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Angry Single Women

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  • #16
    Needy people drive me insane, especially when I've done nothing wrong and am made to feel like I'm the defendant on trial without a lawyer. It's like, how dare I want to leave the house and actually do something.


    • #17
      Originally posted by Hyena Dandy View Post
      The flip side, of course, is the "Stupid women who only want jerks" images.
      Then the stupid women can have them . . . I've gotten rid of a few guys who turned out to be prime candidates for King Jerk of the World.

      Try being over 40 and STILL single. There are times when I think there must be something really wrong with me . . . but then when I really think about it, it's not me -
      it's the guys I meet.

      I've about reached the conclusion that there is NO man in existence today who could meet my standards. And I've learned what I don't want to put up with.

      Frankly, I'm just better off by myself. If I want romance, I'll write a story.
      If life hands you lemons . . . find someone whose life is handing them vodka . . . and have a party - Ron "Tater Salad" White


      • #18
        Originally posted by DGoddess View Post
        Try being over 40 and STILL single. There are times when I think there must be something really wrong with me . . . but then when I really think about it, it's not me - it's the guys I meet.
        I'm approaching 40, and still single. Last relationship, unless you count "She-who-must-not-be-named" (and I don't!), imploded 10 years ago. Since then, nothing has really panned out. Seems that no matter who I meet, first dates are always last dates...and then I never hear from that person again. With that said, I do think there's something wrong with me. With every attempt at meeting someone...and having it turn out the same every could there not be?


        • #19
          Originally posted by blas87 View Post
          My brother's girlfriend is the first person who comes to my mind. She thinks nothing of the way she behaves, when she acts like a stalker if he doesn't dare spend all of his time with her.
          Sounds like the ex of a male friend of mine. She was really clingy, and got it into her thick, sawdust stuffed head that I and her boyf were sleeping together. We're just good mates; we've known each other since we were kids and I had pigtails and liked to climb trees and he had scruffy hair and liked to tease girls with worms. I was damned if I was going to ditch him as a friend just cuz of her neediness. In the end, she gave him an ultimation and told him to choose between her and me. He picked me cuz he was getting fed up with her possessiveness.
          "Oh wow, I can't believe how stupid I used to be and you still are."


          • #20
            That girl will be one of the many deaths of me. I swear.

            She tried to ruin our sibling time the other day because she was mad that Easter had been decided family only, which was one decision my mom made that I completely agreed with 110% and was ready to back her on it.

