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Trigger Words

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  • #31
    A big one for me lately is "responsibility". To me, that is the word you use is you want to sound morally superior or holier than thou.

    But I also have certain attitudes that just piss me off.

    -Talking like you don't believe me when you have no reason to doubt. And even if there may be a reason to doubt me, it's still grating and frusturating to be put on the defensive when you did nothing wrong.

    -Authoritarian people. "I HAVE AUTHORITY!! I DON'T HAVE TO LISTEN TO YOU PATHETIC UNDERLINGS!!". Even if you have a sound and logical reason why they are wrong, it doesn't matter, they make the rules. Fuck people like this and fuck their stupid ego.


    • #32
      ^I used to get that from a Girl Guide Leader who really had it in for me. She was always pulling me out of the room to lecture me about one thing or another. Sometimes she would ask me what my "problem" was, and I would honestly tell her. I wasn't always interested in doing exactly what the other girls were doing. I didn't feel the need to be ALWAYS working on something- after being constantly pushed to do things in my previous level of guiding, to the point where it felt more like schoolwork than fun, I had decided I wasn't going through that again, and aside from groupwork, I was going to work on badges and challenges that interested me, no more pressure to do things that felt more like chores or homework.

      Well, she about hit the roof. She said that she "was an adult" and "didn't have to listen to that" from the likes of me. Why that woman didn't make me quit, I have no idea. Maybe I just held on out of spite.


      • #33
        Originally posted by Amanita View Post
        Well, she about hit the roof. She said that she "was an adult" and "didn't have to listen to that" from the likes of me. Why that woman didn't make me quit, I have no idea. Maybe I just held on out of spite.
        Sometimes I am tempted to look up every adult that said, "you will understand when your an adult" so I can walk up to them and be like, "nope I still know that's dumb"
        Jack Faire


        • #34
          "If YOU would stop encouraging it"

          It's up to ME alone apparently to solve my father's poop and fart joke habbit, because it's my fault he does it, because as a kid, I thought it was funny, and occasionally, I still get a laugh out of a few of them.

          Nope. You married him. You say something. Just because you're sick of having a husband who acts like a son, doesn't make it my problem.

          Oh, Doc, yeah, the "high road". This is a BIG one for the more emotionally immature or insecure type of people. Or just assholes. They'll push your buttons or say stuff to get you riled up or start an argument with you, and when you can't help but get upset, they back down and act all "I wasn't upset, you're the one being upset" or "I'm not the one yelling", when they said or did something to get you that upset. However, if you play dense with them or act like they aren't bothering you, that usually kills their ability to take the "high road" and make you look like the bad guy.
          Last edited by blas87; 12-05-2011, 04:56 AM.


          • #35
            Heres mine,
            "I dont mean to offend you but,..."

            Well then, shut the hell up.
            If you know that what you are about to say would offend me, and you say it anyway, then not only are you offending me by saying whatever it is that is offensive, but you are lying to me in the same breath. Its like a two for one bonus.


            • #36
              Another one. I'm on a roll.

              "I'd offer to do xyz for you, but you're mad at me, so I doubt you'd want me to"


              • #37
                I've been in a mood lately, anyway. I've been feeling extremely ill-tempered for the last week or two. Everything seems to be grinding my gears, especially dealing with work-related issues.

                There are no specific words that trigger a bad reaction from me. Usually, actions, attitudes, and tones trigger my temper more than words themselves.

                A big trigger for me is the entitlement mentality. I just want to kick the pedestal out from under people who have a superiority complex. I usually react in a very spiteful manner to people who think I owe them anything. I don't ask for anything from anyone, so no one should expect me to fulfill every passing whim.

                Blatant stupidity is another big trigger for me. These are people who SHOULD know better, but are too lazy and oblivious to exercise some common sense. If other people can't help themselves, I'm not likely to help them either. Some people just have no sense of personal responsibility.

                A big work-related trigger are customers who can't put away their cellphones long enough to pay attention and conduct business. In my mind, this falls under the category of blatant stupidity. These are people that I ignore when I'm on my own time, but I could get in trouble with my bosses for ignoring these same people at work.

                Another work-related trigger are customers who start barking their petty demands at me regardless of what I'm doing. I'll be counting a cash drop or recording receipts onto my paperwork at the register, and some moron walks in rattling about whatever pack of cigarettes he/she wants while continuing on to the beer cooler. Another spin on this scenario is when I'm waiting on a line of customers, and some random idiot yells from across the store asking about the price of some product or wanting to know if we have more of some product "in the back."


                • #38
                  To be fair, I guess we all have some sort of stupid word thing we do. I tend to preface everything I say with a brief explanation of where the information I received is coming from. I don't know why, but it annoys some people and they'll even mock me about it.

                  It occurred to me, I read in the paper, I read online, Jim told me, on Facebook there's a rumor, on the news I saw....

                  It's usually like "It occurred to me that maybe we should start earlier than planned."

                  Mocking reply - "oh, it OCCURRED to you? Well maybe it will OCCUR to you that we leave when I fucking OCCUR THAT WE LEAVE! So maybe you can occur to just sit there and shut the fuck up!"

                  Or the dreaded "Basically". I say that a lot. For some reason people act like I'm taking up their entire day by throwing an extra word in, and because everyone is a damn spinal surgeon their time is EXTREMELY VALUABLE. Or it's an obvious coverup for a lie. Because nothing is "Basically". Or some stupid shit I don't know.

                  Also in the doubt situation - sometimes you're having the debate, and the other person obviously is doubting every word you say, but they won't actually confront you on it. Because to confront you gives you the opportunity to prove them wrong. But you can't bring it up on your own, or they can pretend they were not thinking that, ad you're just being overly defensive. I can't talk to you when you're all defensive like this! WHy do you have to turn everything into a fight my GOD!?!?!?!

                  So they just keep mockingly nodding at you, an eyebrow raised, giving you that look you give a 4 year old when he insists it was the dog that colored on the wall.


                  • #39
                    My dad's trigger word was the word "basically". He actually banned it from being said around him.

                    As for my trigger words, it's "y'know, you gotta do better". I HATE guilt trips.

