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"You might meet someone who wants kids."

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  • #31
    Who says it has to be followed up with a lecture? Seems just the correction would be sufficient.
    I have a drawing of an orange, which proves I am a semi-tangible collection of pixels forming a somewhat coherent image manifested from the intoxicated mind of a madman. Naturally.


    • #32
      Originally posted by blas87 View Post
      What really irritates me is that there are such high standards for women to donate eggs, yet if you don't meet the requirements, oh well, your nasty "rotten" eggs (because you're overweight or you smoke or you drink or whatever you do they don't like) are fine enough for you, and you're going to keep them, and most doctors won't do anything to prevent some of those eggs from turning into babies.
      The quality of the eggs in a donor sitatuation has to be much higher than those used to conceive naturally. The medical establishment isn't making a moral judgment; they're just trying to increase the odds of conception with donor eggs.


      • #33
        Originally posted by guywithashovel View Post
        If someone happens to mention the word "childless" and you (collective you) cut them off and say that you're not childless but "childfree" and follow it up with a lecture about how "childless implies you're lacking something, it comes off as a PC term and makes people scoff.
        Whenever I hear someone use the term "childfree", I think "this person is very defensive about their personal reproductive choices".


        • #34
          Originally posted by Boozy View Post
          Whenever I hear someone use the term "childfree", I think "this person is very defensive about their personal reproductive choices".
          I get highly defensive and highly offended when people push the issue of me being childfree. Only because it's a topic that I am clearly not going to be swayed from, so people need to understand that I am not going to change my position just because a future boyfriend/husband wants kids and I don't.

          I don't want kids, I have no desire to be a mother, I really don't want to be in a relationship with a person who does want kids. If I am ever in that situation where my boyfriend wants kids and I don't, he can either deal with it or leave the relationship.


          • #35
            Originally posted by Boozy View Post
            Whenever I hear someone use the term "childfree", I think "this person is very defensive about their personal reproductive choices".
            If they really are defensive for whatever reason, I really think they should pick a different way of going about it. As I indicated before, I really don't think inventing a new word and demanding that everyone call you that instead of some other word that means practically the same thing is going to get people to support your choice or your "cause." Besides, it's annoying to say something in casual conversation and have the person you're talking to cut you off and correct you, telling you that you shouldn't use one (harmless) word but some other PC term that has been deemed less offensive. Not only that, it's actually quite rude, I think, and not to mention petty and silly.

            Of course, some people might think I'm being petty and silly, but this whole thing highlights something I've observed about my generation (born circa 1980 and beyond) that saddens me. It seems that quite a few people in this peer group are willing to bend over backwards to seek victim status, even when there's no pressing reason to do so.

            But . . . I seem to be in the minority with these views, so oh well.


            • #36
              I tend to agree with you, guywithashovel.

