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"I'm Cleaning Out My Friend List!"

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  • #16
    Originally posted by Ree View Post

    I hate the guilt trip messages, too.
    Some of them are downright nasty, encouraging others to be racist, sexist, homophobic and so on. One of the ones that's doing the rounds at the moment is explaining all of these things that we "supposedly" can't do anymore because of the immigrants/refugees coming into the country (we can't say Merry Christmas etc.). The thing is though, is that I have seen that apply to both Australia AND America. The exact same wording, just with the word America replaced by Australia.

    I quietly pointed out to them where they went wrong and deleted them.


    • #17
      I have cleaned out my friends list on Facebook a few times. I've only deleted a small handful of people, but it's usually because they were vague acquaintances to begin with and they are extremely active on Facebook.

      Basically, if I see someone's name all over my newsfeed, I'd like it to be because I care about the things they have to say. If I barely know you, I don't care that you're happy it's Friday, or that you enjoyed granola for breakfast this morning.

      I've kept a lot of acquaintances on Facebook, but they post so rarely that I don't mind having them around. And when they do post something, it's so noteworthy that I want to know about it, mere acquaintance or not. Like a pregnancy or marriage.

      I later discovered that you can remove someone's updates from appearing on your newsfeed and still keep them as a friend. This was convenient for my brother-in-law, whose political rantings I don't want to read, but cannot un-friend completely for reasons of family harmony.


      • #18
        There was a person on my friend list who did this recently.

        It was a girl who used to be friends with my brother...I hardly even knew her, I think I met her once? maybe. She was the one who sent me a friend request in the first place. We never talked or anything. So I read how she was cleaning out her friend list and really couldn't have cared less...

        Then the strange part was, she still kept me as a friend. I never really understood the point of it, but oh well.


        • #19
          What's really enertaining are the people who constantly go from "single" to "in a relationship" to "engaged" to "single" two weeks later, back to "in a relationship" another week later, back to "engaged"...........


          • #20
            Originally posted by blas87 View Post
            What's really enertaining are the people who constantly go from "single" to "in a relationship" to "engaged" to "single" two weeks later, back to "in a relationship" another week later, back to "engaged"...........
            Oh god . . . I have two people who have been doing this every few days for the past month or so. And if they're not changing their relationship status, they're talking about their relationship or each other in posts. "OMG I love him/her but we just don't work out/he/she drives me crazy but then I'm sad when we break up or are apart!"

            STFU already. I want to take them and bash their heads together.
            A.K.A. ShinyGreenApple


            • #21
              I don't mind if people want to say what's on their mind, but the people who always talk like a fortune cookie or a motivational poster just irritate me as well. I can put a quote out every once in a while, but not multiple times a day.


              • #22
                How about the constant picture sharing? And I don't mean personal pictures, but the funny, demotivational, and lolcat type stuff. I'll admit to sharing one or two in my time but I have people who will post dozens a day, one after the other, so now I don't even share them anymore. If you post twenty times a day, chances are I'm going to stop paying attention to anything you write.
                A.K.A. ShinyGreenApple


                • #23
                  I steal mine from others. It really depends on what time of the week it is, because during the work week, I only have an hour or so in the morning to play online. On the weekends, esp if the weather is horrid, I have too much time on my hands.


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by blas87 View Post
                    I steal mine from others.
                    Me too And I don't steal them every single day cause yeah tons of those would get old.
                    Great YouTube channel check it out!


                    • #25
                      I just got a friend request from someone that I didn't even realize had deleted me before. Must be another one of those idiots who gets mad and goes on hiatus and deletes all of their friends, then re-adds them back periodically. I don't remember ever getting into it with her or anything of the sort that was negative.

                      I can see if something major happens and you need to delete friends or your account alltogether, like something at work or whatever. But the people who are constantly deleting their profile or friends and re-adding them back, get your shit together and figure out what your problem is.

                      And my ex's family....they would just delete each other when they got into family squabbles, then re-add them back, re-delete them, re-add them back. How stupid.


                      • #26
                        Bump ba da bump ba da da da!!!

                        Another attention whore guilt trip today......and another guy doing it. Not a 16 year old girl. A freaking nearly 40 year old guy...

                        "Alright, it's time to clean out the friend list. Some of you don't even bother to say hello or stay in touch with me! Whine whine whine!"

                        Yeah, hate to be a bitch, but some of us have jobs. We can't sit on Facebook chat all day. And it's not easy to chat text style, either, so I'm guessing I'm not the only one who despises people that just want you to keep responding to them all damn day long.


                        • #27
                          What does it cost someone to leave people on there? If I remove, it's for a reason regarding the person.

                          Proud to be a W.A.N.K.E.R. - Womanless And No Kids - Exciting Rubbing!
                          Reclaiming words is fun!


                          • #28
                            I cleaned out the majority of folk on my Xbox LIVE friend list without warning not too long ago, simply because I not only rarely played with any of them but, likewise, didn't know them past "hello."
                            "I take it your health insurance doesn't cover acts of pussy."


                            • #29
                              Originally posted by Bloodsoul View Post
                              I cleaned out the majority of folk on my Xbox LIVE friend list without warning not too long ago, simply because I not only rarely played with any of them but, likewise, didn't know them past "hello."
                              I need to do that to my Gaiaonline friends list soon. A lot of people on there don't even come on Gaia any more. XD
                              "Oh wow, I can't believe how stupid I used to be and you still are."


                              • #30
                                If I'm not up against a cap, I don't bother clearing friends lists unless I need to actively use them for something.

                                In the case of Facebook, all the people I don't really know are already on their own group, so it's not like I ever confuse them with people who are actually friends.
                                Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden

