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Ironic name for a child molester

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  • #16
    Originally posted by AdminAssistant View Post
    That bit of Carlin's is actually quite brilliant if you read/hear the entire thing. It's similar to the bit Daniel Tosh does on abortion. He's joking about anti-abortion protesters and the crowd kind of flinches. He responds, "Oh, so they can harass a young girl who's making the toughest decision of her life, but I point it out and I'm the asshole? Got it."
    Exactly. They don't call that kind of comedy Refuge In Audacity for nothing.


    • #17
      I think it's acceptable simply because I'm a firm believer in the punishment fitting the crime and I believe the best form of punishment in most cases is an eye for an eye.

      And don't give me that crap of an eye for an eye makes the whole world blind.
      I am a sexy shoeless god of war!
      Minus the sexy and I'm wearing shoes.


      • #18
        Originally posted by Nyoibo View Post
        I think it's acceptable simply because I'm a firm believer in the punishment fitting the crime
        No. Not every victim of prison rape committed rape, so how is that a punishment fitting the crime?

        They were tried in a court of law and were given a punishment already. They are serving their sentence. Regardless of their crimes, justice is not about continuing to inflict brutal, violent acts as retribution.

        Also, rape is not about punishment.
        It is a crime, plain and simple.

        There is never a valid excuse for rape, and it is simply not funny.
        Point to Ponder:

        Is it considered irony when someone on an internet forum makes a post that can be considered to look like it was written by a 3rd grade dropout, and they are poking fun of the fact that another person couldn't spell?


        • #19
          Originally posted by Nyoibo View Post
          I think it's acceptable simply because I'm a firm believer in the punishment fitting the crime and I believe the best form of punishment in most cases is an eye for an eye.

          And don't give me that crap of an eye for an eye makes the whole world blind.
          Ok, so who rapes the rapist's rapist?
          Violence has resolved more conflicts than anything else. The contrary opinion that violence doesn't solve anything is merely wishful thinking at its worst. - Starship Troopers


          • #20
            Originally posted by Greenday View Post
            Ok, so who rapes the rapist's rapist?
            And who rapes that rapist?
            Point to Ponder:

            Is it considered irony when someone on an internet forum makes a post that can be considered to look like it was written by a 3rd grade dropout, and they are poking fun of the fact that another person couldn't spell?


            • #21
              Originally posted by Nyoibo View Post
              I think it's acceptable simply because I'm a firm believer in the punishment fitting the crime and I believe the best form of punishment in most cases is an eye for an eye.
              90% of the time the rapists are the perpetrator in prison rapes, and their victims are those viewed as "weaker", the non-violent offenders, rapists aren't getting raped, the pot dealer is, the shoplifter is, the person serving time for check fraud. A predator doesn't cease being a predator just because of incarceration.

              1 in 5 adult male prisoners, 1 in 4 adult female prisoners, and 1 in 8 juviniles under the age of 16 are sexually assaulted during their incarceration, sometimes by other inmates, often times by the guards. Yes the people that live next door to you and go home every night, are committing rapes unpunished because of the general attitude of "their victims deserve it".

              Or is it ok for male prisoners to be raped but not females? Or did you not think about it?

              Originally posted by JDI factsheet
              in women’s facilities, typical survivors of sexual abuse are non-violent, young, and mentally ill inmates.
              in men’s facilities, non-violent, young prisoners, particularly youth housed with adults, and gay and transgender prisoners have the highest rates of victimization
              Survivor testimony

              Rodney is an openly gay man who was repeatedly sexually assaulted by inmates in two Louisiana jails while serving time for check fraud. He was sold into sexual slavery from one prisoner to another and was forced to abandon his male identity as his only way to survive.
              Yup, eye for an eye-he sure deserved that
              And if being gay means he "can't be raped, because he enjoys sex with men", then a straight woman can't be raped for the same reason, so don't even try that one.

              Educate yourself.

