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The Doonesbury "Say What?" thread

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  • "I don't expect to be in the room or will I do anything to prevent you from obtaining a contraceptive. However, once a child does exist in your womb, I'm not going to assume a right to kill it just because the child's host (some refer to them as mothers) doesn't want it."

    VA state Sen. Steve Martin, in response to a Valentine's Day card asking him to protect women's reproductive health options including contraception and safe, legal abortion

    Full quote of what Andrea posted earlier. Doesn't really help his case.


    • Originally posted by HYHYBT View Post
      They can, up to a point. They don't know what you're getting from other stores, nor necessarily what you're doing even with what you buy from them. Or, for that matter, that the person using the card is the one who signed up for it.
      but since a lot of people do most of their shopping at the same place... also, they might not be able to find out specifics, but they can guess surprising amounts. (back in 1999, they could figure out how many kids you have, what pet you have, and a couple other things. Remember recently, Target got into trouble because their targeted adverts were getting a little too accurate? it's the same principle analysis of shopping patterns.)

      my point if that google analysing what you search for is merely an extension of what other companies are doing already.


      • Originally posted by s_stabeler View Post
        but since a lot of people do most of their shopping at the same place... also, they might not be able to find out specifics, but they can guess surprising amounts. (back in 1999, they could figure out how many kids you have, what pet you have, and a couple other things. Remember recently, Target got into trouble because their targeted adverts were getting a little too accurate? it's the same principle analysis of shopping patterns.)

        my point if that google analysing what you search for is merely an extension of what other companies are doing already.
        Well, when I meant creepy I meant as in a stalker vibe. I'm aware this exists and frankly the ones who tend to bitch about it the loudest will turn around and post a selfie of their new purchase on facebook. My take is that he could have handed it off to a PR person to not make it sound like he's watching me in my sleep.


        • true, I suppose.

          anyway, onto what Senator Martin said: dude, the issue seems to be that you believe the kid deserves rights from the moment of conception. I believe rights partially attach when the kid is viable- as in, can exist outside the mother with medical intervention- and the rest attach at birth. ( basically, I see ti as abortion for any reason being permissible until the kid is viable (albeit if the parent just doesn't want the kid, I do support warning them that it is irreversible- that if you change your mind, you have to get pregnant again) and abortion due to maternal health issues being permissible whenever)


          • "What's the difference between Hillary Clinton and a catfish. One has whiskers and stinks, and the other is a fish."
            -- private-equity executive Paul Queally at the Wall Street secret society Kappa Beta Phi annual dinner

            "What's the biggest difference between Barney Frank and a Fenway frank? Barney Frank comes in different-size buns."
            -- Paul Queally

            "In Wall Street land we'll take our stand, said Morgan and Goldman. But first we better get some loans, so quick, get to the Fed, man."
            -- investment banker Warren Stephens, while wearing a Confederate cap, to the tune of "Dixie"

            "Can you fuckin' believe Lasry up there? He just gave me a ride in his jet a month ago."
            -- Fortress Investment Group founder Michael Novogratz, at the same dinner

            "I believe that God has a plan for all of us. I believe my plan involves a seven-figure bonus."
            -- new society members, singing to the tune of "I Believe"

            "What happens at the St. Regis stays at the St. Regis."
            -- Kappa Beta Phi motto

            Ladies and gentlemen, the assholes the GOP defends.


            • Originally posted by Andara Bledin View Post
              "Once a child does exist in your womb, I'm not going to assume a right to kill it just because the child's host (some refer to them as mothers) doesn't want it."

              He backpedaled right quick, and changed "host" to "bearer of the child," but he's still marginalizing the actual person in favor of a potential one.
              Dumb, dumb, dumb for making the original statement. After all, an established convention in biology, when you have one organism referred to as a "host", is for the other organism to be a parasite. Perfectly natural for a host to want to get rid of a parasite.


