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The Doonesbury "Say What?" thread

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  • #76
    I should have put money on that Neko and stabeler.

    "Lemmings with suicide vests."
    —Rep. Devin Nunes, on fellow House Republicans

    Yeah, this sounds about right.


    • #77
      *shrug* I've been wrong before, I'm sure I'll be wrong again. =^_^=


      • #78
        Originally posted by lordlundar View Post
        I should have put money on that Neko and stabeler.

        "Lemmings with suicide vests."
        —Rep. Devin Nunes, on fellow House Republicans

        Yeah, this sounds about right.
        which would be fine, if they could only hurt themselves. it's entirely possible they'll drag the US down with them- if there is no deal by the 17th, the US will default on it's National Debt.


        • #79
          "A felony...A criminal act."
          —Texas Gov. Rick Perry on the implementation of Obamacare

          Honestly, I'm amazed people still listen to this nutjob. After his (arguably criminal) end run around the House in passing the Abortion bill he should have been dragged out in handcuffs.


          • #80
            "We're not going to be disrespected. We have to get something out of this. And I don't know what that even is."
            —Republican Congressman Marlin Stutsman, on the government shutdown

            This seems to be the first bit of truth I've heard about the republican side about this. It's not about running the country, it's about getting something out of it.


            • #81
              "We are very excited. It's exactly what we wanted, and we got it."
              Rep. Michele Bachmann after vote leading to shutdown

              "It's wonderful. We're 100 percent united!...We are focusing on what we need to do and not worrying about what the other guy is going to do...That's how Ulysses S. Grant won the war."
              Rep. John Abney, on the same event

              "Mark Twain once said, 'Do the right thing and it will gratify some people and astonish the rest.' America's been a little astonished by us doing the right thing..."
              Rep. Tim Huelskamp

              So yup, they WANTED the government shut down and think it's a good thing.


              • #82
                The Tea Party ran on a platform of ignoring democracy and trying to stage a coup on Capitol Hill.

                So, now they've got their little coup, and have sweet fuck all for plans on how to actually make anything at all work.

                If it goes on for much longer, I suspect that the rest of the GOP is going to throw the entire lot of them under the bus just to get moving again.
                Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden


                • #83
                  "It's wonderful. We're 100 percent united!...We are focusing on what we need to do and not worrying about what the other guy is going to do...That's how Ulysses S. Grant won the war."
                  Rep. John Abney, on the same event
                  It's a good thing Abney isn't a general; I'm pretty sure that paying attention to what the other side is up to is a central part of the job!
                  "My in-laws are country people and at night you can hear their distinctive howl."


                  • #84
                    "Unwilling to negotiate with the American people."
                    —Rep. Raul R. Labrador on President Obama

                    The negotiations happened 3 years ago. It's what caused the original health care bill (which was FAR more beneficial) to become the current ACA. This was when the Democrats could have put it through without a problem.

                    Democrats kept giving and giving while Republicans kept taking and taking. Now that Obama and the Democrats have said "no more", suddenly they're being unreasonable?


                    • #85
                      because they think that the american people actually want the pre-ACA system, where the average medical bill was large enough to send the average family int bankruptcy. ( average medical bill is $27k, average salary is $55k. Assume expenses are kept within reccommended limits, you're looking at about 29% in taxes ( Federal and state income tax, plus FICA) plus 30% for a mortgage. That means that 59% of the annual income is GONE on mandatory costs, not counting things like property taxes nor utility bills. Food usually runs an average of 14% of income, property taxes 2.5%. Making the grand total so far 75.5% of income. Factor in other debt ( ideally no more than 10% of income) and you have 85.5% of income spent. Average transportation costs are 19%. Oh dear. we have 104.5% of income spent. point made?)


                      • #86
                        "As of today the United States is willingly, knowingly, intentionally sending arms to terrorists [in Syria]. Now what this says to me -- I'm a believer in Jesus Christ; as I look at the end times scripture, this says to me that the leaf is on the fig tree and we are to understand the signs of the times, which is your ministry. We are to understand where we are in God's end times history. This isn't to cause us fear...Rather than seeing it as a negative, we need to rejoice. Maranatha, Come Lord Jesus. His day is at hand."
                        —Rep. Michele Bachmann

                        Ladies and gentlemen, Bachmann has left her mind...


                        • #87
                          That presupposes that she had one to begin with.


                          • #88
                            Fair point.

                            "Don't fart and point at the dog."
                            —Jon Stewart on GOP

                            And once again the comedians are making more sense than the actual news.


                            • #89
                              "Your teenager comes to you, saying she wants to attend a dance. You have some misgivings, but you say okay because she's so passionate about the issue. Then you learn a vicious motorcycle gang may well show up at the dance, so you change your mind based upon best available evidence. And you protect your daughter from possible danger. Obamacare is like that."
                              —Bill O'Reilly

                              You know, I keep hearing how O'Reilly is a smart man. Then he spouts stuff like this and I wonder...


                              • #90
                                not least because ti implies that the republicans don't care about public opinion. ( trust me, in their minds the American public is the daughter. I can only assume not living paycheck-to-paycheck is what they consider the motorbike gang to be)