              And FYI-
              My stepfather, who was serving time for writing bad checks to keep food on the table, was raped in prison, he recently died of complications due to his subsequent HIV infection from the rape. I don't think the death penalty is a valid punishment, or "an eye for an eye" for $500 worth of bad checks.

              and you are misusing the phrase "an eye for an eye" it's not retribution, it's mitigatatory.
              Originally posted by wiki
              In the Hammurabi Code and Hebrew Law, the “eye for eye” was to restrict compensation to the value of the loss, Albeit a Christian pejorative myth, it is and was never interpreted in Jewish jurisprudence to mean that a person who has injured the eye of another, literally had his own eye injured as punishment, or was instructed to pay the exact monetary value of an eye as compensation
              Last edited by BlaqueKatt; 09-16-2012, 04:17 AM.
              Registered rider scenic shore 150 charity ride


              • #22
                Yeah, I pretty much agree with the above post. The rapists aren't the ones getting prison raped - they're the ones doing the raping on other, less malevolent criminals. So quit taking the holier- than-thou attitude.

                I don't even care if you think there are rape jokes that can be funny, or if you think that prison rape is a funny subject. Fine, you're entitled to your own sense of humor. But don't pretend like there's something just about it. Just don't. That's disgusting.

                Don't pretend that your vices aren't vices. We all have bad habits and that's long as you acknowledge that that's what they are. If you think prison rape/rape jokes are funny, fine - but admit that it's in bad taste instead of acting like it's justified. It's not. Seriously. Just admit that you're making a joke in bad taste instead of acting righteous.
                Last edited by Jaden; 09-16-2012, 05:18 AM.


                • #23
                  A lot of pedophiles are segregated in prison anyway, for that very reason; so don't be thinking that this pedophile is going to be thrown in at the deep end. He'll more than likely spend his time among other child abusers, cuz to put him in general would result in his death.
                  "Oh wow, I can't believe how stupid I used to be and you still are."


                  • #24
                    I'm sorry, I must've stepped out and done an about face, I don't believe I ever said any of those people deserved it, in fact you even quoted me, so I know you can't be getting that from what I said, I said I believed in the punishment fitting the crime, vary rarely does incarceration fit any crime, it's a flawed system that I think is pretty much useless.

                    I have a good friend who was abused, molested and raped as a child, I would quite happily see him raped with a rusty pipe until he begged for it to stop and then I'd quite happily watch it continue.

                    I never said I condoned prison rape, only that it hapen to those who had done so to others.
                    I am a sexy shoeless god of war!
                    Minus the sexy and I'm wearing shoes.


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by Nyoibo View Post
                      I would quite happily see him raped with a rusty pipe until he begged for it to stop and then I'd quite happily watch it continue.

                      I never said I condoned prison rape, only that it hapen to those who had done so to others.

                      "To say that a rapist should be raped is to say that rape is a legitimate act of revenge and justice. It is to establish a set of circumstances under which rape is acceptable."

                      Which means the lesbians raped as "punishment" is Ok, the date rapist gets a pass, because he spent all that money and wants revenge after being spurned.

                      After you claim it's ok as a punishment, you open the floodgates, and "that's not what I meant" is nothing more than arguing semantics.

                      If you had read the article Ree posted you would've found the one I just linked to, please read it and stop perpetuating rape culture. I'll link it again just incase you missed it

                      And yes I have been raped, no I would not wish that to happen to the perpetrators, it's awful, someone here I believe described it as "soul murder", I would not wish the experience, or the aftermath on anyone, I'm a compassionate human being, not a monster.

                      because a world in which any rape is seen as acceptable is a world in which rape will continue to thrive. We need to stop wishing on others that which we so condemn.
                      Registered rider scenic shore 150 charity ride


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by BlaqueKatt View Post
                        "To say that a rapist should be raped is to say that rape is a legitimate act of revenge and justice. It is to establish a set of circumstances under which rape is acceptable."

                        Which means the lesbians raped as "punishment" is Ok, the date rapist gets a pass, because he spent all that money and wants revenge after being spurned.

                        After you claim it's ok as a punishment, you open the floodgates, and "that's not what I meant" is nothing more than arguing semantics.

                        If you had read the article Ree posted you would've found the one I just linked to, please read it and stop perpetuating rape culture. I'll link it again just incase you missed it

                        And yes I have been raped, no I would not wish that to happen to the perpetrators, it's awful, someone here I believe described it as "soul murder", I would not wish the experience, or the aftermath on anyone, I'm a compassionate human being, not a monster.
                        Actually, I did miss it, I used the link to take me to the last unread post and missed about half a page of posts, teach me to use shortcuts.