              • Originally posted by wolfie View Post
                Dumb, dumb, dumb for making the original statement. After all, an established convention in biology, when you have one organism referred to as a "host", is for the other organism to be a parasite. Perfectly natural for a host to want to get rid of a parasite.
                I am wondering if that's actually the point he was trying to make. Every so often, I hear the argument from the pro-choice side that because the fetus or embryo is technically a "parasite" it's perfectly okay to terminate it. I always wince at that argument because it's a horrible way to describe a wanted pregnancy.

                Calling the mother a "host" would be a counter to that description, which makes me wince just as much.


                • Once the kid is born, you can't be forced to donate blood to save its life, much less anything more strenuous. You can't be forced to donate blood to a baby you just shot that is dying of blood loss, ffs.

                  Forced pregnancy does not automatically follow from declaring a zygote a person- people have zero rights to use of another's body without consent. It's a bad argument, when the only time being a person gives you access to the body of an unwilling person is when you are the size of a pencile raser.


                  • - Steve Martin (the actor) denying that he's Steve Martin (state senator in Virginia)

                    I can tell you from personal experience that it can suck when you share a name with someone else.
                    Corey Taylor is correct. Man is a "four letter word."


                    • - Dan Patrick (Texas state senator)


                      I'm waiting for Dan Patrick, the sportscaster, to deny he's this guy.
                      Corey Taylor is correct. Man is a "four letter word."


                      • "I feel like 'embattled' or 'disgraced' will always follow my name. It's like that black football player who recently came out."

                        Paula Deen

                        While digging yourself in a hole, it's not advisable to ask for a jackhammer when you hit bedrock.


                        • Originally posted by lordlundar View Post
                          "I've always thought the Yankees had something to do with it."

                          —Gen. Pickett, asked why his charge at Gettysburg failed

                          No shit Sherlock.
                          He juuuuust may have been making an attempt at sarcasm. No way to tell

                          Originally posted by lordlundar View Post
                          "One small step for me, a giant leap for robots."
                          Not actually that far off from the original line -- "One small step for a man..." (not "for man," as it is often misquoted) ^_^

                          Originally posted by lordlundar View Post
                          I get the strangest feeling that any lawyers that become politicians at this point are the ones who flunked their ethics exams.
                          That's not a basic requirment??

                          Originally posted by HYHYBT View Post
                          I thought Oxendine was still our insurance commissioner.
                          That name sounds more like a medicine than someone involved in the process of not helping you to pay for it...

                          Originally posted by lordlundar View Post
                          "Yes, I have smoked crack cocaine...

                          Toronto Mayor Rob Ford
                          'So I smoked a little crack...' (Mardi Gras 2014)

                          More from the same parade (this Krewe is not known for their subtlety)
                          Originally posted by lordlundar View Post
                          It's getting apparent that they believe their own lies.
                          ...And this distinguishes them from any other cable news channel, how, exactly?

                          Originally posted by Racket_Man View Post
                          Leave it to humanity to always vote against their own best interests.
                          See also the people of New Orleans re-electing Mayor Ray "Chocolate City" Nagin and William "Dollar Bill" Jefferson in the past. Ditto people of my native state re-electing Governor Edwards, or the country, Bill Clinton. Some of those men are now convicted felons because of things they did in office...My guess is that, when it comes down to election time, people remember those names. That counts for a lot.
                          Last edited by EricKei; 03-03-2014, 09:07 PM.
                          "Judge not, lest ye get shot in your bed while your sleep." - Liz, The Dreadful
                          "If you villainize people who contest your points, you will eventually find yourself surrounded by enemies that you made." - Philip DeFranco


                          • Not actually that far off from the original line -- "One small step for a man..." (not "for man," as it is often misquoted) ^_^
                            That depends on what you mean. The prepared line was "a man," but that's not what came out.
                            "My in-laws are country people and at night you can hear their distinctive howl."


                            • That name sounds more like a medicine than someone involved in the process of not helping you to pay for it...
                              That's why I remembered the name. That and its being stuck on every gas pump in the state when I was driving a lot more than I do now.
                              "My in-laws are country people and at night you can hear their distinctive howl."


                              • "I mostly write in the car, in the parking lot at my kids' school."

                                John Ridley, Academy Award winner for "12 Years A Slave" screenplay

                                <thinks about this for a minute>

                                So he's writing from personal experience?

