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Osama is dead!!!

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  • #16
    Originally posted by HYHYBT View Post
    Apparently, they *don't* have the body... anymore. Burial at sea.

    Which, on the one hand, makes sense... but on the other, if it makes even me a bit suspicious, well...

    Um, if there was one body they should have put on display, preferably in one of those giant trough urinals you find in old ball parks, so we could pay our respects. They go and decide to bury it, which now means is this all some elaborate hoax to "prove" he is dead because he has switched sides and joined the CIA to eliminate terrorism. Anyone else able to come up with things that fox news will likely say about the body being gone and the conspiracy theories that will result?

    I just had thought maybe this is to claim closure on the Afghan war so we can turn around and go full force into Libya. Personally, either we drop the big bomb wiping all those countries off the map or don't worry about it, we can't keep wasting our resources to "help" countries that have been in turmoil for as long as their has been history.
    Last edited by insertNameHere; 05-02-2011, 06:59 PM.


    • #17
      There are a few reasons behind Burial at sea:

      1) Islam religion dictates a short time between death and burial.

      2) They did not want a place where people could worship Bin Laden, which any memorial or gravesite would have done.


      • #18
        Originally posted by fireheart17 View Post
        There are a few reasons behind Burial at sea:

        1) Islam religion dictates a short time between death and burial.

        2) They did not want a place where people could worship Bin Laden, which any memorial or gravesite would have done.
        3) No countries wanted his body.
        Violence has resolved more conflicts than anything else. The contrary opinion that violence doesn't solve anything is merely wishful thinking at its worst. - Starship Troopers


        • #19
          What I hate are the people who think everything else needs to stop because Osama bin Laden is dead and we don't have to worry/think about anything else.

          Case in point:

          On FB, I'm a member/friend/whatever of the local newspaper for my neck of the woods. Someone posted on there about a house fire that had happened yesterday. They were wondering what happened/what caused it/if everyone was okay. There were some people who were like: "OMG! I live near there, was wondering about the sirens" or "OMG! I have friends over there, wonder if they're okay." and other things along that line.

          Then ... BAM!

          Someone had the audacity to criticize the poster for posting something so "mundane"/"unworthy" right now because "OMGWTFBBQ!!!??? Osama is dead! We can't think/talk/interpretive dance about anything BUT Osama being dead! How dare someone post asking about a house fire in some part of the county???? Osama is dead and that's all we're allowed to think/talk/interpretive dance about."

          Yeah ....
          Oh Holy Trinity, the Goddess Caffeine'Na, the Great Cowthulhu, & The Doctor, Who Art in Tardis, give me strength. Moo. Moo. Java. Timey Wimey

          Avatar says: DAVID TENNANT More Evidence God is a Woman


          • #20
            Originally posted by Plaidman View Post
            I said it at CS, I'll say it here. Meh.

            This isn't the first time they claimed he was dead. They said he was dead a couple years ago from a disease.
            someone somewhere either in news or televised debate back when they were searching for him in the caves mentioned why would he be in the caves since he is on dialysis. a friend joked that they found him via the ps3 network hack.

            glad its over, but i got to hear in spurts starting at lunch time around here and still going on the commotions at the bar. yeah not going out for a long while cause i don't want to be part of the mass drunk mob
            Repeat after me, "I'm over it"
            Yeah we're so over, over
            Things I hate, that even after all this time...I still came back to the scene of the crime