                        Again, where do you get the idea that I support these things, I've said before I believe in the punishment fitting the crime, thieves belongings are taken from them, people who commit assault are beaten, premeditated murderers are killed, rapists are raped, all of it done with the same sort of clinical impartiality that death sentences and canings are carried out with, the people involved have no connection with either the victim or the perpetrator and are impartial.

                        There was a case in either india or the middle east, I can't remember which, where a woman was blinded by an acid attack by a man, the judge ruled he should loose his sight the same way, it was to be done in a hospital setting with medical personelle in attendace, that's kind of what I'm on about, although I don't think I'm articulating it very well.
                        I am a sexy shoeless god of war!
                        Minus the sexy and I'm wearing shoes.


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by Nyoibo View Post
                          ... all of it done with the same sort of clinical impartiality that death sentences and canings are carried out with, the people involved have no connection with either the victim or the perpetrator and are impartial.
                          This shows a fundamental lack of understanding of what rape in particular actually is as opposed to just a legal definition.

                          Plus the "same back at you" isn't fitting punishment, either. There are some cases where it might be similar, but it will never be equal to what the criminal actually did.

                          Taking your own example, the attacker won't have any fear that they might kill him; he already knows that they won't and he knows that they'll make sure that all that happens is the acid to the eyes. Sure, it's the same basic physical event, but minus all of the psychological trauma that makes such a crime as horrible as it truly is.

                          Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by Nyoibo View Post
                            Again, where do you get the idea that I support these things, I've said before I believe in the punishment fitting the crime, thieves belongings are taken from them, people who commit assault are beaten, premeditated murderers are killed, rapists are raped, all of it done with the same sort of clinical impartiality that death sentences and canings are carried out with, the people involved have no connection with either the victim or the perpetrator and are impartial.
                            am I not speaking english?

                            Rape is not acceptable*

                            *unless-wait there is no unless, it is not ever acceptable, giving any loophole for saying it is opens the door, and perpetuates rape culture. read the article.
                            Registered rider scenic shore 150 charity ride


                            • #29
                              Originally posted by Nyoibo View Post
                              Again, where do you get the idea that I support these things, I've said before I believe in the punishment fitting the crime, thieves belongings are taken from them, people who commit assault are beaten, premeditated murderers are killed, rapists are raped, all of it done with the same sort of clinical impartiality that death sentences and canings are carried out with, the people involved have no connection with either the victim or the perpetrator and are impartial.
                              So, let me ask you... where do you find people willing to carry out a "clinical rape" against a rapist? Do you post a job listing on Craigslist? "Must bring own dildo"?

                              There's a constitutional amendment against this sort of thing, and for good reason. If torturers are tortured and rapists are raped, what becomes of the people who you declare have no emotional connection to the case carrying out these tit-for-tat sentences? I certainly wouldn't want to have someone in the justice system so heartless he/she simply institutes this kind of punishment just because the paperwork says that person is worthy of it.

                              What this comes down to is: An impartial person who is of sound mind would not voluntarily institute rape to some stranger. If you want an impartial person to carry this out, they'll have to be a psychopath. Probably someone who finds rape appealing... like, I don't know... a convicted rapist.


                              • #30
                                Furthermore, you can't just call something "bullshit" and expect that to be your full counter-argument, i.e., "And don't give me that an eye for an eye makes the whole world go blind bullshit." What, exactly, is gained from raping a rapist? At least with capital punishment you can make the argument that a murderer or a psychopath is being removed from the world - not that I want to get into a discussion about capital punishment in this thread, just saying, there's a reasonable argument which fits there that doesn't fit in the "rapist getting raped" argument here. Rape is never justified. Ever.

                                And Huckster is absolutely right. Who would impartially rape somebody? That's literally not even possible. The "impartial rapist" would be just as traumatized as the rapist he was raping if he didn't want to do it and was compelled to, and if he did want to do it, then he's a fucking rapist.

                                The only thing condoning the rape of rapists does is satisfy a base and vulgar lust for revenge, so call it what it is. Don't put a righteous spin on it just to justify it to yourself.

