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May 21, 2011 is ...

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  • #31
    Quote: "Followers have protested Christian churches in Miami and Latin America, disrupting services and smashing crosses and statues of Jesus.De Jesus preaches there is no devil and no sin. His followers, he says, literally can do no wrong in God's eyes."

    I don't believe this guy is Jesus. I have a feeling (again, I could be wrong) that when Jesus does return, people will really know. And I don't personally believe in the Calvinist creed that the offer of salvation is open only to the chosen few. Smashing statues and crosses? Well, I can see Jesus possibly not really approving, maybe. Smashing, no. But it seems, with his 666 tattoo, he's claiming he is BOTH Jesus AND the antichrist. Quote Wiki: In early 2007 he acknowledged others' claims that he was the Antichrist and explained that the term is true. It applies because people are no longer to follow the "Jewish teachings" of Jesus of Nazareth, but rather to follow the Apostle Paul's teachings through de Jesús. According to de Jesús, "Antichrist" means "no longer following Jesus of Nazareth as he lived in the days of his flesh". Also says he used to be with the Southern Baptists! *shudder* Wiki has a long list of people who've claimed to be the second coming of Jesus...

    I just figure that He'll ruffle the feathers of some people - and some pastors and evangelists - who preach/follow this "wealth faith" thing. Which TV evangelist is it, again, who preaches that God wants us to be extremely wealthy money- and goods-wise?

    A fine example of one of that sort of empire, fallen, is the remains of Heritage USA, the theme park complex in Fort Mill, South Carolina started by the Bakkers. Parts of it are now once again in use or being fixed up, but as far as I know the water park and the never-completed hotel highrise (the Bakkers were selling coming vacations in rooms in this when it was still mostly bare concrete) are still abandoned - and totally worth exploring. There's a great website with extensive photos of Heritage USA, including an amazing shot of what may have been the Bakkers' dressing room complete with a little crystal chandelier!
    Last edited by Skunkle; 01-06-2011, 12:47 PM.


    • #32
      This world is not going to end in any sort of glorious finale. Our civilization will simply fizzle out like a bad fart ( either before or after we escape to other worlds ). Then the Earth will laugh, reclaim the planet and the next lot will one day emerge from the ooze.

      As for Jesus, he's not coming back. Or more precisely, he's probably been back over and over and over. Just not as Jesus(tm). I am in the 100% dissapproving skeptic category for any and all supposed epic religious supernatural events. Not happening, sorry. 2012 will roll around and go by just like 2000 and 2001. Our previous END OF ALL THINGS dates.

      Originally posted by Skunkle
      (also suddenly) by a man appearing on the news, claiming to be the Son of God, and doing honest-to-God miracles that are soon found to be unable to be debunked by the skeptics.
      Ironically, this is how the False Prophet/"Antichrist" is suppose to appear. >.>


      • #33
        Originally posted by IDrinkaRum View Post
        This means, more than likely, Jesus will return as a Christian and therefore will either be white or black or hispanic. Not Jewish
        But he retains his previous "earth form" then he would still be "Arabic" (for lack of a better description), and there *are* Arabic Christians. Just not very many because that kind of thing tends to get you blown up over there.

        Besides, don't all the Jews get taken up in the Rapture as well? Or...something like that? It's been a while since I've read up on that, but I'm pretty sure that "God's chosen people" don't get left behind.


        • #34
          I'm honestly unclear... which is why I take most written and spoken accounts with a grain of salt. Every group seems to be THE CHOSEN ONES. "Come along... You belong..." (big points if you can add to that quote - I figure Hyena will get it for sure)

          Assuming for the sake of conversation that Jesus IS coming back once and for all, and that there will be an "antichrist", I would assume that the antichrist would do the big miracles like getting you a car, or a big house, or something... "You ain't got no money, he'll get you some. You ain't got no car, he'll get you one. He'll reach deep into the hole, heal your shrinkin' soul..." etc. etc. (where my set of chimes? I need it) I figure if Jesus came back, He'd pal around in the sluns, preach to the street people whose rough life has convinced them that God forgot about them, help the crippled... The serious but subtle miracles. The caring stuff the wealthy televangelists don't seem to do much of, the "God loves everyone" creed. He'll show His divine nature more by example than by big, shining, special-effects-laden stuff. Yes, I think He'd do miracles, but not the big blowsy stuff we usually think of.


          • #35
            Ironically, this is how the False Prophet/"Antichrist" is suppose to appear. >.>
            The word Antichrist only appears once in the Bible, and there it appears as the plural. This whole Antichrist paranoia has nothing to do with what's written in the bible.
            "Nam castum esse decet pium poetam
            ipsum, versiculos nihil necessest"


            • #36
              I was talking to my mom about this and her question was

              "What if it doesn't happen and the next day there is a birthday or anniversary? Do you just tell the person 'Sorry but I thought the world was going to end yesterday so I didn't get you anything.'?"

