Not being a viewer of MLP FIM, if you or the artists involved had not said "This is MLP's Twighlight as a human" I would not have known, the white one, she is better drawn (save for the eyes)* and could work out as a goff schoul ghoul, the 2nd image, regardless of skin tone, I just don't dig the art style.

                    As I said in my other post, ponies iir are covered in hair so the skin never sees the sun to tan unlike we humans, but if a hairless horse exsisted it would tan and one herd living in warmer climates would be naturally darker, but the hair keeps them what ever colour they are underneath.

                    So this ponie has pink hair that pony blue, well news for you kiddo, we don't have blue or pink (save flesh tone pink) people out and about**, so if that artist wants to imagine what x ponie looks like as a human then as the artist they can pick and choose every aspect, the hair is the only thing that should not be changed, that is the only thing that really makes a pony-noid stand out vs just an anime/manga girl, although as I said first, without knowing it was a MLP fan pic, I would have just assumed anime fan art on both counts.

                    I'll judge each on the merits of the art work not any preconcieved ideas of what a MLP would look like as a woman, not that I personally want to think of them that way.

                    *scratch that her whole face is off, but that might be for an expression, both pieces are let down by the head/face imo and the 2nd has a mouth that reminds me of beaver teeth making me now that I look more closly, think that she would look better as a beaver human, as a beaver human it is a well drawn piece as a human with hints of her pony colours, not as much.
                    **This link shows them with purple skin etc, TBH they look too odd

                    All that needs to be said (well typed now) is a quote from Earth girls are easy
                    Ohmygod your like totally black
                    Last edited by Ginger Tea; 05-09-2012, 02:20 PM.


                    • #70
                      I guess what bothers me is that people get all in a tizzy over non-important stuff. If the change doesn't affect the story, then why bother? Or if in some cases, the changes improves the story, then that is why a movie is based on the book or whatever. That gives the writer/director some artistic license to change the story.

                      As for the color of characters....for the most part I don't care.


                      • #71
                        Some would need a considerable rewrite to be believable, if I didn't post about it in this or the other thread a black batman would be one.

                        I have nothing against such a character, but the Wayne family were old money and that is what funded his gadgets, is it too early in American history for Afro-American's to be able to build up finances to get to such a level on a generational standpoint?

                        So his (or even her) origin would end up being totally different, gang related drive by? KKK? ethnic stereotype #612? Rapper with a secret crime fighting double life, beat cop double life? etc.

                        Although the adult Batman would be more or less what we have now regarding moral compas and drive, but I'm not convinced the origin would be workable if treated the same.
                        Sure his parents could be gunned down in an alley infront of him, that could have happened to anyone (same as the spider biting someone else), but any other family black or white, would not have the Wayne finances.


                        • #72
                          Originally posted by Ginger Tea View Post
                          Some would need a considerable rewrite to be believable, if I didn't post about it in this or the other thread a black batman would be one.

                          I have nothing against such a character, but the Wayne family were old money and that is what funded his gadgets, is it too early in American history for Afro-American's to be able to build up finances to get to such a level on a generational standpoint?

                          So his (or even her) origin would end up being totally different, gang related drive by? KKK? ethnic stereotype #612? Rapper with a secret crime fighting double life, beat cop double life? etc.

                          Although the adult Batman would be more or less what we have now regarding moral compas and drive, but I'm not convinced the origin would be workable if treated the same.
                          Sure his parents could be gunned down in an alley infront of him, that could have happened to anyone (same as the spider biting someone else), but any other family black or white, would not have the Wayne finances.
                          That's a pretty narrow viewpoint on it. Batman (of any ethnicity) could be rewritten as some sort of technical genius who invented his way into millions, lifting himself out of poverty. His backstory of having rich parents is just a handwave-y way to avoid having to deal with one aspect of reality (lifestyle expenses and costs).

                          At the core, Batman is a character who is driven to extremes because of survivor's guilt - he seeks justice on the unjust, because his parents were murdered unjustly, and he was somehow spared.


                          • #73
                            Originally posted by Nekojin View Post
                            At the core, Batman is a character who is driven to extremes because of survivor's guilt - he seeks justice on the unjust, because his parents were murdered unjustly, and he was somehow spared.
                            Going the survivors route as a child as Bruce did, it's making it believable that the orphan 'makes good' to fund the lifestyle of bat gadgets is less plausable than going the Frank Castle route and an adult avenging murdered wife and or children.

                            From orphan to Fortune 500 CEO?

                            From Fortune 500 CEO to sole surviving family member, more plauseable, but then were just talking about a rich Punisher.

                            I love the DC elseworlds as they could take batman and others off the beaten path and would love to read a what if bruce's family never died and someone elses did instead, The Wayne family would need no real part in the story just a cameo if that.
                            But even for a 6 issue run, the back story needs to be believeable and "Oh s/he makes a killing on the stock market." or some such, just seems weak.


                            • #74
                              Originally posted by crashhelmet View Post

                              The error in this though is with the Marvel Universe. To the best of my knowledge, Laufey has always been portrayed as a male.
                              Not 100% sure if Thor was meant to be "authentic" or not, but I think they flubbed some of the details a little because they can.

                              As for the whole "black can't be/white can't be" comments, that just pisses me off. You can be black and be a nerd, hell, I encounter them every day at uni


                              • #75
                                Another that came to mind last night was the movie "The Gridiron Gang." In it, they cast Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson to play the role of Sean Porter, a juvenile detention officer that gets a bunch of gang members to form a football team and learn to coexist and do things with their lives.

                                Sounds like your typical Hollywood feel good movie, but it's a true story. Only, Sean Porter is white. A white man that took the time and effort to help a bunch of mostly black inner city youths to better themselves.

                                There were a bunch of rumors flying around at the time that they did it simply because Dwayne Johnson had the draw. Others said they did it to get rid of the speculation that they made the movie only to try and promote the good works of a white guy. For the most part, it was all non-controversial. Just your random conspiracy theorist. i don't remember ever reading any white supremacists ranting about it though.

                                Back on the Idris Elba racelifting...

                                One thing that will really get people pooping purple twinkies is this article. Nothing more has ever come of the idea, but that's because the franchise is in lockdown right now due to the studio's bankruptcy filings.
                                Last edited by crashhelmet; 05-10-2012, 08:52 PM. Reason: missed a sentence
                                Some People Are Alive Only Because It's Illegal To Kill Them.