              When I told her that some people believe that the end of the world is May 21,2011 her comment was "I can't wait for spring"

              My mom doesn't really believe in the end of world/doomsday attitude. I think this is because she has dealt with a few of them before. Between all of the "Calculations" (I use the term loosely), "predictions" (another term used loosely), and calenders there is a lot of disbelief. Even if there was a really day that God would destroy the and it was found out it get buried under the hype and disbelief of everything else.

              Also the date December 21, 2010 might be wrong too.
              "Human history becomes more and more a race between education and catastrophe" -H. G. Wells

              "Nature, to be commanded, must be obeyed" -Sir Francis Bacon


              • #37
                My mom doesn't believe that May 21, 2011 will be Rapture.

                And that's about all she said.


                • #38
                  How much you wanna bet people will tie in all these animal deaths* with "end of the world" prophesies?

                  Personaly, I don't believe any of these predictions, and hope no one goes crazy because of them....remember the Hale-Bobb comet?

                  *last ones I heard about were fish in Maryland and crabs in the UK....crazy.


                  • #39
                    What DOES the Bible say about the Rapture, anyway? I see the "Come the Rapture, can I have your car?" bumper stickers, and it's spoken of as though, if/when it happens, people will just *blink* vanish, appearing somewhere else (in Heaven? At Judgment?), though it never seems to be stated what is imagined will occur with those remaining here. I've seen bits and pieces about the "Left Behind" books and I assume the idea is that believers will ascent to Judgment while nonbelievers stay here.

                    Yeah, I'm Christian and I don't know the Bible well at all... I only decided to convert about 2002, and I don't really own a Bible; my parents have the old family one, which I'd be a bit afraid to crack open and handle. I've browsed through a few Gideon Bibles in hotel rooms, but I usually just found the text confusing to try to 'follow', even if I do understand the sort of speech used. It feel a bit like opening the paper on any given day and saying, "I'm going to begin reading..." <insert one> Apartment 3G, Prince Valiant, Alley Oop, etc. and trying to pick up from a mid-point. Though starting at the beginning of any chapter seems equally confusing. *shrug* Maybe I'm just a bit dense. It's a possibility.
                    Last edited by Skunkle; 01-06-2011, 06:06 PM.


                    • #40
                      "According to my source, the end of the world will be on February 14th in the year 2016."
                      "Valentine's Day. Bummer."

                      I remember those "Rapture" posters all over the place. Wasn't there also supposed to be one in 1996?
                      "Any state, any entity, any ideology which fails to recognize the worth, the dignity, the rights of Man...that state is obsolete."


                      • #41
                        Originally posted by Dreamstalker View Post
                        "According to my source, the end of the world will be on February 14th in the year 2016."
                        "Valentine's Day. Bummer."
                        So your alien had a room at the Holiday Inn, Paramus.
                        "The future is always born in pain... If we are wise what is born of that pain matures into the promise of a better world." --G'Kar, "Babylon 5"


                        • #42
                          Hmmm.... we know that nobody knows the day.... seems, then, the thing to do would be to get as many people as possible to name when they think it will be to narrow things down, because it *won't* be on any of those days
                          "My in-laws are country people and at night you can hear their distinctive howl."


                          • #43
                            Originally posted by Skunkle View Post
                            "Come along... You belong..." (big points if you can add to that quote - I figure Hyena will get it for sure)
                            Feel the fizz of Coocoo Cola!

                            I remember that like it was yesterday.


                            • #44
                              Originally posted by Hyena Dandy View Post
                              The word Antichrist only appears once in the Bible, and there it appears as the plural. This whole Antichrist paranoia has nothing to do with what's written in the bible.
                              Hence the quotation marks, and its mentioned more than once, just not as a title. The False Prophet / Beast on the other hand is mentioned extensively in the crack trip section, but those are less well known than OMFG ANTICHRIST, hence I mention it. -.-


                              • #45
                                Lachrymose got it. Cults aren't just confined to wacky nether-religions - there's plenty of Christian cultism out there, too, big and small. Any faith tells me "amass all the wealth you can" OR "give all your wealth to the leader" and I'm on guard.

                                What signs are said to point to the False Prophet? I still say most of the people calling Obama the antichrist are, deep down inside, only frightened because he's black. And we all know those blacks will beat you six ways from Sunday and steal yo shit *roll eyes* I really do think that's what a fair number of the anti-Obama factions are afraid of - that he's "like all the blacks" (they mean "gangstas"). The 'redistribution of wealth' crap, I think, cemented the idea that, OMG, he's trying to take away all my wealth and give it to the moochers!!

                                ...not that I actually believe that, which I don't, but would it really destroy you to make 2.8billion this year instead of 2.9billion?

